Get Estate Lists (Bans, Groups, Managers, Users)

4 February 2015

  • Release 7.62 - The timeout parameter has been removed.
getestatelist (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe getestatelist command retrieves the bans, allowed groups, managers and allowed users of the current estate.
Parametersgroup, password, type
Last ChangesRelease 7.62 - The timeout parameter has been removed.

The getestatelist command retrieves the bans, allowed groups, managers and allowed users of the current estate.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
getestatelist group, password, type land
            // Get the ban list for the current estate.
            "command", "getestatelist",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "type", "ban",
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)
Parameter Possible Values Description
type ban Retrieves the ban-list for the current estate.
group Retrieves the allowed-groups list for the current estate.
manager Retrieves the estate managers for the current estate.
user Retrieves the allowed-users list for the current estate.


  • In order to retrieve extended information on the state ban list such as the avatar adding the ban or the date when the ban was added, please use the getestatebanlist command.
  • This command attempts to linearize an asynchronous delivery of data and may provide incomplete results.
    • In order to retrieve full results, bind to the estatelist notification, then issue the estatelist command while disregarding the output from the estatelist command and complete results will be delivered via the estatelist notification to the bound URL.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/commands/getestatelist.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:45 by

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