Date of Attack on Sonya

When meeting Stan and Mitch, the puzzle to solve is to determine the date of the attack on Sonya.

The day and month is: 09/09.

Buried Treasure at Gas Station

At the gas station segment where you meet the hitchhiker and are forced to serve gasoline or the guy at the gas station calls the police, there is a little puzzle involving some hidden treasure. The first piece is collected in the shed; a drawing indicates some knocked over barrels next to a large tower antenna. Going to the barrels reveals a piece of paper that states to take 10 steps from the yellow sign to where nature has taken its rightful claim.

The treasure is hidden between a rusty car at the back of the gas station and the rectangular garbage container. At that location, a prompt shows up to Dig the soil.

(Binary) Choice: Save Teen, Save Fanny or Save Both


  • Save Fanny, escape but Max dies,
  • Save teen (Max), escape and both Max and Fanny live,
  • Save Fanny and teen (Max), you get arrested.

fuss/road_96.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/12/07 05:56 by office

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