
C10 - initial

random (Sifts)
TypeCorrade progressive sift
Parametersan integer representing a seed
DescriptionThe random sift will select a random element from the CSV list.
Last ChangesNone

The random sift will select a random element from the CSV list.


Position Type Description Example
0 an integer a seed to use for the selection of a random element from the list 67


The following sift, when added to a command, will delete the first two items of the CSV list and then rotate the resulting list twice to the left.

"sift", wasListToCSV([
        "random", 67

Effect on Returned Data

Given the input:


then a random item will be selected and the expected output may be:


secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/sifts/random.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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