
29 April 2015

  • Release 7.114 - split the radar notification into avatars and primitives notifications.
avatars (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, id, entity, position, rotation, action,
StructureAvatarUpdateEventArgs for action=appear and KillObjectEventArgs for action=vanish
DescriptionAvatars appearing and disappearing in Corrade's range.
Last ChangesRelease 7.114 - split the radar notification into avatars and primitives notifications.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
id The UUID of the avatar.
entity The type of update, can be one of the PCode enumeration fields.
position The avatar's position.
rotation The avatar's rotation.
action Either appear in case the avatar appeared in-range or vanish in case the avatar disappeared from Corrade's range.


secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/notifications/avatars.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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