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This template allows you to expose an in-world group chat on a website as well as send message from the website to the in-world group. When performing the latter operation, Corrade acts as a relay for the message.


For this template, the group to log chat for must be configured in Corrade.ini to allow group notifications. This can be done by editing Corrade.ini, locating the group you want to enable notifications for and setting config→client→groups→group [configured group]→notifications→group to true.


Communication Overview


Open the PHP file and change the settings appropriately in the configuration section. After that, run the installGroup.php script on the command-line:

php installGroup.php

and, if all the settings are correct, you should see the message Group chat notification installed!.

Finally, access the HTML file in a browser, and, given a successful set-up, you should see a text box to type a message.

Further Work

The template stores the group chat log to a file - since it is configured to only store the last 10 lines, which should be sufficient for a shout-box / chatterbox. However, it is possible to store larger amounts of chat lines by either increasing the $CHAT_LINES variable in storeGroupMessage.php or by modifying the scripts to use a database.
