HAM Radio Freedom

HAM radio at its inception was one step away from the telegraph and governments realized that HAM will now become the primary means of communication that can outspan state borders such that the invention alone required new policies to be established in order to ensure the sovereignty of the state. Unfortunately, at this time, HAM radio is perhaps the worst means of communication, even if encrypted, by contrast to cellular calls and/or Internet communications such that the protectionism generated by the invention of HAM radio (especially for low frequencies that are well known) is at this point largely redundant. Due to the extremely high entry requirements that are now obsolete (years or "training" just to transmit and receive over certain frequencies), there is little interest in the general population to even pick up such a hobby; lest at the dawn of authoritarianism sign-up with the government and thereby invite even further state regulation.

If one were to stand true to the HAM radio philosophy, in educating people on radio telecommunications, then one solution to prevent the death of the hobby would be to dismiss all entry requirements. In short, HAM licensing can be dismissed entirely, allowing any individual to transmit and receive provided that they respect the already existing rules of not interfering with other communications and to only use the proper bands and frequencies allocated to HAM radio operators. Breaking any regulation in effect shall, as it is now, be sanctioned as per the existing laws and to the extent of the intent of the HAM radio operator.

Furthermore, instead of obsoleting classes and other "benefits", such as signing up with HAM radio clubs, or registering with the government, such services can continue to be offered, and perhaps even enhanced in terms of quality, in exchange for the proper payment. It is believed that switching to paid classes, instead of compulsory, or monetizing various perks pertaining to the HAM radio scene, shall lead to a more competitive scene where knowledge would be valued more and will be encouraged by more than just being a legal obligation. In many ways, it is also believed that this change should avoid corruption, and level the playing field between jurisdictions, especially in the current-day situation where not all governments in different states are equally exigent regarding their own laws, and/or international laws; one of the problems is that two HAM radio operators from two different geopolitical areas have the exact same rights (at the same level), even if one of the HAM radio operator had to work more than the other that might have obtained their permit through corrupt means. Similarly, the suggested change would allow radio clubs to work their way out of the situation where they are just a compulsory crib, having to offer services whether they like it or not, for individuals that are just seeking the legal permission to operate a HAM radio but without really wanting, or being able to, meet in person. Such clubs could restructure, to become more advanced schools, with premium services, perks and all the amenities of a proper business, instead of a state-regulated society.

Preventing the Monopoly of Subsidies

If one were sincere about wanting to lift up developing states to standards, then instead of regulating the wealth of citizens, the federal subsidizes and funding for projects should be regulated (more strict) instead. The same sort of pitfalls have been observed by NGOs, such as Soros-funded philanthropic endeavors where money has been given out "for free" but many times with results so bad, that the financiers themselves are thought to have deliberate malefic intent. When money is given out, whether by philanthropists or federal centralization such as the European Community, the conditions are frequently loose enough for the people receiving the funds to be able to do with them as they please, including repurposing the funding via money laundering.

At the very least it is clear that subsidies should be meticulously tracked in order to ensure that the money handed out is actually used for the purpose that it has been petitioned for. Large-scale funding blocks given out under an all-encompassing title such as "for development" or, "for agriculture" and with low checks on returns, will just end up being swindled by the few that have the outspoken capability to reach closer to the funding source. Maybe even a shift to a market where beneficiaries, at the scale of states, could bid on solutions and those solutions could then be delivered to them externally, with the money being masked by the execution of the project or the delivery of the product, rather than leaving the distribution of the funds up to states that are known to have issues with corruption.

As an example, if some state decides that they want to build a highway connecting two landmarks, the state can appeal for help to a centralized organization such as the European Community, and, in turn, the European Community shall organize the construction (via bidding and proxies, internally) from start to end whilst also minding the appropriate standards that the highway has to built to and ensuring the proper monitoring such that the funds are used appropriately. As a counter-example, what shall not be done will be to dump an estimated sum of money onto the representatives of the member state and without checking at the end whether the project has been successful or if it adheres to the required European standards.

The consequence thereof would be more centralization, but one must observe that the current situation already is that subsidies are granted via centralization, such that further involvement would not necessarily affect other economic segments, yet hopefully just those that are being subsidized and with the process of picking the service being slid upward and closer to the financiers. Ultimately, the solution can be seen as a slider, where, it is the already existing "solution", yet with more control shifted up closer to the financiers and with the effect of skipping local governance that might be corrupt in order to prevent the loss of capital.

As an example, a subsidized road will be picked and executed as a result by a bid of a member state, and for the duration of the execution, that build will constitute a monopoly, yet the monopoly will just take place on the local market and only at the level of "road building" while also being only temporal till the work has been realized. The monopoly itself will only appear as a monopoly on the local market, because the financiers would implicitly be able to bid upward as well on the actual companies that will be tasked with creating the work.

A Change to Parenthood Laws

Women shall have the veto right to abort a baby within the legal terms but keeping the baby shall only be allowed with the consent of both the man and the woman.

The idea behind this is that no woman should be forced to be mother if she does not feel that she wants to be one and then the quality of life of a child hinges directly on the well-being of the parents such that both should agree; along the same lines, anchoring a baby for the purpose of extorting alimony shall be prevented implicitly by the very same law. Scaling taxes shall ensure that the law will not be broken and will provide arbitration if necessary. In principle, the law is conceived to prioritize the benefit of the child over that of the parents.

The Final Solution

Great holy armies shall be gathered and trained to fight all who embrace evil. In the name of the Gods, ships shall be built to carry our warriors out amongst the stars and we will spread Origin to all the unbelievers. The power of the Ori, will be felt far and wide and the wicked shall be vanquished." - Doci in season 9, episode Origin Parables

Ultimately given an increasing population and due to passing past the point of no-return where resources are consumed faster than the Earth can replenish (since the 1970s, see Earth Overshoot Day), either the human population is drastically reduced such that the consumption falls back behind the line or, alternatively, a large investment is made in space exploration with the hopes of finding the resources that humanity needs. The latter solution is entirely possible, NASA having such incentives embarrassingly on their own, for instance, the mining of the asteroid Psyche, such that a world-wide consortium that would invest in finding effective means to expand into space would not only greatly surpass NASA but will also generate more results given more resources. It is an understatement how much money governments make each year, just due to taxation alone, such that various contribution schemes could be implemented to fund space exploration. Compared to human knowledge, say, a century ago, Earth has been completely discovered, part and parcel and the planet can even be observed in real-time on websites like Bing or Google maps, such that there are not too many big mysteries to be uncovered, along with the reminder that planet Earth is finite. Resource shuffles such as the result of wars, considering that the resources are finite and guaranteed to run out in time, are both hilarious and when scaled in time, doomed to hopelessness. Either way you see it, especially considering time, there is no here, only out there.

fuss/politics/edicts.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/07/09 13:19 by office

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