Here are some country-wide evaluations.
Romania is a country with a language that cannot conceptualize the abstract concept of "privacy". Historically speaking, the country has been a fest of civilian and state-espionage, mostly for the purpose of self-benefit and with little results to speak of, that has carried its habits well-past the fall of the Iron Curtain, with the inception of the "Sistemul Informatic Integrat" (S.I.I.), a data collection operation that collects blackmail material including highly arbitrary data that cannot be used for the purpose of combating terrorism in any way (car brands, sexual preferences, couple details, etc). Note that there is a permanent 24/7 paper mill of human rights trials taking place due to Romania still refusing to open up the archives of the Romanian communist Securitate, such that it should be obvious to the reader that "SII" is not just an incidental mishap and that Romania will just deny but proceed regardless. Desperate to slosh over communist crimes in order to keep the older guard and the oligarchy in place, Romania is willing to go all the way for whatever atrocity they are asked to commit (ie: the country was one of the incredibly few official countries to host C.I.A. black prisons).
Due to low I.Q. and frugal pursuits, Romania is perhaps one of the least technical countries in Europe, with crumbling technological infrastructure such that high technology generally would either be borrowed from international structures such as the E.U. or N.A.T.O. or would go unobserved and unnoticed. Generally speaking, the population meddled heavily with countries such as Italy and/or Spain, ending up in various pyramidal schemes and/or sequestered abroad, but with the general desire to gain enough leverage in order to flaunt status and wealth for the people that did not leave Romania. Romania heftily practices various schemes such as the Manchurian candidate mostly by leveraging the "democracy" trend and using free-travel in order to send relatives abroad, relatives that then return and tell their relatives from back home how the system works. After joining the European Union, Romanians flooded the United Kingdom with low-qualified work such as "taxi driver", "cleaning lady" or "au pair", mostly people that find themselves capable of getting close to arbitrary individuals due to the universal applicability of their profession. Another component is the use of the Roma population for carrying out shady tasks, sometimes even supported and/or sustained by the Romanian police in order to prevent the state from being blamed (ie: clandestine gangs organized with the full knowledge of the Romanian security apparatus). As cover, Romanians frequently appeal to innocence, being poor and/or ill, with the ill and the disabled already being used by various gangs for the purpose of extorting money from citizens by begging. For the purpose of repression of the citizenry, the Romanian state has managed to combine both legislative / judicial measures, spiritual measures via Orthodoxy that is a state religion acting mostly at the behest of the state and also clinical by inheriting "political psychiatry" from Soviet times. A hallmark of Romanian society is that all state powers are blended into one, and the major misunderstanding that seems to be lingering in the mind of international associations, is that Romania is either "not capable", "does not know how to", "lacks the people to" or even "lacks the funds to" generate an equitable society, but the reality of the matter is that the situation is the way it is due to well-aware political interests that deliberately want the powers to be intermixed. The general thought is that realigning with modern society would end up in a loss of power and perhaps restructuring of society, to Romania's interest, mostly power shuffles, that are not acceptable to the powers that already have a well established foothold in Romanian society. However, and for the purpose of this document, regardless whether you understand both sides or not, we advise caution in proceeding to mingle with Romanians, the points of view being highly polarizing with the state being too weak to be an impartial mediator or enforcer of ground rules, such that it is highly probably for the weary to end up in the crossfire even without having a political interest either way.
Due to this, and social and/or ethical idiosyncrasies, Romania has a huge ganging capability, low-to-none or enclave-sustained freedoms, very low enlightenment with the state both interested and meddling even in the sexual patterns of its population (via projects such as S.I.I.) as well as arranged trials and underhand agreements. Corruption lies rampant, affecting all departments of the state, with Romania continuously building structures on top of older structures due to being unable to resolve the issues within existing agencies. As an example, the head of police in Romania even at the time of writing is named into position, mostly political, and not selected based on a competition of accomplishments, which leads to weird ganging behavior within the police with shoddy rituals giving the sensitivity of cases and dealing with the mafia. Just like the medieval ages, Romania pays "tribute" to organizations, including non-governmental agencies (NGOs), in order to turn a blind eye to various transgressions, such that any traveling individual cannot count even on the very same control agencies that the individual might have known about in their country of origin, due to the local agencies within Romania being most likely corrupt. Even though most of its constituency has deep ties to Russia for obvious historical reasons, for the same reason Romania also oscillates between pleasing western powers, namely the U.S.A. and back to doing favors for Russia. For what it's worth, due to guarantees being granted by international organizations such as the E.U. or N.A.T.O. that are just applied in bulk, one should observe a degree of caution when relying on those guarantees in the sense that whilst some the organizations or institutions in the country of origin might exhibit a certain degree of composure, the same degree might not be observed in Romania, with the institutions being boosted by various forms of corruption and acting mostly unhinged, such that habits might not migrate well over the Romanian borders. It is true, for the most part, that some degree of scrutiny is applied with Romanians being typically cowardly and shy to upset powers higher than themselves, preferring mostly to "waggle downward", such that tourists might have a very thin guarantee to not be attacked, however that should not be relied upon because it is mostly contingent on status rather than being a result of a healthy society.
Romania has been deemed to have, what is called, a masonic application of legal matters, mostly relying on reciprocity as per Kant and the categorical imperative, however such claims have been evaluated and deemed to be false. As all things Romanian, the substance was removed and only the fragrance has been used, with the powers that claim as much, just using the Kantian dipole as an instrument of repression rather than a generator for a better society. As to conclude, Romanians, very fittingly in context, will use both legal and para-legal means of repression, thereby nullifying any justice, and will act with both branches out depending on whatever yields the largest returns and with little to no care about any principle, regardless of judicial context (state or mafia). Whilst it is always a guarantee of co-habitation in any framework with clearly defined rules, providing that their application is sound, unfortunately, Romanians just rig the game, such that their credibility, even publicly so, does not exist. As an example, the Romanian state frequently uses illicit means to collect material that is then used as "evidence" for example by using both espionage concomitantly with police work, such that the result ends up being, to borrow a word, cringe, due to the intermixing of intents and powers in most cases. The former frequently ends with some cult-like tragedies for meaningless purposes that make the Romania seem like a mob rather than a country, with the most notable examples being long-standing public figures that were already known to the public as being corrupt, but only very very late ending up in prison when most of the damage is already done. At the same time, the public is not impressed due to already knowing for a very long time that the person in question was corrupt and the person that ends up in jail definitely does not end up "rehabilitated", which, ultimately, is the meaning by definition for prison, making the spectacle look like some cringe-show without any helpful or meaningful results. On an internalized level and even though Romanians would gleefully invade other people's privacy, they are some of the most afraid people to have their own privacy invaded, which leads to schizoid-like behaviors, mass-instilled paranoia with unprovable "conspiracies" most of the time being preferred over any harsh reality. For example, telling a Romanian that Romania barely has any notable businesses to speak of and asking why they are then so much against businesses, will throw the Romanian in a deadlock due to the split and concomitant existing thought patterns, one of them foreign and instilled via propaganda along the lines of the West seeking to destroy them, and then other the real side that is truthful, namely that Romanian experience with privately owned businesses is moot. There are many indicators that would hint to the fact that Romania's entitlement is not well-aligned with its intent, even from the early stages; for example Romania is an exemplary shame-driven society, with the desire to have the entitlement of its people unapologetically hinging on some enlightened sense of morality, however even school syllabi fail to integrate basic matters of ethics, such as civic education being omitted with trivia such as the constitution itself and basic human rights not being explained to pupils, as we would wager, again, deliberately and intentionally, for the purposes of keeping the population weary and dumb. As it happens, very frequently during disputes, institutions such as the Romania police assume too much privilege that does not exist, but regrettably with the population being unaware of the extent of their rights, actions tend to take place that far outstretch state and/or police authority. Under these settings, it is understandable that Romania does not have my Miranda rights procedures, and regardless of the situation, due to various loopholes that Romania carefully laid out, you can be incarcerated without parole and without a conviction for up to 6 months, just on grounds of suspicion alone (essentially, the very maximum, bleeding-edge, admissible by the latest discussions on human rights). Obviously, given the meticulous arrangement of obfuscation, the last thing the state is going to do is tell people their rights as they are arrested.
Romanian society carries on with pathological Soviet beliefs and behavioral pattern, on the lines of "if we do not do it, then they will", the generalized hatred of businesses (from firms to corporations), the hatred of NGOs that are deemed to have various hidden interests, the general hatred of foreigners, complete ableist views with zero to no support provided for people with disabilities (with the structures that are even required to be built by law, being built mockingly, either too small, too steep, and just to be there), complete lack of procedure and general knowledge about justice - more than likely and inheritance from being able to swindle out of trials for communism as well as generalized racism. Note that as a very abstract and yet very apparent trait, Romania and Romanians deliberately tend to attack "individualism" in favor of "collectivism", with most of that, for the context at hand, being a means to muddy the waters in order to thwart off any accountability of responsibility. Whilst children in other parts are taught to be virtuous, in a Western sense, Romanian children frequently act as child soldiers by either speaking on demand or used to intercept individuals on the street; in other words, taught to do evil and lie, explicitly. Most of the former are underhandedly encouraged by various people in power structures, such as education, religion or by executive powers, yet kept tacitly under wraps in public. In case you are wondering, there is no free speech in Romania, and any view, whether congruent with state policy or against state policy becomes a matter of interest, making speech itself the enemy, rather than ideology, with various forms of repression actively deployed by the state. Another consequence of Sovietism and/or Stasi habits is that there is an implicit low value attributed to people and life in general, which leads to Romanians committing various illegal deeds even knowingly and, in the case of panic, committing suicide either literally, in case of the individuals involved or proverbially in case of state institutions.
As the general conclusion, Romania should be avoided at all costs, whether for pleasure or business, mainly due to their two-faced attitude, their capability to lie without even needing to compartmentalize as well as due to the combination of a primitive-and-backward society with modern capabilities obtained from allies under the guise of protecting the country from "terrorism". The threat is unexplainably large given the generalized low capabilities of Romanians and the international organizations that sustain instead of sanction them, such that even arbitrary individuals that have mediocre capabilities (ie, Youtube channel owner, some money or leverage, or even being good at a game, etc) might end up accosted by the Romanian state or gangs, in order to be groomed for various purposes. Note that due to weakness of the state, it is counter-indicated and practically demonstrated to be bad approach, to believe that any freedoms can be obtained by relying on the incompetence of Romania and Romanians in general - the general concern is that also due to their incompetence you cannot expect anything even remotely approaching a fair treatment, even if you were falsely issued explicit or implicit guarantees by international organizations specifically made for that purpose. Lastly, even though recent history would love to paint police-state stereotypical measures as being introduced due to world-wide emergencies, let it be known that, in fact, the contamination and pollution of the free world happened from Romania outwards, rather than in reverse, with Romania being some sort of side-casualty rather than an active contributor to the overall chaos (and knowingly so). An academic example for the latter is Romania crying wolf, by mentioning "anti-Romanian sentiments" as a prelude to claiming that the Western world is racist towards Romania, yet the the very act of thinking that way being just a borrowed weapon from the Western world itself and not to mention that Romanians as an ethnicity surpassed any other ethnicity in prisons of various key-countries in the European Union.
If your profile is so low that you do not understand this evaluation, then you might be safe till you progress, otherwise, you will more than likely become a person of interest.
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