Escapes the keys and values of a key-value data string and making them compliant with RFC3986.
In other words, wasKeyValueURIEscape
will percent-encode the keys and values whilst leaving the key-value separators untouched (=
, &
). This is useful in order to be able to send data without having to worry about collisions with reserved syntax elements.
When called with:
string data = "hello=world&good=day sir&life=good!"; wasKeyValueURIEscape($data);
the function will return the string:
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2014 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: CC BY 2.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// string wasKeyValueURIEscape(string data) { list i = llParseString2List(data, ["&", "="], []); list output = []; do { output += llEscapeURL(llList2String(i, 0)) + "=" + llEscapeURL(llList2String(i, 1)); i = llDeleteSubList(i, 0, 1); } while(llGetListLength(i) != 0); return llDumpList2String(output, "&"); }
########################################################################### ## Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2014 - License: CC BY 2.0 ## ########################################################################### function wasKeyValueURIEscape($data) { preg_match_all("/(.+?)=(.+?)(&|$)/", $data, $match); $data = array_combine($match[1], $match[2]); array_walk($data, function(&$value, $key) { $value = rawurlencode($key)."=".rawurlencode($value); } ); return implode('&', $data); }
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2014 - License: CC BY 2.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>RFC3986 URI Escapes a string</summary> /// <param name="data">a string to escape</param> /// <returns>an RFC3986 escaped string</returns> private static string wasUriEscapeDataString(string data) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); foreach (char c in data.Select(o => o)) { if (char.IsLetter(c) || char.IsDigit(c)) { result.Append(c); continue; } result.AppendFormat("%{0:X2}", (int) c); } return result.ToString(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) 2014 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: CC BY 2.0 // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary>Escapes a dictionary's keys and values for sending as POST data.</summary> /// <param name="data">A dictionary containing keys and values to be escaped</param> private static Dictionary<string, string> wasKeyValueURIEscape(Dictionary<string, string> data) { Dictionary<string, string> output = new Dictionary<string, string>(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> tuple in data) { output.Add(wasUriEscapeDataString(tuple.Key), wasUriEscapeDataString(tuple.Value)); } return output; }