
permission (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, region, item, task, permissions
DescriptionScripts asking Corrade for permissions.
Commandsgetscriptpermissionrequests, replytoscriptpermissionrequest
Last ChangesNone.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
region The name of the region from which the script permission originated from.
item The UUID of the item requesting permission.
task The task (script) UUID of the item requesting permission.
owner The UUID of the avatar owning the task that sent the permission request.
lastname The last name of the avatar owning the task that sent the permission request.
firstname The first name of the avatar owning the task that sent the permission request.
ID An UUID representing the internal script permission request.
permissions A CSV list of requested permissions.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/notifications/permission.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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