Batch Update a Primitive's Inventory

31 July 2019

  • C10 - added the selection optional parameter.

13 January 2019

  • C10 - added.
batchupdateprimitiveinventory (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe batchupdateprimitiveinventory command can add or remove items in batches from a primitive's inventory.
Parametersgroup, password, item, entity, action
Last ChangesC10 - added.

The batchupdateprimitiveinventory command can add or remove items in batches from a primitive's inventory.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
batchupdateprimitiveinventory group, password, item, entity, action interact
            // Add two items from the bot's
            // inventory to a primitive named "Package".
            "command", "batchupdateprimitiveinventory",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            // Or UUID...
            "item", "Package",
            "range", 5,
            "entity", wasURLEscape(
                        "/My Inventory/Animations/Fit",
            "action", "add"
Optional Parameter Possible Value Description
range A range in meters. The spherical distance from Corrade in which to locate the item.
selection attached, rezzed or all (default: all) Either attached, rezzed or all for selecting only primitives or objects attached to avatars, primitives or objects rezzed in-world or all primitives or objects respectively.
Parameter Possible Value Optional Parameter Description
action add Add a list of items to the primitive inventory.
remove Remove a list of items from the primitive.
take Remove a list of items from the primitive and place them in Corrade's inventory.
folder The path to a folder or the UUID of the folder to which Corrade should take the items to.

Depending on context, entity can be:

  • In the context of the add action, entity can be a list of paths to an inventory item or UUIDs representing items in the bot's inventory.
  • In the context of the remove and take action, entity can be a list of names or UUIDs representing items in the primitive's inventory.


secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/commands/batchupdateprimitiveinventory.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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