Estate Lists

27 September 2020

  • C10 - added.
estatelist (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, entity, estate, count, list''
DescriptionReturns an estate list after an estate list was requested by the getestatelist command.
Last ChangesC10 - added.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
entity The type of the list (user, manager. group, ban).
estate The estate identifier.
count The total number of results.
list The list members by UUID.


  • Whenever the getestatelist command is issued, the estatelist notification will trigger and the data will be delivered to any script binding to the estatelist notification.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/notifications/estatelist.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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