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The following analysis attempts to override the earnings in the "Cash" application in Saints Row 2022 in order to create a money cheat. The beauty of leveraging the "Cash Transfer" in order to create a money cheat is that the game continuously increases the earnings such that no direct value injection is necessary.


With the game open, the "Cash" mobile application is opened using the phone key, the game is set to break mode using the "Advanced" Cheat Engine button and the currently displayed earnings are searched. The game can be taken out of break mode using the "Advanced" feature of Cheat Engine and the search repeated until a single address is found. Using the access monitor, access to the found address is watched for changes until the following changes are found:

89    7FF787826D10 - 8B 05 42943802  - mov eax,[7FF789BB0158]
1     7FF7879CD8D2 - 8B 3D 80281E02  - mov edi,[7FF789BB0158]
1     7FF7879CD91B - 89 3D 37281E02  - mov [7FF789BB0158],edi

as it turns out, every time the earnings are increased, the second and last instructions are executed while the first instruction seems to be executed even when the earnings are not increased.

Disassembling the code, the second instruction is explained by the comment:

SaintsRow.exe+B1D8D2 - 8B 3D 80281E02        - mov edi,[SaintsRow.exe+2D00158] { (1132510) }

It seems that the decimal value 1132510 corresponds to the current earnings in the "Cash" application and the value changes as the earnings accumulate such that the relative address SaintsRow.exe+2D00158 must be a generator of sorts that increments the earnings.

In order to increase the earnings instantly, the previous instruction is modified to, say:

7FF786EA0000 - BF 40420F00           - mov edi,000F4240 { 1000000 }

That is, load the register edi with the value 000F4240 (1000000 in decimal). After the change, the "Cash" application displays roughly $1 million and does not increase because the value is now fixed instead of being generated by the routine at SaintsRow.exe+2D00158.


{ Game   : Saints Row -- DX11
  Date   : 2023-03-02
  Author : Wizardry and Steamworks (
  This script sets the cash transfer value to 1mil ready to be transferred.
define(bytes,8B 3D 80 28 1E 02)
  // 1 million bucks!1
  mov edi,F4240
  jmp return
  //mov edi,[SaintsRow.exe+2D00158]
  //jmp return
  jmp newmem
  db bytes
  // mov edi,[SaintsRow.exe+2D00158]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8A2: EB 06                    - jmp SaintsRow.exe+B1D8AA
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8A4: 44 8B D8                 - mov r11d,eax
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8A7: 41 F7 DB                 - neg r11d
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8AA: 48 8B 05 EF 55 92 04     - mov rax,[SaintsRow.exe+5442EA0]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8B1: F3 0F 10 70 38           - movss xmm6,[rax+38]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8B6: F3 0F 59 35 56 26 BF 01  - mulss xmm6,[SaintsRow.exe+270FF14]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8BE: 66 41 0F 6E C3           - movd xmm0,r11d
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8C3: 0F 5B C0                 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8C6: F3 0F 59 05 BA 25 BF 01  - mulss xmm0,[SaintsRow.exe+270FE88]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8CE: F3 0F 5C F0              - subss xmm6,xmm0
// ---------- INJECTING HERE ----------
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8D2: 8B 3D 80 28 1E 02        - mov edi,[SaintsRow.exe+2D00158]
// ---------- DONE INJECTING  ----------
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8D8: E8 03 16 B6 FF           - call SaintsRow.exe+67EEE0
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8DD: 41 8B DD                 - mov ebx,r13d
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8E0: 85 C0                    - test eax,eax
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8E2: 41 0F 45 DF              - cmovne ebx,r15d
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8E6: 8B C0                    - mov eax,eax
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8E8: 0F 57 C0                 - xorps xmm0,xmm0
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8EB: F3 48 0F 2A C0           - cvtsi2ss xmm0,rax
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8F0: F3 0F 59 C6              - mulss xmm0,xmm6
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8F4: FF 15 CE 54 94 01        - call qword ptr [SaintsRow.exe+2462DC8]
SaintsRow.exe+B1D8FA: F3 0F 2C C0              - cvttss2si eax,xmm0

cheat_engine/saints_row_2022/infinite_cash_transfer_earnings.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/03/02 15:08 by office

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