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The following template relies heavily on Corrade's "inventory" command in order to dynamically display the in-world inventory of a Corrade bot connected to a grid. Based on the jstree project, the items have context menus allowing to send items, download notecards and textures, get information on the various items and even move the items in the inventory by drag & drop!


The template assumes that libgd and the PHP gd extension is installed in order to be able to use the image functions.



As with other templates, the config.php.dist file has to be renamed to config.php and then edited accordingly.

The group configured in config.php will have to have the following permissions:

  • inventory

enabled in order to work.

The template relies heavily on javascript such that a modern browser should be used.


secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/projects/external_services/inventory_browser.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:45 by

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