Yearly Season Folders with Plex

Using Absolute Series Scanner, YouTube Agent Bundle and yt-dlp a system can be created for automatically downloading videos from YouTube.

The following naming convention seems to work in making all the Absolute Series Scanner and YouTube-Agent sort YouTube videos by year using folders named after the year that the video has been released:

/Channel Name [Channel ID]/YYYYmmdd - Channel Name - Title [Video ID].webm

with a generated filesystem layout such as:

+-----+ Channel Name [Channel ID]
                  +----------------+ YYYYmmdd - Channel Name - Video Title [Video ID].webm
                  +----------------+ YYYYmmdd - Channel Name - Video Title [Video ID].webm

In yt-dlp terminology, the following string must be passed to the output parameter corresponding to the layout described above:

/%(uploader)s [%(channel_id)s]/%(upload_date>%Y%m%d)s - %(uploader)s - %(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s

Or, script-wise, the following script seems suitable to generate the required layout for every channel or playlist:

##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2024 - License: MIT            ##
# Acquire a lock.
if mkdir $LOCK_FILE 2>&1 >/dev/null; then
    trap '{ rm -rf $LOCK_FILE; }' KILL QUIT TERM EXIT INT HUP
    exit 0
FULL_PATH="/mnt/storage/YouTube/%(uploader)s [%(channel_id)s]/%(upload_date>%Y%m%d)s - %(uploader)s - %(title)s [%(id)s].%(ext)s"
mkdir -p /archives
yt-dlp \
        --output "${FULL_PATH}" \
        --replace-in-metadata "title" "[^\x20\x30-\x39\x40-\x5a\x61-\x7a\x2f\x5c\x5b\x5d]" "" \
        -S "height:480" \
        --username oauth2 --password '' \
        --continue \
        --download-archive "/archives/$0.txt" \
        --write-info-json \
        --write-subs \


  • YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_OR_CHANNEL_URL is a placeholder for the YouTube channel or playlist

The result is that when Plex Media Server is made to scan the folder using the plugins above, with the settings:

  • Select typeTV Shows,
  • AdvancedScannerAbsolute Series Scanner,
  • AdvancedAgentYouTubeSeries
  • AdvancedSeasonsShow

as pictured in the screenshot below:

Scanner and Agent Season Folders

then browsing the folder will result in all videos being organized underneath season folders labeled by year.

fuss/yt-dlp.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/23 03:08 by office

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