Return Primitives

7 June 2015

  • Release 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.
returnprimitives (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe returnprimitives can return the primitives of an avatar on a parcel, an entire region or an entire estate depending on the entity parameter and the position sub-parameter.
Parametersgroup, password, firstname, lastname (or agent by UUID), entity, type
Last ChangesRelease 8.22 - added the optional region parameter.

The returnprimitives can return the primitives of an avatar on a parcel, an entire region or an entire estate depending on the entity parameter and the position sub-parameter.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Required Group Abilities Example
returnprimitives group, password, firstname, lastname (or agent by UUID), entity, type land When Corrade is not an estate manager:
* For returning other primitives: Parcel Content→Return non-group objects
* For returning group objects: Parcel Content→Return objects set to group
* For returning objects owned by group: Parcel Content→Return objects owned by group
            // return Jolly Roger's primitives
            // on the current region
            "command", "returnprimitives",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // or "agent", "69ce412b-dffc-436d-86ff-d788bfa66d9d"
            "firstname", "Jolly",
            "lastname", "Roger",
            "entity", "parcel",
            "type", "other",
            "callback", wasURLEscape(URL)
Parameter Possible Value Sub-Parameter Sub-Parameter Value Optional Sub-Parameter Possible Values Description
entity parcel type Owner position vector A vector within the bounds of a parcel that Corrade should return the primitives from. If no position parameter is supplied, Corrade returns the primitives from the entire region.
estate ReturnScripted all true If all is set to true, then Corrade returns the objects from all the estates. If all is not supplied (or supplied as false), Corrade returns the objects only from the current estate.
ReturnOnOthersLand false
Optional Parameter Possible Values Description
region A string representing a region name. Attempt to perform the command on the specified region. Note that Corrade must be connected to that region. If in doubt, please use the getconnectedregions command to determine whether the region you want to specify is currently connected.


  • In case Corrade has estate manager rights, then no checks are performed since estate mangers have full permission for returning any item on all parcels.
  • The position parameter is a point-vector that, when projected onto the region, should describe a parcel; the $z$ component of the position vector is thus ignored.
  • In case the position parameter is supplied and type is set to Owner, Group or Other, then Corrade will attempt to return primitives only from within the parcel that the position vector refers to.
  • When the type is set to any of Owner, Group or Other, Corrade will return return all objects for all parcels that Corrade is either the owner of the parcel or the parcel is group owned by the group issuing the command. This applies to either all parcels in case the position parameter is omitted or a single parcel described by the position parameter.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/commands/returnprimitives.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/27 10:10 by office

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