Corrade returns a numeric unique status code in case a command has failed that can indicate to scripts more detail on what has failed. Every status code corresponds to a description and the description can be fetched using the getstatus
command. In the unlikely case that one of the error messages will be removed removed in the future, the status code will not be used again.
Error | Number |
None | 0 |
CouldNotJoinGroup | 35392 |
CouldNotLeaveGroup | 20900 |
AgentNotFound | 57961 |
GroupNotFound | 28002 |
AlreadyInGroup | 15345 |
NotInGroup | 11502 |
RoleNotFound | 32472 |
CommandNotFound | 08653 |
CouldNotEjectAgent | 14634 |
NoGroupPowerForCommand | 30473 |
CannotEjectOwners | 27605 |
InventoryItemNotFound | 25984 |
InvalidAmount | 10817 |
InsufficientFunds | 02169 |
InvalidPayTarget | 47624 |
TeleportFailed | 32164 |
PrimitiveNotFound | 22693 |
CouldNotSit | 28613 |
NoCorradePermissions | 48467 |
CouldNotCreateGroup | 54214 |
CouldNotCreateRole | 11287 |
NoRoleNameSpecified | 12758 |
TimeoutGettingGroupRolesMembers | 34084 |
TimeoutGettingGroupRoles | 11050 |
TimeoutGettingRolePowers | 39016 |
CouldNotFindParcel | 64390 |
UnableToSetHome | 17019 |
UnableToGoHome | 31493 |
TimeoutGettingProfile | 32923 |
TypeCanBeVoiceOrText | 36068 |
AgentNotInGroup | 19862 |
EmptyAttachments | 29345 |
EmptyPickName | 48899 |
UnableToJoinGroupChat | 22733 |
InvalidPosition | 59524 |
CouldNotFindTitle | 02707 |
FlyActionStartOrStop | 43713 |
InvalidProposalText | 64868 |
InvalidProposalQuorum | 03098 |
InvalidProposalMajority | 41810 |
InvalidProposalDuration | 07628 |
InvalidMuteTarget | 64123 |
UnknownAction | 59526 |
NoDatabaseFileConfigured | 28087 |
CannotRemoveOwnerRole | 01253 |
CannotRemoveUserFromOwnerRole | 47808 |
TimeoutGettingPicks | 47469 |
MaximumNumberOfRolesExceeded | 41256 |
CannotDeleteAGroupMemberFromTheEveryoneRole | 40908 |
GroupMembersAreByDefaultInTheEveryoneRole | 00458 |
CannotDeleteTheEveryoneRole | 33413 |
InvalidURLProvided | 65303 |
InvalidNotificationTypes | 65327 |
NotificationNotAllowed | 49640 |
UnknownDirectorySearchType | 44447 |
NoSearchTextProvided | 65101 |
UnknownRestartAction | 14337 |
UnknownMoveAction | 28429 |
TimeoutGettingTopScripts | 20541 |
TimeoutGettingTopColliders | 47172 |
UnknownTopType | 41676 |
UnknownEstateListAction | 25897 |
UnknownEstateList | 46990 |
NoItemSpecified | 43156 |
UnknownAnimationAction | 09348 |
NoChannelSpecified | 42216 |
NoButtonIndexSpecified | 31049 |
NoLabelOrIndexSpecified | 38931 |
NoLandRights | 19059 |
UnknownEntity | 61113 |
UnknownType | 39359 |
InvalidRotation | 58183 |
CouldNotSetScriptState | 45364 |
ItemIsNotAScript | 50218 |
FailedToGetDisplayName | 49722 |
NoNameProvided | 40665 |
CouldNotSetDisplayName | 35198 |
TimeoutJoiningGroup | 63713 |
TimeoutCreatingGroup | 32404 |
TimeoutEjectingAgent | 00616 |
TimeoutGettingGroupRoleMembers | 25426 |
TimeoutLeavingGroup | 31237 |
TimeoutDuringTeleport | 43780 |
TimeoutRequestingSit | 46316 |
TimeoutGettingLandUsers | 09111 |
TimeoutGettingScriptState | 23364 |
TimeoutUpdatingMuteList | 26393 |
TimeoutGettingParcels | 32362 |
EmptyClassifiedName | 46942 |
InvalidPrice | 38184 |
TimeoutGettingClassifieds | 59103 |
CouldNotFindClassified | 08241 |
InvalidDays | 53947 |
InvalidInterval | 18490 |
TimeoutGettingGroupAccountSummary | 53829 |
FriendNotFound | 30207 |
AgentAlreadyFriend | 32366 |
FriendshipOfferNotFound | 04797 |
FriendDoesNotAllowMapping | 65003 |
TimeoutMappingFriend | 10691 |
FriendOffline | 23309 |
TimeoutGettingRegion | 34964 |
RegionNotFound | 35447 |
NoMapItemsFound | 00337 |
NoDescriptionProvided | 53549 |
NoFolderSpecified | 43982 |
EmptyWearables | 29512 |
ParcelNotForSale | 35316 |
UnknownAccessListType | 42051 |
NoTaskSpecified | 29438 |
TimeoutGettingGroupMembers | 37470 |
GroupNotOpen | 24939 |
TimeoutDownloadingTerrain | 30384 |
TimeoutUploadingTerrain | 57005 |
EmptyAssetData | 16667 |
NoEquipableItems | 34749 |
InventoryOfferNotFound | 42249 |
NoSessionSpecified | 23805 |
FolderNotFound | 61018 |
TimeoutCreatingItem | 37211 |
TimeoutUploadingItem | 09541 |
UnableToUploadItem | 36684 |
UnableToCreateItem | 05034 |
TimeoutUploadingItemData | 44397 |
UnableToUploadItemData | 12320 |
UnknownDirection | 55979 |
TimeoutRequestingToSetHome | 22576 |
TimeoutTransferringAsset | 07255 |
AssetUploadFailed | 60269 |
FailedToDownloadAsset | 57085 |
UnknownAssetType | 60025 |
InvalidAssetData | 59048 |
UnknownWearableType | 32709 |
UnknownInventoryType | 06097 |
CouldNotCompileRegularExpression | 64698 |
NoPatternProvided | 18680 |
NoExecutableFileProvided | 11910 |
TimeoutWaitingForExecution | 31381 |
GroupInviteNotFound | 04541 |
UnableToObtainMoneyBalance | 38125 |
TimeoutGettingAvatarData | 20048 |
TimeoutRetrievingEstateList | 13712 |
DestinationTooClose | 37559 |
TimeoutGettingGroupTitles | 11229 |
NoMessageProvided | 47101 |
UnknownEffect | 54456 |
NoEffectUUIDProvided | 48775 |
EffectNotFound | 38858 |
InvalidViewerEffect | 16572 |
AmbiguousPath | 19011 |
PathNotFound | 53066 |
UnexpectedItemInPath | 13857 |
NoPathProvided | 59282 |
UnableToCreateFolder | 26623 |
NoPermissionsProvided | 28866 |
SettingPermissionsFailed | 43615 |
ExpectedItemAsSource | 39391 |
ExpectedFolderAsTarget | 22655 |
UnableToLoadConfiguration | 63024 |
UnableToSaveConfiguration | 33564 |
InvalidXMLPath | 20901 |
NoDataProvided | 03638 |
UnknownImageFormatRequested | 42903 |
UnknownImageFormatProvided | 02380 |
UnableToDecodeAssetData | 04994 |
UnableToConvertToRequestedFormat | 61067 |
CouldNotStartProcess | 08411 |
ObjectNotFound | 22737 |
CouldNotMeshmerizeObject | 19143 |
CouldNotGetPrimitiveProperties | 37841 |
AvatarNotInRange | 54854 |
InvalidScale | 03475 |
CouldNotGetCurrentGroups | 30129 |
MaximumNumberOfGroupsReached | 39613 |
UnknownSyntaxType | 43003 |
TooManyCharactersForGroupName | 13053 |
TooManyCharactersForGroupTitle | 19325 |
TooManyCharactersForGroupRoleDescription | 31417 |
TooManyCharactersForNoticeMessage | 26178 |
NotecardMessageBodyTooLarge | 35277 |
TooManyOrTooFewCharactersForDisplayName | 47571 |
NameTooLarge | 30293 |
PositionWouldExceedMaximumRezAltitude | 60515 |
DescriptionTooLarge | 43683 |
ScaleWouldExceedBuildingConstraints | 54154 |
AttachmentsWouldExceedMaximumAttachmentLimit | 29745 |
TooManyOrTooFewCharactersInMessage | 52299 |
MaximumBanListLengthReached | 50593 |
MaximumGroupListLengthReached | 09935 |
MaximumUserListLengthReached | 42536 |
MaximumManagerListLengthReached | 28625 |
AutoReturnTimeOutsideLimitRange | 28126 |
SecondLifeTextTooLarge | 56379 |
FirstLifeTextTooLarge | 09924 |
MaximumAmountOfPicksReached | 50405 |
DescriptionWouldExceedMaximumSize | 17894 |
MaximumAmountOfClassifiedsReached | 28247 |
TimeoutChangingLinks | 38609 |
LinkWouldExceedMaximumLinkLimit | 45074 |
InvalidNumberOfItemsSpecified | 40773 |
TimeoutRequestingPrice | 52751 |
PrimitiveNotForSale | 01536 |
TeleportThrottled | 36123 |
DialogButtonNotFound | 06617 |
UnknownTreeType | 08842 |
InvalidTextureCoordinates | 62130 |
InvalidSurfaceCoordinates | 10945 |
InvalidNormalVector | 28487 |
InvalidBinormalVector | 13296 |
PrimitivesNotInSameRegion | 44554 |
InvalidFaceSpecified | 38798 |
InvalidStatusSupplied | 61473 |
StatusNotFound | 13764 |
NoDescriptionForStatus | 30556 |
UnknownGrassType | 64368 |
UnknownMaterialType | 53274 |
CouldNotRetrieveObjectMedia | 18463 |
NoAvatarsToBanOrUnban | 02193 |
CouldNotRetrieveGroupBanList | 45568 |
TimeoutRetrievingGroupBanList | 15719 |
TimeoutModifyingGroupBanList | 26749 |
MuteEntryNotFound | 26715 |
NoNameOrUUIDProvided | 51086 |
CouldNotRetrieveMuteList | 16450 |
MuteEntryAlreadyExists | 39647 |
TimeoutReachingDestination | 39787 |
GroupSchedulesExceeded | 10776 |
NoIndexProvided | 36896 |
NoScheduleFound | 56094 |
UnknownDateTimeStamp | 41612 |
NoPermissionsForItem | 07457 |
TimeoutRetrievingEstateCovenant | 10374 |
NoTerraformActionSpecified | 56901 |
NoTerraformBrushSpecified | 41211 |
InvalidHeight | 63486 |
InvalidWidth | 20547 |
InvalidTerraformAction | 28891 |
InvalidTerraformBrush | 41190 |
CouldNotTerraform | 58619 |
TimeoutWaitingForDisplayName | 38289 |
ScriptPermissionRequestNotFound | 51050 |
TeleportLureNotFound | 60073 |
UnableToSaveCorradeConfiguration | 42248 |
TimeoutRetrievingGroupNotices | 26356 |
TimeoutRetrievingNotice | 42798 |
NoNoticeFound | 06330 |
NoticeDoesNotContainAttachment | 20303 |
FailedToReadLogFile | 10522 |
EffectUUIDBelongsToDifferentEffect | 62646 |
InvalidAngleProvided | 45173 |
CouldNotGetParcelInfo | 32453 |
NoTargetSpecified | 02188 |
NoTypeProvided | 47350 |
UnknownSift | 64450 |
InvalidFeedProvided | 28353 |
AlreadySubscribedToFeed | 34869 |
NoConsumerKeyProvided | 32157 |
NoConsumerSecretProvided | 40762 |
NoAccessTokenProvided | 13399 |
NoAccessTokenSecretProvided | 55091 |
MessageTooLong | 55051 |
CouldNotPOSTTweet | 18672 |
UnableToRetrieveTransactions | 25119 |
UnableToAuthenticate | 54668 |
NoTransactionsFound | 40491 |
NoSecretProvided | 41007 |
InvalidDate | 21833 |
UnableToReachEventsPage | 33381 |
UnableToAgreeToTos | 54450 |
UnableToGetEventIdentifier | 44059 |
NoTimeProvided | 63915 |
NoDurationProvided | 57196 |
NoDateProvided | 63597 |
NoCategoryProvided | 25003 |
NoLocationProvided | 21718 |
UnableToDeleteEvent | 23926 |
NoEventIdentifierProvided | 08339 |
UnableToRetrieveFormParameters | 33994 |
TooManyCharactersForEventDescription | 53494 |
NameMayNotContainHtml | 58751 |
DescriptionMayNotContainHtml | 54528 |
EventPostingRejected | 21743 |
UnableToRevokeProposal | 43671 |
UnableToRejectProposal | 50003 |
UnableToReachPartnershipPage | 56345 |
UnableToPOSTProposal | 00303 |
UnableToAcceptProposal | 61983 |
TooManyCharactersForProposalMessage | 31126 |
ProposalRejected | 34379 |
ProposalAlreadySent | 43767 |
NoProposalToReject | 22119 |
MessageMayNotContainHtml | 21106 |
NoPartnerFound | 46612 |
UnableToPOSTDivorce | 41257 |
UnableToDivorce | 58870 |
AgentHasBeenBanned | 31267 |
NoEstatePowersForCommand | 16927 |
UnableToWriteFile | 21160 |
UnableToReadFile | 38278 |
UnableToRetrieveData | 19343 |
UnableToProcessData | 18737 |
FailedRezzingRootPrimitive | 33047 |
FailedRezzingChildPrimitive | 25329 |
CouldNotReadXMLFile | 29530 |
SIMLNotEnabled | 40901 |
NoAvatarsFound | 14989 |
TimeoutStartingConference | 42351 |
UnableToStartConference | 41969 |
SessionNotFound | 43898 |
ConferenceMemberNotFound | 22786 |
CouldNotSendMessage | 46804 |
UnknownMuteType | 55110 |
BanWouldExceedMaximumBanListLength | 13491 |
AgentIsSoftBanned | 32528 |
PrimitivesAlreadyLinked | 05762 |
PrimitivesAreChildrenOfObject | 64420 |
PrimitivesAlreadyDelinked | 10348 |
NoPositionProvided | 23932 |
UnknownSoundFormatRequested | 01382 |
TimeoutGettingFolderContents | 64423 |
TransferWouldExceedMaximumCount | 15964 |
InvalidItemType | 36616 |
NoSourceSpecified | 38945 |
ClassifiedNotFound | 23716 |
PickNotFound | 49113 |
TimeoutGettingProfileClassified | 22970 |
TimeoutGettingProfilePick | 07168 |
CouldNotRetrievePick | 11979 |
CouldNotRetrieveClassified | 25420 |
InvalidWorkersProvided | 61317 |
InvalidSchedulesProvided | 23570 |
GroupNotConfigured | 09703 |
NoDatabasePathProvided | 31868 |
NoChatlogPathProvided | 13030 |
GroupAlreadyConfigured | 42140 |
EjectNeedsDemote | 15517 |
NoDialogSpecified | 01488 |
NoMatchingDialogFound | 55394 |
UnableToSerializePrimitive | 64179 |
PlatformNotSupported | 58212 |
InvalidAsset | 16233 |
NucleusServerError | 23123 |
TimeoutWaitingForSensor | 23114 |
CouldNotSetAgentAccess | 39921 |
UnknownAgentAccess | 29947 |
UnknownLanguage | 61492 |
InvalidSecretProvided | 38624 |
CouldNotGetParcelResources | 58478 |
CouldNotGetLandResources | 62531 |
TimeoutGettingParcelList | 27910 |
TimeoutResolvingGroup | 62238 |
CouldNotUpdateParcelList | 53059 |
NoHistoryFound | 48110 |
NoServerProvided | 36675 |
InvalidVersionProvided | 02021 |
TimeoutRetrievingEstateInfo | 54956 |
ScriptCompilationFailed | 38271 |
UnknownUpdateType | 01458 |
InvalidPermissions | 38504 |
TimeoutRezzingPrimitive | 41574 |
NoPeersMatchingContext | 54084 |
ExecutionReturnedNoResult | 32355 |
GroupSynchronizationFailed | 12408 |
UnknownHordeBalancer | 44537 |
NoFlagsProvided | 33717 |
GeneralError | 07703 |
CouldNotGetCurrentOutfitFolder | 60427 |
CouldNotRebake | 62753 |
NoAvatarsProvided | 02087 |
TooManyCharactersForNoticeSubject | 20822 |
NoNoticeProvided | 33821 |
UnableToPostEvent | 01691 |
NoTitleProvided | 65241 |
DefaultFolderNotFound | 58493 |
TimeoutReceivngSIMLResponse | 46858 |
NoSIMLResponseReceived | 07140 |
InvalidOffset | 36121 |
InvalidGrabPosition | 02432 |
CouldNotRetrieveAttachments | 16263 |
CouldNotRetrieveWearables | 33714 |
TextTooLong | 00048 |
NoHostProvided | 08846 |
NoTopicProvided | 21296 |
MQTTPublishFailed | 55755 |
NoPermissionsForParcel | 50203 |
NoRolesProvided | 41448 |
SearchThrottled | 23250 |
NoPageProvided | 63030 |
MustBeOwnerOfObject | 21438 |
NoParcelUUIDProvided | 23776 |
CouldNotGetParcelDwell | 12689 |
NoOffsetProvided | 48098 |
TimeoutGettingAgentPreferences | 12844 |
LoggingDisabled | 01144 |
CouldNotRetrieveGroupLandInfoData | 4980 |
UnknownFormatRequested | 59161 |
TimeoutRequestingEventInfo | 21327 |
InvalidTexture | 23850 |
NoNamespaceProvided | 48537 |
CapabilityNotAvailable | 25988 |
CouldNotDeleteInventoryItem | 38471 |
NoSubjectProvided | 47418 |
NoGroupsProvided | 19434 |
TaskInventoryCouldNotBeRetrieved | 63906 |