

SecondLife Marketplace




This is an open source item designed and created by Wizardry and Steamworks. The price includes the fully built and packaged item that should be delivered to you ready to use. However, if you do not wish to pay the fee for this item, then please access the documentation link for instructions on how to build your own from scratch since build instructions the scripts contained within this item are provided free of charge.


The full documentation for this item is accessible at the following address:


including instructions on how to configure the item or build your own from scratch.


Discord: https://discord.gg/k9kyDsa
Website: https://grimore.org


spin,bottle,dating,questions,party game,game,festive,beach,island,pillow,sale,gift,full permission,art,copy,design,travel,sim,range,gadget,gizmo,magic,move,zap,change,zoom,fast,wizardry,steamorks

wiki/templates.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/21 14:31 by office

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