
Wizardry and Steamworks collects knowledge from many sources in order to complete various projects. Ironically, the cartoon strip was not created by us but rather assembled from the works of four authors! We give credit where we can or are made aware of the author. It may happen that some contributions include work from people that do not wish to share their intellectual property with us. Whether that involves GDPR claims, DMCA requests or just individuals that do not want to be involved with us, we can be reached via our contact page and a resolution will be met promptly.


Some meme derviatives.

Original Meme

You made this, I made this!

Continuation of the Story

You made this, I made this and the rest of the story.

Continuation of the Story - Mob Justice Variation (Ghetto Style)

You made this, I made this and the rest of the story (Ghettoized).

Past Compliance

Please see the compliance page for past issues regarding copyrighted material as well as non-compliance page for other cases.


Generally speaking, Wizardry and Steamworks prefers to find their own solutions to problems such that plagiarizing other people's work comes as no satisfaction to our intellectual endeavors and we are very happy to remove contributions that hinge on content that is not made by us. Furthermore, Wizardry and Steamworks is self-funded such that stealing other people's works could not even benefit us financially.


This page was last updated 5th of May 2023.

wiki/copyright.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/08/11 16:15 by office

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