The following analysis and cheat script makes it possible to grant and revoke infinite ammo to the player using a LUA script that patches the game memory during runtime.
By using a pistol and shooting rounds while searching for the overall ammo for the gun (the remaining clip), the game seems to contain three memory locations that seem to hold the current value of the remaining clips.
During a run, the addresses have been reduced to:
25402FE83D8 25428FD0A60 25430696C60
all of them holding the value of the current ammo clip.
By inspecting the last address and looking at what operations access the last address 25430696C60
while firing the pistol, one single entry seems to pop up. By disassembling the program memory around the address 25430696C60
, the following function is found that seems to be responsible with changing the amount of ammo that the player has:
SaintsRow.exe+8FB300 - 4C 8B DC - mov r11,rsp SaintsRow.exe+8FB303 - 53 - push rbx SaintsRow.exe+8FB304 - 56 - push rsi SaintsRow.exe+8FB305 - 57 - push rdi SaintsRow.exe+8FB306 - 41 56 - push r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB308 - 48 83 EC 68 - sub rsp,68 { 104 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB30C - 48 63 F2 - movsxd rsi,edx SaintsRow.exe+8FB30F - 41 8B F9 - mov edi,r9d SaintsRow.exe+8FB312 - 41 8B D8 - mov ebx,r8d SaintsRow.exe+8FB315 - 4C 8B F1 - mov r14,rcx SaintsRow.exe+8FB318 - 83 FE 0E - cmp esi,0E { 14 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB31B - 0F84 92020000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB5B3 SaintsRow.exe+8FB321 - 49 89 6B 08 - mov [r11+08],rbp SaintsRow.exe+8FB325 - 4D 8D 4B 10 - lea r9,[r11+10] SaintsRow.exe+8FB329 - 48 8B AC 24 B8000000 - mov rbp,[rsp+000000B8] SaintsRow.exe+8FB331 - 4D 8D 43 B8 - lea r8,[r11-48] SaintsRow.exe+8FB335 - 4D 89 63 18 - mov [r11+18],r12 SaintsRow.exe+8FB339 - 8B D6 - mov edx,esi SaintsRow.exe+8FB33B - 4D 89 7B D8 - mov [r11-28],r15 SaintsRow.exe+8FB33F - 8B 45 00 - mov eax,[rbp+00] SaintsRow.exe+8FB342 - 41 89 43 10 - mov [r11+10],eax SaintsRow.exe+8FB346 - E8 05040000 - call SaintsRow.exe+8FB750 SaintsRow.exe+8FB34B - 4C 8D 4C 24 44 - lea r9,[rsp+44] SaintsRow.exe+8FB350 - C6 44 24 38 00 - mov byte ptr [rsp+38],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB355 - 4C 8D 84 24 98000000 - lea r8,[rsp+00000098] SaintsRow.exe+8FB35D - 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],esi SaintsRow.exe+8FB361 - 48 8D 94 24 98000000 - lea rdx,[rsp+00000098] SaintsRow.exe+8FB369 - 49 8B CE - mov rcx,r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB36C - E8 1FFCFFFF - call SaintsRow.exe+8FAF90 SaintsRow.exe+8FB371 - 44 8B 64 24 40 - mov r12d,[rsp+40] SaintsRow.exe+8FB376 - 44 8B 7C 24 44 - mov r15d,[rsp+44] SaintsRow.exe+8FB37B - 83 FE 08 - cmp esi,08 { 8 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB37E - 74 26 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6 SaintsRow.exe+8FB380 - 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB383 - 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C SaintsRow.exe+8FB385 - BB FFFFFFFF - mov ebx,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB38A - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C - 41 3B DF - cmp ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB38F - 41 0F4F DF - cmovg ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 - 83 FF FF - cmp edi,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB396 - 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F SaintsRow.exe+8FB398 - BF FFFFFFFF - mov edi,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB39D - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6 SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F - 41 3B FC - cmp edi,r12d SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A2 - 41 0F4F FC - cmovg edi,r12d SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6 - 80 BC 24 B0000000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rsp+000000B0],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB3AE - 0F85 BD000000 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB471 SaintsRow.exe+8FB3B4 - 8D 46 F7 - lea eax,[rsi-09] SaintsRow.exe+8FB3B7 - 83 F8 03 - cmp eax,03 { 3 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB3BA - 77 09 - ja SaintsRow.exe+8FB3C5 SaintsRow.exe+8FB3BC - 41 8B 86 7C050000 - mov eax,[r14+0000057C] SaintsRow.exe+8FB3C3 - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB3CC SaintsRow.exe+8FB3C5 - 41 8B 86 78050000 - mov eax,[r14+00000578] SaintsRow.exe+8FB3CC - 3B F0 - cmp esi,eax SaintsRow.exe+8FB3CE - 0F85 9D000000 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB471 SaintsRow.exe+8FB3D4 - 4C 8B 05 ED86C104 - mov r8,[SaintsRow.exe+5513AC8] { (253DA0F6240) } SaintsRow.exe+8FB3DB - 49 8B C6 - mov rax,r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB3DE - 49 81 C0 C0710000 - add r8,000071C0 { 29120 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB3E5 - 4C 89 44 24 50 - mov [rsp+50],r8 SaintsRow.exe+8FB3EA - 49 2B 40 28 - sub rax,[r8+28] SaintsRow.exe+8FB3EE - 41 8B 88 B4000000 - mov ecx,[r8+000000B4] SaintsRow.exe+8FB3F5 - 48 99 - cqo SaintsRow.exe+8FB3F7 - 48 F7 F9 - idiv rcx SaintsRow.exe+8FB3FA - 89 44 24 58 - mov [rsp+58],eax SaintsRow.exe+8FB3FE - 0F28 44 24 50 - movaps xmm0,[rsp+50] SaintsRow.exe+8FB403 - 8B C8 - mov ecx,eax SaintsRow.exe+8FB405 - 66 0F7F 44 24 50 - movdqa [rsp+50],xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB40B - 49 8B 40 78 - mov rax,[r8+78] SaintsRow.exe+8FB40F - 8B 14 88 - mov edx,[rax+rcx*4] SaintsRow.exe+8FB412 - 89 94 24 98000000 - mov [rsp+00000098],edx SaintsRow.exe+8FB419 - 81 E2 FFFFFF3F - and edx,3FFFFFFF { 2.00 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB41F - 48 8D 0C D2 - lea rcx,[rdx+rdx*8] SaintsRow.exe+8FB423 - 48 C1 E1 04 - shl rcx,04 { 4 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB427 - 48 03 0D 1AE55403 - add rcx,[SaintsRow.exe+3E49948] { (2542B7B0000) } SaintsRow.exe+8FB42E - E8 AD8BB5FF - call SaintsRow.AK::ReadBytesSkip::Count+56A0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB433 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB436 - 0F84 62010000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB43C - 49 8B 0E - mov rcx,[r14] SaintsRow.exe+8FB43F - 48 8D 14 76 - lea rdx,[rsi+rsi*2] SaintsRow.exe+8FB443 - 48 03 D2 - add rdx,rdx SaintsRow.exe+8FB446 - 8B 54 D1 2C - mov edx,[rcx+rdx*8+2C] SaintsRow.exe+8FB44A - 83 FA 08 - cmp edx,08 { 8 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB44D - 0F84 4B010000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB453 - 0FB6 8C 24 C0000000 - movzx ecx,byte ptr [rsp+000000C0] SaintsRow.exe+8FB45B - 44 8B CB - mov r9d,ebx SaintsRow.exe+8FB45E - 89 4C 24 30 - mov [rsp+30],ecx SaintsRow.exe+8FB462 - 45 33 C0 - xor r8d,r8d SaintsRow.exe+8FB465 - 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB468 - 89 7C 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],edi SaintsRow.exe+8FB46C - E8 6F231E01 - call SaintsRow.exe+1ADD7E0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB471 - 8B 05 6D32DA02 - mov eax,[SaintsRow.exe+369E6E4] { (0) } SaintsRow.exe+8FB477 - 39 45 00 - cmp [rbp+00],eax SaintsRow.exe+8FB47A - 75 0C - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB488 SaintsRow.exe+8FB47C - 8B D6 - mov edx,esi SaintsRow.exe+8FB47E - 49 8B CE - mov rcx,r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB481 - E8 AA030000 - call SaintsRow.exe+8FB830 SaintsRow.exe+8FB486 - EB 08 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB490 SaintsRow.exe+8FB488 - 48 8B CD - mov rcx,rbp SaintsRow.exe+8FB48B - E8 603AB8FF - call SaintsRow.exe+47EEF0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB490 - 48 8B E8 - mov rbp,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB493 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB496 - 0F84 02010000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB49C - 8B CE - mov ecx,esi SaintsRow.exe+8FB49E - E8 ADA3FFFF - call SaintsRow.exe+8F5850 SaintsRow.exe+8FB4A3 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB4A6 - 0F84 F2000000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB4AC - 44 8B 85 8C000000 - mov r8d,[rbp+0000008C] SaintsRow.exe+8FB4B3 - 48 8B C8 - mov rcx,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB4B6 - 8B 95 88000000 - mov edx,[rbp+00000088] SaintsRow.exe+8FB4BC - E8 4FA2FFFF - call SaintsRow.exe+8F5710 SaintsRow.exe+8FB4C1 - 48 85 C0 - test rax,rax SaintsRow.exe+8FB4C4 - 0F84 D4000000 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB4CA - 80 BC 24 C0000000 00 - cmp byte ptr [rsp+000000C0],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB4D2 - 0F85 82000000 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB55A SaintsRow.exe+8FB4D8 - 80 3D 9576B404 00 - cmp byte ptr [SaintsRow.exe+5442B74],00 { (0),0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB4DF - 89 58 38 - mov [rax+38],ebx SaintsRow.exe+8FB4E2 - 89 78 40 - mov [rax+40],edi SaintsRow.exe+8FB4E5 - 0F85 B3000000 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB4EB - 83 BD 88000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+00000088],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB4F2 - 75 05 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB4F9 SaintsRow.exe+8FB4F4 - 0F57 C9 - xorps xmm1,xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB4F7 - EB 22 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB51B SaintsRow.exe+8FB4F9 - 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB4FC - 75 0A - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB508 SaintsRow.exe+8FB4FE - F3 0F10 0D 4224D801 - movss xmm1,[SaintsRow.exe+267D948] { (-1.00) } SaintsRow.exe+8FB506 - EB 13 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB51B SaintsRow.exe+8FB508 - 66 0F6E CB - movd xmm1,ebx SaintsRow.exe+8FB50C - 66 41 0F6E C7 - movd xmm0,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB511 - 0F5B C9 - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB514 - 0F5B C0 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB517 - F3 0F5E C8 - divss xmm1,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB51B - F3 0F11 48 3C - movss [rax+3C],xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB520 - 83 BD 8C000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+0000008C],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB527 - 75 09 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB532 SaintsRow.exe+8FB529 - C7 40 44 00000000 - mov [rax+44],00000000 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB530 - EB 6C - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB532 - 83 FF FF - cmp edi,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB535 - 75 09 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB540 SaintsRow.exe+8FB537 - C7 40 44 000080BF - mov [rax+44],BF800000 { -1.00 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB53E - EB 5E - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB540 - 66 0F6E CF - movd xmm1,edi SaintsRow.exe+8FB544 - 66 41 0F6E C4 - movd xmm0,r12d SaintsRow.exe+8FB549 - 0F5B C9 - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB54C - 0F5B C0 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB54F - F3 0F5E C8 - divss xmm1,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB553 - F3 0F11 48 44 - movss [rax+44],xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB558 - EB 44 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB55A - 80 3D 1376B404 00 - cmp byte ptr [SaintsRow.exe+5442B74],00 { (0),0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB561 - 89 58 48 - mov [rax+48],ebx SaintsRow.exe+8FB564 - 75 38 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB566 - 83 BD 88000000 00 - cmp dword ptr [rbp+00000088],00 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB56D - 75 09 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB578 SaintsRow.exe+8FB56F - C7 40 4C 00000000 - mov [rax+4C],00000000 { 0 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB576 - EB 26 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB578 - 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB57B - 75 09 - jne SaintsRow.exe+8FB586 SaintsRow.exe+8FB57D - C7 40 4C 000080BF - mov [rax+4C],BF800000 { -1.00 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB584 - EB 18 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E SaintsRow.exe+8FB586 - 66 0F6E CB - movd xmm1,ebx SaintsRow.exe+8FB58A - 66 41 0F6E C7 - movd xmm0,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB58F - 0F5B C9 - cvtdq2ps xmm1,xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB592 - 0F5B C0 - cvtdq2ps xmm0,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB595 - F3 0F5E C8 - divss xmm1,xmm0 SaintsRow.exe+8FB599 - F3 0F11 48 4C - movss [rax+4C],xmm1 SaintsRow.exe+8FB59E - 4C 8B A4 24 A0000000 - mov r12,[rsp+000000A0] SaintsRow.exe+8FB5A6 - 48 8B AC 24 90000000 - mov rbp,[rsp+00000090] SaintsRow.exe+8FB5AE - 4C 8B 7C 24 60 - mov r15,[rsp+60] SaintsRow.exe+8FB5B3 - 48 83 C4 68 - add rsp,68 { 104 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB5B7 - 41 5E - pop r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB5B9 - 5F - pop rdi SaintsRow.exe+8FB5BA - 5E - pop rsi SaintsRow.exe+8FB5BB - 5B - pop rbx SaintsRow.exe+8FB5BC - C3 - ret
Using the breakpoint feature of Cheat Engine, it can be observed that when the player fires the pistol, the execution proceeds up to the following code block that seems interesting:
SaintsRow.exe+8FB380 - 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB383 - 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C SaintsRow.exe+8FB385 - BB FFFFFFFF - mov ebx,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB38A - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C - 41 3B DF - cmp ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB38F - 41 0F4F DF - cmovg ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 - 83 FF FF - cmp edi,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB396 - 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F SaintsRow.exe+8FB398 - BF FFFFFFFF - mov edi,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB39D - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6
Due to comparing the contents cmp
of the register ebx
with the value -1
(a byte) and, in case the value is not less jnl
, execution flows over a memory write operation mov
that sets the value of the register ebx
to -1
Removing the jump jnl
by inserting no-operations nop
right after the comparison cmp
, and padding with nop
to match the size, the following code is obtained:
SaintsRow.exe+8FB380 - 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB383 - 90 - nop SaintsRow.exe+8FB384 - 90 - nop SaintsRow.exe+8FB385 - BB FFFFFFFF - mov ebx,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB38A - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C - 41 3B DF - cmp ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB38F - 41 0F4F DF - cmovg ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 - 83 FF FF - cmp edi,-01 { 255 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB396 - 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F SaintsRow.exe+8FB398 - BF FFFFFFFF - mov edi,FFFFFFFF { -1 } SaintsRow.exe+8FB39D - EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6
Now, by switching to a different weapon in-game using the loadout wheel it is observed that the current ammo counter displays the symbol for inifnity. The infinity symbol is due to other weapons in the game having an infinite ammo clip; for example, the melee weapons on the weapon wheel always display the infinity symbol.
As it turns out, setting the value of the register ebx
to the value -1
will have the effect of making the current loaded clip have an infinite size. This is mostly typical for programming, generally speaking, where an invariant is held throughout the code such as the ammo contained within the currently loaded ammo clip is a positive value and then a negative value such as -1
is used as a marker for infinite ammo. By eliminating the jnl
an nop
sledge is built from the compare instruction cmp
, thereby not caring about the result of the comparison, through to the memory move operation mov
that sets the contents of the register ebx
to -1
and then jumps unconditionally via jmp
to the relative address SaintsRow.exe+8FB393
It is interesting, but the follow-up sequence in the disassembled memory region, proceeds identically (compares to -1
, sets the value FFFFFFFF
) and as it turns out, that code sequence is reponsible for altering the amount of ammo clips available. However, making the currently loaded clip have an infinite size, is sufficient to obtain the infinite ammo effect such that the patch will be minimized and will only modify the first sequence that changes the size of the currently loaded ammo clip.
One problem is that if the player would save the game at this time, the -1
value representing the size of the current ammo clip, meaning an infinite size, is stored within the save game file making the change permanent. In good tradition, since Cheat Engine is supposed to create trainers, it should be possible to reverse the effects such that the player would be able to switch between infinite ammo and limited ammo in order to train and get better at the game.
First, to generate the LUA script that will patch the game during runtime, the "Auto Assemble" feature is used and then a "Full Injection" template is generated using the Cheat Engine menu. The section marked ENABLE
that is meant to activate the trainer is as one would expect it to be:
[ENABLE] assert(address,bytes) alloc(newmem,$1000,"SaintsRow.exe"+8FB380) label(code) label(return) newmem: mov ebx,FFFFFFFF jmp return code: //cmp ebx,-01 //jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C //jmp return address: cmp ebx,-01 nop nop jmp newmem return:
That is, the code sequence within the code:
block will be replaced with:
address: cmp ebx,-01 nop nop jmp newmem
with the intended effect of preserving the comparison cmp
, then sliding using two no operations nop
in order to remove the following jnl
and then jumping jmp
to the newmem
code block that is to be injected. The newmem
code block will contain:
newmem: mov ebx,FFFFFFFF jmp return
That is, load up the ebx
register with the value FFFFFFFF
or -1
and then return back to one operation after jmp newmem
in the address
code block.
Conversely, the LUA script conveniently also has a DISABLE
section where some code can be run whenever the cheat is deactivated:
[DISABLE] label(return) address: cmp ebx,-01 nop nop jmp newmem newmem: mov ebx,00000001 jmp return return: // patch remains resident and cannot be uninstalled //dealloc(newmem)
code block remains the same as the ENABLE
code block with the only difference that the newmem
code block is now changed to load up the ebx
register with the value 1
It shall be noticed that the original code is not restored. However, that is alright because all the disassembled code corresponds to the currently active memory such that this code will not be a permanent change. When the player saves the game, the current value of the ammo clip is stored to the save game file but the runtime code is obviously discarded.
The benefit is now that the player just needs to activate the cheat in order to make the current ammo clip infinite and then just deactivate the cheat to restore the normal limited ammo clip while the changes are not permanent until the player saves the game (or the game is auto-saved).
{ Game : SaintsRow.exe Version: 1.0 Date : 2023-03-02 Author : Wizardry and Steamworks ( This script can be toggled to switch between infinite ammo and limited ammo. } define(address,"SaintsRow.exe"+8FB380) [ENABLE] assert(address,bytes) alloc(newmem,$1000,"SaintsRow.exe"+8FB380) label(code) label(return) newmem: mov ebx,FFFFFFFF jmp return code: //cmp ebx,-01 //jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C //jmp return address: cmp ebx,-01 nop nop jmp newmem return: [DISABLE] label(return) address: cmp ebx,-01 nop nop jmp newmem newmem: mov ebx,00000001 jmp return return: // patch remains resident and cannot be uninstalled //dealloc(newmem) { // ORIGINAL CODE - INJECTION POINT: SaintsRow.exe+8FB380 SaintsRow.exe+8FB350: C6 44 24 38 00 - mov byte ptr [rsp+38],00 SaintsRow.exe+8FB355: 4C 8D 84 24 98 00 00 00 - lea r8,[rsp+00000098] SaintsRow.exe+8FB35D: 89 74 24 20 - mov [rsp+20],esi SaintsRow.exe+8FB361: 48 8D 94 24 98 00 00 00 - lea rdx,[rsp+00000098] SaintsRow.exe+8FB369: 49 8B CE - mov rcx,r14 SaintsRow.exe+8FB36C: E8 1F FC FF FF - call SaintsRow.exe+8FAF90 SaintsRow.exe+8FB371: 44 8B 64 24 40 - mov r12d,[rsp+40] SaintsRow.exe+8FB376: 44 8B 7C 24 44 - mov r15d,[rsp+44] SaintsRow.exe+8FB37B: 83 FE 08 - cmp esi,08 SaintsRow.exe+8FB37E: 74 26 - je SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6 // ---------- INJECTING HERE ---------- SaintsRow.exe+8FB380: 83 FB FF - cmp ebx,-01 // ---------- DONE INJECTING ---------- SaintsRow.exe+8FB383: 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C SaintsRow.exe+8FB385: BB FF FF FF FF - mov ebx,FFFFFFFF SaintsRow.exe+8FB38A: EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB393 SaintsRow.exe+8FB38C: 41 3B DF - cmp ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB38F: 41 0F 4F DF - cmovg ebx,r15d SaintsRow.exe+8FB393: 83 FF FF - cmp edi,-01 SaintsRow.exe+8FB396: 7D 07 - jnl SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F SaintsRow.exe+8FB398: BF FF FF FF FF - mov edi,FFFFFFFF SaintsRow.exe+8FB39D: EB 07 - jmp SaintsRow.exe+8FB3A6 SaintsRow.exe+8FB39F: 41 3B FC - cmp edi,r12d }