Batch Send Teleport Lure

30 April 2027

  • Release 9.163 - added.
batchlure (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe batchlure command sends multiple teleport lures to multiple avatars.
Parametersgroup, password, avatars
Last ChangesRelease 9.163 - added.

The batchlure command sends multiple teleport lures to multiple avatars.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
batchlure group, password, avatars movement
            "command", "batchlure",
            "group", wasURLEscape(GROUP),
            "password", wasURLEscape(PASSWORD),
            "avatars", wasListToCSV(
                    "Sleepy Resident"


  • This command is the plural form of the lure command that sends out a single lure.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/commands/batchlure.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:45 by

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