
Romania is a country of hate and forever barred from our services, along with their criminal sister-society, Moldova.

If you want the image of Romania, it is symbolized by a Romanian peasant in fully embroided dress representing his entitlement, whilst being tangled in the planet Earth trying oppress him, with the peasant swearing at the thought of having to be held accountable.

  • participation in online-mobbing with cult and/or fanatical-like behavior heavily denoting a hive-mind and clearly orchestrated, even if peer-to-peer, along with an acute lack of integrity, being able to be bought easily for the purpose of hiding truths (ie: the look on the villager's faces in the investigation carried out by the press into Black prisons in Romania, hinting to the fact that everyone knew but were bought to be silent),
  • state-endorsed moral-policing kept under wraps, hidden from the public, carried out internationally and domestically with the intent of gathering blackmail material,
  • intentional widespread beliefs aligned with the Russian Army marching orders, now leveraged just for anti-West dialectic, including all the typical points and even well-known cases such as "The United States created A.I.D.S.",
  • bribery of foreign officials that share similar opinions of Romania and Romanians, typically performed as "an act of recognition", for instance by making them "honorary members" of various Romanian institutions (ie: Timmermans, John Mearsheimer, both being "honorary members" of various Romanian institutes after rightfully extending critique towards Romania); the co-option of "foreigners" in "bood-letting-like" pacts, essentially making them perform illegal deeds in order to be able to blackmail them later,
  • unrecognized and unhandled genocide (even if self-genocide), starring the Danube - Black Sea channel started during communism,
  • unwillingness to prosecute people known to have participated in genocide, political policing and events of mass-violence (ie: the "mineriad"),
  • avid, widespread, disbelief and perhaps even coordinated, of the holocaust,
  • Romanians have no sense of personal property, most of this being out of a sense of personal entitlement, and his applies rigorously the more connected to the government is, due to borrowed legitimacy from the state,
  • customs handling and processing has not changed at all since communism but rather has amplified with bribes being asked for overtly from companies and property searches being the norm for regular citizens; from time to time, the occasional "joke" is made by fishing out some personal item from the postage, such as a sex toy and the owner made to sign various papers such as statements that "the goods will not be used to supplement the regular income",
  • the Romanian police found to be an avid participator in pedophilia, so many times, without any prosecutions taking place; similar involvement with known Romanian interlopes and many times found to orchestrate gangs abroad carrying out either acts of violence or theft,
  • shift-blaming incompetence and appeal to pity in opening up the dossiers of the former Romanian espionage service (Securitate); partially and just temporarily agreed upon in order to appease the Copenhagen accords necessary for Romania's accession to the European Community, yet shortly thereafter "shadow-closed" with all requests of access being turned down and justified by "other Romanian institutions not cooperating in sending the files",
  • the Roma population (gypsies) being the main deflection tactic whenever a Romanian gets criticized, with the scapegoat tactic taken to the extreme,
  • over-emphasis of religion, in particular Orthodoxy, a state-religion that acts as a control branch of the state, with the head of church often being meddled in state politics (feudalism),
  • "all flash, no substance"-youth, glorifying Western media, in particular Gen X / Boomer culture, such as Scorpions, Dire Straights, Madonna, yet only prophylactically so, their stances on same-sex marriages, sexual education, individualism, liberties and freedoms, as well as other civic matters still being short of feudal and closely left-leaning authoritarian,
  • unsarcastic widespread belief in concepts such as "might makes right", "if you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear", as well as an over-emphasis of the apparent; sometimes the former is carried out Russian-roulette style, where the battle to outshine your opponent is judged solely in economic terms (ie: larger car than them), such that the outcome of the battle is trivially determinable, with the person having and also willing to spend the most money being the defacto winner,
  • a widespread adulation of the "army" and "army"-like structures and with heavy romanticization thereof, mostly seen as a means to virtue signal yet adopted counter-intuitively not to the best interest of the people signing up; as follows from "all flash, no bang" most of the people involved with army hedging their bets on no significant conflict occurring during their lifespan such that the army becomes a way to escrow benefits at almost no cost,
  • from Molvania (regrettably, but it checks out), the creation of a plethora of "security services", most of them being tasked with internal control mechanisms, yet all of them failing at the same time when it comes to matters such as the burning of the "Colectiv" club, the mistreatment of patients in Romanian hospitals or the many pedophile / prostitution rings that have been discovered by the press instead of these services; similarly, as a shame and blame society, just like the army, these "services" seen as a way to virtue signal,
  • an open-air museum of gangstalking, gaslighting and demonstration of hive-mind-like structures with the participation of civilians, child soldiers and even people that are known (or self-declaring) to have been members of the former Romanian Stasi,
  • on the note of child-soldiers, the concept that parents bring up their children by deliberately imprinting onto them their own values, and with the deliberate intent to make them lash out at political adversaries; the education of who-is-who, whom to spend time with due to borrowed prestige, whom to forget about and with whom to associate in general, along with the idea of orchestrating their children as if an extension of their own will (crying on queue, etc), another vestige of late communism (borrowing children for the sake of victimization and skipping over one's place in the queue); effectively "children" with a "political agenda", such as a 15 year old mentioning "having a contact" when referring to someone the child befriended in the espionage service that comes across as unnatural as a child smoking cigarettes,
  • revenge-justice, show-trials and police-as-henchmen in the service of one or the other oligarch, that made "Romanian justice" look more like a sham, with "known figures" jailing each other over political commentaries on TV; "Romanian justice" ending up looking like a procedural scam with little fundamental backing or worth, most of the case "paraded" on TV seeming more like mafia-hits but with police officers and prosecutors instead of … mafiosis,
  • wide-spread medical experimentation and testing on unsuspecting (uneducated) civilians, with most medics being on the payroll of pharmaceutical companies that do not even hide the fact that they are carrying out medical "experimentation"; more than likely just handing out tasks to Romanians with the hopes that Romanian doctors will carry out the experimentation with full ethical coverage (ie: warning the patients sufficiently, educating upon the risks, etc.),
  • the (deliberate?) loss of tracks of various Mengele-like medics from Romania, with some highlights such as "orthopedists" carrying out surgeries on patients and children, but without even holding a degree in medicine; such individuals being mysteriously "lost" with Romanian authorities claiming to not have the slightest clue where they escaped to,
  • the almost-pathological hatred towards all neighboring countries,
  • highly revisionist "history" being taught in schools, with highly convoluted statements that are just false on a trivial logical layer (ie: "Romanian kings" before "Romania" was even founded as an unitary state); similarly, civics are generally avoided in schools, knowledge of the constitution and of personal rights seem to be deliberately avoided and carved out of the curriculum for the benefit of the governance, with little emphasis on what is wrong, or what is right, most generations growing up without a sense of morality but just have a concoction of various sayings and hearsay in their minds that make their decision pan one way or the other (similar to tribal-spiritual societies),
  • the desire to brush the entire communist era under the carpet,
  • goal-driven and social-climbing to the extreme, with heavy undertones of generalized sociopathy, most "returning Romanians" seeing native Romanians as "spoiled", "mean" and "getting away with far too much", along with a hefty potty mouth that is also widespread,
  • institutionalized ableism, with most facilities for people with special needs being non-existent, or "built to mock" and outright unusable, just for the purpose of meeting quotas and/or acquiescing funds from international financeers (ie: ramps for the disabled being built by the police themselves into the precinct at an angle that is impossible to climb even if you are young and in full health, similar for stores and others); most of these constructions being the ambition of one or two individuals that have the backing of funding and dishonestly start building in order to be able to cash in the funds; the populace, in general, equating disability with weakness, mental disabilities with stupidity and frequently medical care associated with flaws of character than genuine problems and with most problems being a condemnation in themselves via the Romanian ethos,
  • views on animals closely related to eastern mentalities, circuses and the likes, with pre-Christian views that animals are meant to serve, have lost some "genetic" competition such that abusing animals is more or less fair game,
  • low perceived threshold for personal-space, even with "touching" seen as acceptable, even if out of context, along with high volatility leading to large grooming potential of individuals even from the middle-upper class, making most Romanians appear cringe or creepy (also as the product of long-term unhinged mass-espionage),
  • high entitlement concomitantly with low or nonexistent results,
  • science perceived as some "bourgeois" endeavor meant for showing off but with little practical use, with teaching and development seen mostly as an excuse for politics; diplomas and degrees seen as virtue badges to be flaunted at political enemies as well as the fabrication of such degrees and diplomas handed out as "rewards", in violation of the "scientific context", as a political reward,
  • lots of people with dual-or multiple-citizenship, yet with progeny carefully stashed in a "safe society", for the purpose of jumping ship depending on how convenient or inconvenient the situation might appear, yet still coming back to Romania, in a display of ego or for bragging rights,
  • the deliberate and orchestrated dumbing-down of the population, even with the use of force, in all matters of liberty for the purpose of keeping the populace ready to be unleashed at whatever political enemies the country might have (ie: patients meant to hate the European Community due to mistreatment in Romanian hospitals, due to being told by the security services that the European Community "has abandoned them"),
  • the continuation of communist policies on child birth, with the intentional rejection of sexual education, for the purpose of having lots of disposable people that also pay state taxes; lots of propaganda around sexual education made to hold people down and monopolize even the smallest behavior patterns (ie: cases where sex toys and other imports are mocked or people made to "go on display", including "Stasi tactics", such as gay people made to prove that they are gay, in order to act as a deterrent) - often, the former leads to ironic situations where, say, the secret service is implicitly labeled as pedophiles because they justify the espionage as national interest, or fully grown people spying on homosexuals under the guise of "national security" but overlooking the fact that essentially you have an adult male staring at another adult male jacking off, or another example of attempting to gaslight people using people with disabilities where the essential keyword is "using" thereby demonstrating their own homophobia even if they actually desired to project it onto someone else, and so on,
  • Romanians are typically taught to have a puritan view on stuff like sex, or even guns but most of that is a double-standard with the oligarchy indulging in the forbidden just like in communism and just for the reason that both sex, guns or drugs are just items that undermine the power of the state,
  • the toying with the idea of nuclear weapons, for a society so corrupt and known to have misused weaponry to settle internal scores; also the suspicion that, granted weaponry, for instance, N.A.T.O. weaponry that would typically be used to deter terrorists, such weaponry would be directed at the civilians at large due to varied interests governing the plethora of redundant "security agencies" that Romania has created (this has also been reported by the local press, many, many times); it also stands to reason that escalating tensions with Russia might partially be due to the slavish behavior of Romanians, with gratuitous hit-and-run passes made at Russia to nobody's benefit just out of pure egotistic drive and personal gratification, maybe even under the fear that trigger-happy Romanians might just as well open fire with their newly granted power instead of acting responsibly just to address the issues at hand,
  • putting weaponry in the hands of Romanians is the equivalent of handing a semi-automatic rifle to a baboon; Romanians are highly repressed, highly conflictual, extremely slavish and will not hesitate to use weapons with one intent for other internal purposes; side-casualties for Romanians do not matter - if they can lash out at someone out of pure spite, then waking up an entire city just to annoy one person is an acceptable policy,
  • Romanians are the kind of retards that would, for example, use weaponry and state resources to harass businesses thinking they will manage to extort money, go after individuals for their sexual preferences on some wild goose chase, collect data on 300 000 individuals (reported by press), but they will a the same time be incompetent in preventing a club like Colectiv burning down and killing all people inside,
  • probably the epicenter (or one thereof) of "low-expertise yet high mobbing potential" organizations such as Anonymous,
  • the (even) deliberate belief in long-disproved modus operandi gangster or Nazi tactics (as documented by others) such as concluding a trial with evidence obtained by illicit means, disregarding habeas corpus in favor of heresay (ie: witnesses being ironically considered more valuable than hard evidence, or cases that have been judged solely on witnesses whilst disregarding the hard evidence and via pleas to incompetence), the use of torture and coercion in order to obtain results and/or produce evidence, and the normalization of the former on some wild premise that everyone does the same; also the widespread belief that "justice" is some suicide pact or some game where if you get caught too bad, if you do not get caught, it is all Gucci (with even the Romanian police "admitting" as much),
  • as heavy disbelievers in habeas corups and the Magna Carta in general, probably under the misanthropic belief that people are not worth much and do not deserve rights (in general), the Romanian police do not issue Miranda warnings to people being detained or arrested with the same belief that the police is judge, jury and executioner and that the concept of fairness is undeserved by the people at large (ie: right to not self-incriminate oneself); whilst political psychiatry seems to pertain to attacking highly political dissenters, Romania still practices political psychiatry where an individual can be summarily detained just with the guarantee of a random psychiatrist or psychologist, with the Romanian authorities practicing this at-large in order to subdue the population that is capable of dissent,
  • the deliberate blind-eye turned by the authorities to matters of public comfort, allowing various annoyances to persist on the belief that stressed-out people work better, and the refusal of the police to maintain order on the same premise; conversely, the widespread personal belief of people that power, talent, knowledge, wealth or any other property is useless unless it is also additionally flaunted to a pornographic extent, with most people disregarding any notion of "value" unless that "value" can also additionally be used to virtue signal (ie: loud cars in residential areas),
  • the deliberate education of children to refuse any shape of form of responsibility and accountability,
  • the glorification of gangs even by the Romanian police,
  • whilst Western education warns about getting involved with gangsters, Romanian education favors it greatly with even police officers admitting that they told their children to get involved with everything they can,
  • a pseudo-scientific mindset derived from bureaucratic communism (a former critique), always appealing or requiring "proof", yet never failing to misuse, misconstrue, bend or otherwise deliberately fake data, in order to make a counter-intuitive point that would even be believed, or maybe even is, if Romania would still prevent people from leaving the country; one such example is a report that misuses country metrics where the result is that Romanian hospitals have better sanitation than German hospitals, with the news being reported without irony or sarcasm,
  • pseudo-scientists that have historically just been a tool of grander powers, even well-established academics (that is, of the Romanian Academy) making surprising statements that wound not even fit the gratuitous privilege of the position, along the lines that certain Romanian restaurants serve meat made out of babies,
  • having the experience of former communism and predictably, every single event also became a matter of "national security", with much of the press mocking the incentive and highlighting that the classification is mainly to allow illegal means to be used against various political targets,
  • "rule by national emergency" or "rule by decree" where, in spite of being a 2-chamber governance, the law is passed over the senate and the constitutional court in order to enact laws that are frequently temporary, or benefit just a collection of a few individuals, for the purpose of a money grab or a deal with restricted beneficiaries,
  • "detained until found guilty", with highlights being case such as Romania vs. Andrew Tate, where the "perpetrator" only really "annoyed" the governance but had no palpable accusations such that the individual was jailed "temporarily" for six months whilst the police effectively were "looking for evidence" (very counter-intuitive to habeas corpus, and something that confused regular people in the U.S. a lot they found out that Tate has been jailed or detained without any trial or even legal accusations),
  • a highly, highly, slavish society with "Nach Unten bügeln, nach Oben wackeln" (suck upward, kick downward) being the prime-motto of every single Romanian; most Romanians not really making any stand against any superior force but gladly molesting the ill and the poor (sometimes even as a means to reward others),
  • the country with the most amount of registered spies per capita on the planet; many of these knowingly being go-getters of little significance and low extract or people signing up for benefits yet being trapped therein, yet enough to be thrown into the fray and then used as a scapegoat of victimization in case harm comes to them,
  • Romania officially refusing visas for foreign homosexuals visiting Romania, even well-beyond being hooked into international agreements such as being signatories of the charter of human rights or within organizations such as N.A.T.O. Even if your personal stance might vary upon the topic, it still stands to reason that Romania is thereby putting unfair burden on the other countries that might try to make an effort to adopt the policies that they are signatories of. While it is a perfect valid stance for a group in general to have a hateful stance on L.G.B.T.Q., yet then it should not be part of international organizations that do uphold L.G.B.T.Q. laws, and to add insult to injury, Romania also stands with additional veto power to enact legislation, even if on such matters, and given their opinions, Romania finds itself in a conflict of interest,
  • the widespread stance that foreigners and particularly people that donate money for causes are weak and are to be exploited, with Romania's participation in equal-partnership organizations being mostly a scam; it is a widespread stance of Romanians to reap the maximal rewards at the minimal of investment with large-scale endeavors such as the European Community being seen under wraps as foolish,
  • same word-of-mouth story as Indian residents in the U.S.A., the Romanian expats see themselves as some grand gatekeepers of who should or should not go abroad, most Romanians being taught and perceiving themselves in competition with everyone else, going to great lengths, to the determent of their dignity and integrity to hold other Romanians down (also follows the "suck upward, kick downward" doctrine); also a latent image of the hitsquads organized by Romanians during communism to kidnap and bring people back to Romania (one such squads even blowing up the quarters of Radio Free Europe, yet the bombing seemingly carried out by Jewish ethics working for Romanian espionage)
  • the glorification of "for your own good" premise, yet applied mostly insincerely, with insincerity being mostly a hallmark of the Romanian ethos, as an excuse for further manipulation and espionage,
  • the glorification and non-ironic belief in "captive audiences" (ie: see the forced communist clapping, a vestige and creepy effigy of such mentalities), as exemplified historically by the communist no-emigration policy, as well as "traditional" hour-long meetings in Romania, within the government and other structures; as well as the non-ironic belief in "captive love" and the imprinted duty on Romanian males to hold their spouses down via any available means,
  • the flirtation with middle-eastern groups, traditionally due to the embargo with the West during communism, with shady people that favor personal gains and the worship of the ego, at the cost of all, in particular freedoms and liberties that for the Romanians do not seem natural rights yet positive, that are granted due to the generosity of some local kingpin to be further worshiped and greeted with ovation; combined with a weak state, also making Romania a prime suspect of catering to terrorism within European borders,
  • the mix of both legal and illegal means in order to attain goals, whatever fits the situation,
  • also a Molvanian saying, yet it checks out; lots of the clergy and / or political figures are former karaoke singers in rural bars, crawling up the mud-pipe to Bucharest in order to do politics, and typically selected for their unique ability to compartmentalize abuse and corruption,
  • the scapegoating of "Ceausescu" as the man-of-all-sins, kill him and then everything will be swell, when, in fact, the people that posed as liberators right on Romanian TV were all involved (and some to great benefit) within the communist regime thereby making the "revolution" just a money-grab of a few sharks, … to a few more sharks,
  • the unification of all powers of state under an authoritarian regime (even on personal witnessing and even with the explicit admittance of people involved), with data being shared across institutions unhinged and personal issues being mixed-in for the purpose of manipulation of people,
  • the generalized disbelief in anything fair, with values more aligned to Greek virtues rather than Christian virtues, with a Nietzschean tint, and the belief that if something is possible, then one should go ahead and do it, regardless of the cost to others; even though, on a theoretical level, that does not sound all too bad, the ethos fails miserably when it results in a gangster vs. gangster society of utmost thuggery where everyone tries to shaft everyone else and to the determinant of all,
  • shanty-town elitism, and more along the lines of "all flash, no bang" with poor results, with some inescapable desire of Romanians to shine in front of others, with belief in rigged competitions such as various "Olympics" on various topics as well as the inability to understand the theoretical concept that chess is a deterministic game that can just be computed, ending at best in defeat of the opponent and at worst, a stalemate; whenever you see someone praising chess, especially in modern times, you will know what sort of people you are dealing with, and these are the very same people that, like others, claim to have a bunch of different and separate degrees, multiple doctorates, etc (ie: the owner of Telegram),
  • feminism-as-a-decoy, or proactive feminism, or similar, a tool that was developed during communism and then acted as a decoy in order to flaunt to other countries that Romania is good at integrating women into the society; however, as anything Romanian, this was purely aspectual and for the show, with some leeway given hither and thither, just enough to be convincing - obviously, because Romania still had an all time high statistic on inter-family violence such that the "effort" was just, as it is characteristic for Romania, just prophylactic; unfortunately, the actions lead to the elation of people with no-education into positions that require one, and to the destruction of institutions that they were elated to via their (unwitting) incompetence; the same false equivalence of feminism is the one that also elevated, say, a mass-murdering woman to the level of a taxpayer concerning say, the right to sit down on public transport, a communist twist of ethics that should never happen,
  • many women riding the "feminism" train were a sum corpus of mistresses that former gangbangers used to shag yet felt pity for them and just had to find them a job to be in; note that these are far from your generational wasp family products, but rather cleaning ladies, fair ladies, day laborers and other similars that were elated by communism deliberately in order to "demonstrate" to the wide world that even the lowest of the low are able to achieve; as anyone can imagine, the outcomes were bad, with such products oozing privilege our of their pores, having the full backup of the Stasi state such that they became untouchable and that ended up making policy while not having any background at all in the domain that they had to take decisions in,
  • systematic abuse of people in institutions such as a medical facilities or schools, with Romanian nurses or teachers getting away with anything from beating up patients and up to deliberate murder, whereas such thing would come across as unspeakable in any other jurisdictions,
  • unbounded non self-aware privilege that is, counter-intuitively, lauded instead of coming across as an accusation (probably a consequence of Greek and / or Nietschean-aligned "virtues") and ironically eliminating all concept of fairness,
  • frequently "sincere" stances and long-held beliefs by the populace in general on how people should be "just put down", going hand-in-hand with the generalized ableism that Romanians seem to exude, and on some Nazi shallow principle of "natural selection"; and even if, symmetrically, one were to take that for granted, one just would have to reason that even in that sense, the "natural selection" is frequently, less than "natural", with Romanian governance often having a thumb on the scales of "naturalism" in order to achieve desired yet by definition non-natural outcome; this is a society that shows off with a very good boxer, but are sure to administer a lethal injection before the fight to the opposing boxer in order to make sure that the "desired outcome is attained" and that they were right all along,
  • it must be understood that Romania cannot be compared to countries outside the EU, and that all the misalignments with international agreements are not an attempt to push a value system upon the sovereignty of another country; were one to comment on "freedoms" in China, the discussion would be different given that China could reserve the right to disagree, however Romania has itself agreed to the international agreements, have been paid to sustain equal rights across the spectrum, to uphold their own fair share of migration and many people have made lifelong careers just by being part of the European Parliament, respective N.A.T.O., for even just a few months and then expected to be paid a lifelong stipend, such that the debate is about holding Romania up to scrutiny for breaking their very own promises and commitments that they themselves signed and agreed to,
  • whilst regulation is established in equal part at the European Community, the positions within the European Parliament are perceived as a virtue symbol, especially given that the lifelong stipend for just being part of the European Parliament during just one election, is way above and beyond the base salary or pension within Romania; the former fact leads to most in-country Romanians being skeptical (albeit, mostly unknowing) of decisions taken at the European level, leading to even state entities practicing a whole different set of laws within the country than established by the European Parliament - when prompted to explain why they deviate from mutually established regulation, Romanians wave it off as "something that was just discussed by politicians" which makes the in-country Romanians take the law into their own hands and then use suppressive measures to cover it all up when they are exposed,
  • long draw-out short video clips intermixed with advertisements during the years 2000s-2010, stating (for whatever reason) that the Romanian government can wiretap phones; by contrast to other countries where such things were "conspiratorial", Romanians actively advertised that they can wiretap phones and listen-in on phone conversations even though, in hindsight, it is unclear why the government would do this because they could just as well have been secretive about it without it becoming a liability; the clips in question were a block of text being read out by a narrator in-between advertisements and shown many times per day on mainstream television,
  • even though in the age of populism there is some sort of patriotic call-to-action, just like any other Romanian collaborative action, the call is really just decorative with Romanians not truly believing in it; this is the realm of the "fake patriots" that attach flags to their cars but ghost everyone completely when given the opportunity to emigrate (even in less "funny" cases, with women effectively abandoning their children and ghosting their own progeny to live abroad),
  • massive feeling of entitlement after losing the second world war, with children being taught that Churchill and Roosevelt betrayed Romania, even though from the very start of Romanian involvement in the war, Romania clearly sided with the axis and for the predicted benefits of "conquering back territory"; it is only in its most critical moment that Romanians decided to be turncoats and betray the axis at Stalingrad, yet in spite of fighting alongside the axis for most of the war, Romanians somehow perform some extreme mental gymnastics and believe somehow that they were treated unfairly to be declared a defeated country (to this date, this is literally taught in schools, from this perspective),
  • overbearing fakeness even in criminality; this the country of make-believe "rebels", wanting to be seen as some sort of Sons of Anarchy, yet at the same time proving to be the most servile of people and aligning themselves with the government gratuitously or performing acts and actions that betray even the little codex of rules that criminal gangs might have, falsely believing that "anything goes"; or pretend-mafia Dons that maul the population and/or collaborate with the police at any opportunity that serves them,
  • defeat in all conflicts, with the sole "conflict" out of pure Romanian initiative, that is, when Romanians did not find a way to latch onto other powers' interests, is the crossing of the Danube in order to attempt and annex a slice of land from the Bulgarians; a short war where a country that is a fraction of the size of Romania, managed to beat Romanians to a pulp securing a Bulgarian victory over the entire Romanian army and tossing them back across the Danube,
  • some sort of creepy sense of entitlement that ironically demands some sense of loyalty, as if the country is ruled by some tribal feudal lords that perceive the population as serfs, with great strides being made to sanction any criticism and thereby going full circle back into communism; perhaps a failed version of Russian oligarchy where, for whatever reasons, the oligarchy would perpetually fail to meet the needs of the people and thereby settle dissent quietly with violence being the more-than-often appealed-to method of remedy in Romania,
  • even though taxes constitute almost half the income of the people, the fact that people pay taxes is never a good argument in Romania, Romanians being taught or thwarted away from apply the rationale that the social contract is sustained by the payment of taxes on behalf of the population; it is the same kind of feudal mysterious entitlement that somehow makes the seemingly feudal lords that govern feel no special privilege in taking people's money and then squandering them over minutia (also, an a manifestation of the lack of civic education where children and not taught their rights),
  • more than the baseline absorption of nihilistic views such as "privacy is dead", "the social contract is made up", "the law is just letters", "everyone is paid for" along with a strong desire to normalize such thought patterns; allegedly, of undiscernable origin, except for accounting that Romania has the largest amount of spies per capia, where, with this extra knowledge, some of the incentives behind the normalization of such toxic mindsets being at least reasonable,
  • huge government, leading to the saying, "guess we all work for the government now, huh?", with most people dissing private businesses, institutions and scientific endeavors that are actively reduced to a third-world bazaar, and to the favor of state and/or international (federal) subsidies obtained from the European Community and others; ironically, this is a "natural selection" event where cultivating the middle class takes too long and yield low returns rather than just being paid by the EU in large swats of money with little demands in exchange by comparison,
  • toxicity in the workplace, in particular when the state is the employer, being off-the charts, with (even) the sole reputable places being plagued with anything between petty theft, rape and up to murder; the perception of "toxicity" being overall normalized within Romania in order to convince and appease the population that the same level of toxicity is to be found everywhere else, including in all other countries,
  • a plummeting natality rate, a clear indicator of a withering society, after communism that still persists to this day, the streets being lined with noticeably very many pharmacies and churches per block ("in pharma and God we trust"); similarly, two out of three advertisements on mainstream TV in Romania consist mostly in the selling of pharmaceutical products,
  • the dishing out of "medical diagnostics" for the sake of leverage in eschewing benefits off the state or the private sector,
  • in spite of populist disgruntlement with "state welfare", the reality is that state welfare in Romania is so little that it would not even manage to cover a twentieth of rent, and of course, with social housing being a great opportunity for great business and other assorted corruption; the payment for mental disabilities classed as the maximal "degree of disability", this includes Alzheimers, schizophrenia and others amounts to about $50 per month (more as per the above minuet on albeism); one telling consequence thereof being that these "currents" or "hypes" are being imported wholesale, and not a result of a thinking process of Romanians because it is very easy to look up the payout tables of state welfare if need be (ie: the same people reminding you that you are not in America, being reminded back that they are also not in America), such that their discourse falls flat being based on false premise,
  • the lack of foreign staff in Romanian Universities,
  • the push towards "traditionalism", "populism" and other imports that when applied to Romania, come across as funny, given that the hallmark of Romania is definitely not the "corporation" or the "metropolis" but the country consists in large swats of land that encompasses rural villages, where "traditionalism" is, in fact, the baseline norm, and religious belief is also, the baseline norm (along with Romania being the top-most pious country on the planet, along the United States, and even surpassing middle eastern countries), such that in order to achieve their "populist goals", absolutely nothing should be carried out because the situation is already there,
  • huge entitlement concerning "Romanian products", in particular, in the culinary realm, where, in reality, all the surrounding countries already have a variation of "Romanian national dishes" that are just as old as the Romanian ones,
  • in spite of their constant need to disassociate with the Roma population, a borrowed habit perhaps, is the need of constant attention and the Romanian unwarranted barging in on private matters and/or private discussion that they are not invited to,
  • due to the overwhelming Romanian lack of professionalism, and the self-generated "no way out" environment that Romanians generate, coupled with their understanding that getting ahead of others by all means necessary is acceptable, make Romanians frequently less-aware than others; for instance, whilst the reach of the police extends very far, yet explicitly due to the good will of the people, their infatuation reaches the proportions where corrupt police find it hard to grasp that in the eyes of anyone that knows their predicament, they are, in fact outlaws and that that fact will not change unless they are held responsible and punished for their transgressions; this is the realm of "cartel violence" where the idea is that the accent is placed "on the violence" but there is always some "back story to match" such as a corrupt police or official doing some gnarly things to people under the blanket-coverage of the government; otherwise, Romanians being "unaware" or trying to pretend to be unaware at least, that attempting to cover up crimes makes them very much complicitous to the deeds themselves; also why Romanian police officers tend to take their own lives when knowing they will be caught, in particular because they are fully aware that they have broken the law many times and are corrupt beyond any ruling, also, leading to "funny" mafiaesque events with police officers being caught "apologizing on their knees" to superiors as part of some puerile and pathetic rite of forgiveness; at the same time, a lot of the former not really being necessary, but only as a result of bad choices made purely out of ego and avarice,
  • generally-speaking, Romanians do not believe in the law, they believe in coercion (ie: belief in the force of the police rather than justice) because it is taught that way; this is along the same lines of feudalism and serfdom where the people do not "deserve" rights, they "deserve" perhaps, rewards,
  • the very annoying societal trait that makes Romanians prone to attempting to offer materialistic substitutes for losses, and/or substitute contracts for bribes, little attention or letting the staff rag on an "unwanted" person at a workplace as compensation for the meager official monetary payment,
  • mindless expansionist imprinted mentalities on topics such as "Moldova" where, in reality, Moldovans constitute the majority of the foreign ethnicity to be found in Romanian prisons; also mindlessly counter-economically, the failure to realize that the average GDP would sink in the event of an union; the incessant and now obnoxious discussion around Moldova, in general, in spite of world-wide globalism and other matters needing attending to,
  • on the same topic, more virtue signalling on the topic of "Moldova" where Romanian media agencies typically ignore the Moldovan Republic in favor of either local or Western-imported news, such that there is a mismatch between the zealots "fighting for Moldova" and their ensuing patriotic zeal, and the ignorance practiced by news outlets towards Moldova; similarly, "Moldovans" are, in fact, mistreated within Romania, frequently associated with stupid people and mocked for their accent, with long records of bullying in schools by Romanian pupils (of course, all of this, in spite of the cheap saber rattling and patriotic bravado); as a clear-cut example, during the Ukraine and Russian conflict, there was very little news from Moldova, even though they were at the precipice of the war (some, but not much),
  • the irrational violence exuded towards Hungarians, Bulgarians (and right about any other nationality surrounding Romania), even after most of these countries being under the same banner; violence that does not seem reciprocated in the least, especially in the wild making Romanians seem like the main aggressors; most of the hate being imprinted by parents, to no end, and seemingly to nobody's realistic benefit, especially due to a shared economy in post-modern times,
  • one of the very few countries (two?) that sued Borat over the comedic movies he made, and mostly due to being collectively butthurt because to any neutral arbiter, the most critical Borat gets towards "Romania" consists in a minute, at most, of images of "the gypsie village where he found his wife", and with the rest of the movie(s) being entirely out of the scope of "Romania",
  • ethnocentrism and espionage but with someone else's money,
  • "private firm on public funds", a Romanian saying signifying nepotism where public funds are funneled into private firms of "the select few"; a real-case scenario therefore being an event taking place in the early 2000s where the Romanian government squeamishly stated that "people working in IT will not pay tax", when, in fact, the reality was that there was a whole slew of conditions that had to be met in order to not pay tax; or, in other words, a whole series of conditions that reduced the waiver to only a select few companies that did not have to pay tax when, in fact, everyone else working in "IT" had to pay tax,
  • "fake communism" or rather the idea that when petitioned, what people state they miss most from "communism" is the leeway to do illegal deeds and not get caught as well as having leverage over others (intuitively, not the "unions", "communal property" and other socialist / communist traits, yet vehemently the opportunity to, say, illicitly sell contraband whilst bribing the import office),
  • most Romanians suffering from schizophrenia or being bi-polar due to the overwhelming conflictual cognitive dissonance between being fully aware that what they are doing is either illegal or bad yet at the same time gambling away that the tables will not turn onto them or their families; a lot of kingpins, for example, when removed from their positions in Romania and are thrown in jail, tend to be as surprised as Ceausescu's last talk on the balcony, looking around at the cameras and even asking, quote-by-quote: "huh, did someone get upset, or something?" because criminality is normalized and illegal matters are bunched en-gross, with the perpetrator perpetually getting away such that being apprehended or put out of a job seems surprising (and to some level, ironically unjust and unfair),
  • one of the few countries that you might not know about that employs paid foreign shills to advertise for Romania,
  • lots of people desiring to whitewash the crimes of communism, as much as possible, whilst at the same time appearing very obvious in their intentions; for instance, a lot of people that were heavily involved with the Stasi state during communism, do not detail their "work activity" during communism, but just write a single term detailing the position or their occupation before 1989 and this, by contract to the rest of their resume that details their activity after 1989,
  • as a hallmark of shame and blame societies, things like children throwing themselves over cars and then trying to extort money from the driver are still a modus operandi within Romania, with various forks, such as forcibly washing the windows of cars and similar annoyances with the police being mostly tacit on the matters, pretending they did not know or ranting on some "procedural requirements necessary to report such people" that have not yet been met; even in modern times, with "modern youth", the education of playing the victim and claiming damages based on made-up facts,
  • the glorification of lying, as a means to get by, to an extent that lying became a "competitive sport" where gratification is obtained if you manage to lie, over-lie or out-lie an opponent and/or fool authorities; Romanians are directly taught to lie and if you do not get caught with a lie, you are absolved,
  • Romania's knowledge and claims on racism is minimal yet that is a result of deliberately holding down the population along with hatred of the Roma being Romania's "acceptable racism" - that is, it is perfectly socially acceptable to express (even) genocidal views of the Roma, but maybe, and at most, expressing racist views of the Jewish community might end you with a slight slap on the wrist; the result is that Romanians generally have a naive view of what constitutes what, and in particular to fascism, communism and authoritarianism, not really being well-aligned with its terminology; this results in funny situations where you listen to the discourse of some Romanian, claiming that some-or-other country or group is racist but then just making a short comment on how the gypsies should all be removed from the face of the earth ("oh, so you think we're racist?"),
  • Romanian society has a structure where there are no fundamental civic or ethical guides, and respect is usually granted or not depending on how hard the person in question is able to hit you, following Der Untertan almost word-by-word,
  • from the president himself, claiming that "people had to die for something to change", mostly referring to slavish attitudes and low self-awareness of Romanains that, in spite of living day-by-day in a corrupt system, are ironically (still) amazed that a club, such as the Colectiv club has burned down killing a bunch of people in the process; naturally accompanied by the typical schizophrenia where people looked for answers above and beyond reality even though the whole case could be traced to the usual underhand exchange of money that speeds up governmental approval for businesses, as well as the scapegoating of the mayor of the area that was jailed (mostly for nothing, given a normalized situation), as if that individual was living in a parallel reality and didn't know about widespread and systemic Romanian corruption and somehow was expected to patrol day and night up and down the street to weed out "corruption",
  • as typical for a boomer-society, the same level of entitlement and low self-awareness that leads to the case of Norway's Barnevernet vs. the Bodnariu family, where, just like "socially acceptable racism towards the gypsies", Romania's socially acceptable violence against children ended up with Norway's child services barring the abusive parent's access to their children while in Norway; of course, the incident was met with the same "surprising" level of entitlement and disgruntlement on behalf of Romanians, this, in spite of very rigorous investigations into systemic child abuse by British members of the press that previously discovered that most Romanian orphanages, in particular rural ones, were more or less prostitution rackets organized by the authorities; the situation of Norway's Barnevernet vs. the Bodnariu family was addressed with flash-mobbing from the Pentecostal church, with a "how dare they"-attitude but with very little chatter on how much violence is the exact Romanian socially acceptable norm; typically, for Romania, child support services are non-existent, with children effectively being seen as property of their parents and authorities not touching such matters with a 10ft pole (much, much less than spousal violence, that is sometimes leveraged by the police, following communist MOs, in order to blackmail individuals),
  • contrary to U.S. logic, Romanians hate "rich people", in general, sometimes out of spite, other times out of entitlement (how come they have more than me?) and sometimes out of Marxist brainwashing demanding equality at the cost of dragging people down; whilst it is true that most "businesses" in Romania revolve around "the cornerstore bazaar", selling anything from vodka to baby wipes and pretzels, and that there is no Romanian "brand" to speak of, Romanians cannot connect the dots between their pursuit of the elimination of the middle class and the fact that they have no companies to speak of; similarly, this attitude is boosted massively by the monetary drip-feed granted to Romania by the European Community that makes growing a business culture redundant due to the money obtained via political hustling being instantaneous and requiring much less organization than establishing taxation routes; factually there has been no growth whatsoever in the business sector, with "romanian businesses" limiting themselves to go-getter status, importing from China and reselling with Romania whilst doubling the price and, at the same time, the incentives for "growth" are minimal, none of these "bazaar corner-store"-enterprises having expanded over several decades; on the other hand, listening to someone attempting to do business speak about the protection rackets within Romania, such as the Romanian police showing up after the mafia, or vice versa, in order to extort money from the business owner whilst extending threats, is an adventure in itself,
  • very similar to Russia, Romania's lack of any industry of significance, business or brand, also can be traced to the mentality that Russia and Romania shares where, counter-intuitively to Marxist thought, work itself is not valued, money or knowledge is never earned yet they are all "given"; more than likely a result of long-term oligarchy and an economy based on selling natural resources (for Romania, cutting down forests and selling them off),
  • a lot of the "inherited" wealth, in particular after the "privatization" of state assets has seen no further "development" - it was "inherited" and then loaned out, with no incentives whatsoever to expand upon the business; initially the idea was to hand the businesses to the private sector, that would take the businesses and develop them further, expanding as necessary - whilst, in reality, the actions were to inherit the wealth and sell it pice-by-piece off in order to purchase ephemeral goods such as cars and mansions,
  • many people sought to legitimize their own criminal enterprise via membership to international organizations - while they did not pay their dues to the Romanian population, for some reason, and perhaps for the sake of speeding things up, international organizations provided blanket-pardons and assurances to criminals ranging from go-getters, hitmen and up to genociders,
  • many of these go-getter "bazaar corner-store"-enterprises keepers that now with the rise of populism love to be heard and utter their opinions on the free market, are, in fact, people that have had special treatment during communism, have infiltrated themselves into politics or the "security services", in order to obtain an edge that nobody else has and for the purpose of turning a profit (in other words, thugs); while seizing an opportunity is perfectly palatable in a free-market economy, holding other people down at gunpoint in order for yourself to succeed is not an expression of "market freedom" but rather of fascism with Stalinist overtones,
  • while for other countries and in other contexts, agreements such as ACTA or the TPP, offering guarantees to businesses in favor of countries, might have meant something else, Romanians couldn't help but rub their hands when external companies decided to start a business in Romania by effectively chasing them off with the usual coffee-cup morality; harassing them for being gay, trying to intervene in their inner workings, and so on, to the point that very few businesses even decided to stay with agreements such as the TPP offering guarantees, that, say, the gun-go outlaw police mafia would not just go ahead and perform illegal seizures and arrests of their property (just like Romanian services have already done); and even irrespective of that, Romanians have signed off ACTA only to find out months later what they had signed, the usual habit of doing an "European Parliament grand tour" while sleeping with the head on the desk, just to ensure an exorbitant pension fund relative to Romania, being the usual culprit,
  • the small dashes of creepiness in older recordings showing communist party members seeking to be adulated by children,
  • foreigners seeking "traditional women" can look elsewhere, most women in Romania are avid social climbers with huge entitlement complexes, tied-in to family such that you'll end up dating both your spouse and her family, they do not tolerate weakness in men at all but keep it to themselves letting frustration stack up over the years, she will always be "the odd one out" constantly complaining "here" with somewhere else and pretending her place was better, and in spite of appearances have more or less done the entire village before seeking new conquests - the lack of sincerity and/or knowledge is simply not an indicator of innocence, just like the thought pattern that someone that did not have the amnesties (freedoms and liberties) of the 1st world is somehow more comfortable in the 3rd just does not work out or is just a variation on the Stockholm syndrome and you just married a hostage; the "Russian brides" trope and newly "weabos" meme are tropes for reasons that repeated themselves in each and every case sufficiently to become a stereotypical pattern,
  • after the 1st world war, maybe, Romania has never had any law, has never had any use for pleasantries such as "human rights", most of that being considered by Romania some sort of infatuation, and coupled with the fact that Romania has not paid its dues for its own crimes, all the amenities of the 1st world are just a huge LARP for Romania used as some sort of propaganda; have no doubts, Romanians can and will jail you without following any legal procedure, Romanians will use the state apparatus to murder people and will blame incompetence for it, Romanians will break every single rule in the book, whether legal or otherwise, if they have sufficient reason to do so; matters such as free speech, castle laws and others are laughed at unless, of course, you have external backup to sustain your stance; any Romanian citizen that is known internationally is not free,
  • going to Romania will land you with an internal file in Romania where they will note any behavior that is less than specular and that file will be used to attack you even after you have left Romania, if Romanians see any use for you; any acts, even as menial as getting drunk, partying too hard and the rest, will just work to their favor due to their belief that such acts will shed a dark light onto the character of the person and thereby people will be more lenient to prevent Romanians from attack them abroad (also, the reason why Romania should never be let into organizations such as Schengen and/or should be removed from international organizations such as Interpol),
  • as a "Yeltsin moment", yet without any sarcasm or irony, whilst the West do not coddle their people using the secret services, Romanians do that instead, such that on a one-to-one, the Romanians will either have the backing (or the disfavor, because the symmetry exists) of their espionage services,
  • one of the fundamental Romanian lies told over and over again and taught to children in schools revolves around Romania posing as a victim during times of conflict and with the thesis that Romanians were "made to participate"; in reality, Romanians have participated in everything unflinchingly, from genocide to espionage, regardless whether they were told to do so or not and with their own profit being one of the consequences of their participation; this covers the world wars ("forced to" be on the side of the axis), the communist times ("force into" genocide or else Russia would have done this or that) and even modern times concerning the espionage boon ("force to" or else others would do the same or worse) and the formation of the moral police; even thought Romanians might claim they were forced into the communist party, a little historical background knowledge should show you that not only would people join willingly but also "competitively", given that you were "selected" to become a member of the Romanian communist party and had a bunch of benefits, mostly financial, as a member - in any case, any thesis of coercion in such cases, is funny,
  • if you ever had doubts that you would be of interest to Romanians due to having a profile too low, keep in mind that the main sustenance for Romania is selling off wood by cutting down their forests; anyone that is able to even barely add up two numbers is precious for a country that has absolutely nothing (and by default due to the destruction of their own talent) and they will be happy to settle even with nibbles because they would not be able to fight the bigger battles,
  • one of the most dangerous things that could happen to your state or organization is to let Romanians inside, regardless the motive, where ideas such as "the ends justify the means", "justice by other means", "democracy costs money" and "guilty before proven innocent" will be allowed to fester, instill themselves as the mainstream inorganically and up to the point of subverting the entire state or organization; for a country that has brought zero prosecutions to an end concerning mass-violence and mass-murder during communism, it is even scary that a country like Romania occupies important seats in organizations such as N.A.T.O. - with the fear amplifying upon knowledge that all of that has not died with the past, but rather has been refreshed by moral police and mass surveillance,
  • if the former director of the N.S.A., perhaps as one of the organizations with access to funding like no other organization on the planet, insists that any "data collection" refrained to metadata (ie: who-called-who) for suspects with known connections to terrorist organizations, and in contrast with Romanians that have been caught to have recording entire conversations of 300 000 civilians, over the span of a few years, with very personal data included, it should things into into perspective on who is seeking what,
  • if you think the old Hungarian movies about an overreaching and abusive post-communist Romanian government are false or exaggerated, then be aware that they are not (as the worst criticism; if the director captured the creepiness correctness, the directors definitely left out some of the cringe and pettiness that is also characteristically Romanian),
  • one very telling news item that is very self-describing of Romania is the fact that Romania is one of the last countries in Europe to have implemented the European data privacy laws; so far, so good, but it also happens that Romania is one of the main applicants, by far, to be "attested" in terms of data privacy laws (a mechanism through which countries get a "good faith" stamp, setting them aside as countries that fully implement the G.D.P.R. and might thusly skip some requirements),
  • one of the pivotal problems with Romania and Romanians in general is that due to a weak state, the concept of co-habitation is impossible to accomplish; the thesis put forth many times, that everyone can live in their own way if they do not bother anyone, simply does not work for Romania because no matter how much you mind your own business, the end result will be that they will make people effectively climb onto your building to get at you (of course, with a fairly decent staging ramp till it gets to that point, such as co-opting neighbors to annoy you, throwing stuff at your windows, blaring car - and police alarms at you, etc.); one sad consequence is that while some people seek peace, Romania obviously has other interest, such that common-sense and similar reasoning patters have no effect - you will essentially be dealing with domestic terrorism due to, say, wanting to keep the brand of beer you like to yourself without telling anyone; contrary to what other people say, you just have to put things into perspective: these are the people that let genociders walk and nobody got prosecuted for the mass-beating of citizens in Bucharest at the behest of a few people, yet will whine, complain and try to take an ethically superior stance with you when it comes to various topics - very similar to how they educated those kids to throw themselves at cars and then claim damages just a few years ago,
  • just like no sense of personal property, be aware that Romanians also have no awareness of personal space such that people will touch you and not always with the best of intentions (expect various degrees of cleanliness as well),
  • Romanians spit on the street, fight using spitting and spitting is one of the local skills,
  • something you would find out during a medium to long stay in Romania, is that general tones of kindness or politeness are taken as a sign of weakness or (even) retardation; if you tend to smile, in general, or smile at people, you might even end up being told to stop doing that because it is understood as a sign of stupidity (not only by the civilians, but psychologists, even working for the Romanian army, will tell you that as well),
  • more along the lines of tourism, for the most part, for a short stay, Romania has the Untertan deal going on for them, such that it is not too likely that you will end up attacked as a foreigner because it attracts the attention of powers that are typically way more powerful than Romanians such that Romanians typically refrain and just attack their own population,
  • Nu-Romanians, or diaspora-Romanians are obsessed with how their language is spoken or written; you will end up assisting as a captive audience to large sparring matches on how some or other person is not using the proper tense and similar, and, as usual, such things are more of a virtue signalling prop; Romanians do not understand that the Romanian language is still in use, such that it morphs around how people use it; a look-back to the period between the wars, reading a newspaper like "Adevarul" from back then, reveals a completely different language, with hyphens mixed with apostrophes and a bunch of oddities that will also seem inconsistent (ie: the same pattern for the same sequence of words not even being reused in the same sentence) to the viewer; similarly, another example is the necessity to create a new dictionary every now and then, and, the Romanian Dex changes from edition to edition thereby making all the formerly written, even trivial; one exception to this nonsense should be made and that is the criticism extended by the press to statesmen and stateswomen that indeed, due to their involvement with the state and the ensuing privileges that are extended to them, should indeed be able to talk Romanian correctly and even up-to-date,
  • due to misinformation, Romanians bit the bullet on the belief that the English language does not use the politeness form when addressing others (when, in fact, English made the politeness form, the default - it just so happens to be one letter shorter),
  • even though Romanians try to disassociate all the time from Russia, contrary to what Romanians like to believe, phonetically Romanian sounds absolutely nothing like Portuguese but purely Russian, with plenty of "sh", "sht", and coarse sounds like "i, a" accents that make it very distant from any other "latin-like" language,
  • there are few-to-none checkups carried out on Romanian businesses (as few as they are), and most of the time if it happens, it is mostly the result of some mafia-hit with the state being used to get back at the business, such that there is absolutely no guarantee of compliance to any standard (including health and sanitation); do not buy groceries from the random Romanian corner-store because it is mystery meat and more than like festered and do not rely on companies holding themselves up to any standard even if self-declared ("your data is deleted every 30 days"); in the event of trouble there is little recourse, with the administration from the police to the government up the whole chain being notoriously corrupt such that even if you are in the right, they might just all stonewall you
  • one interesting property of most Romanians and most Romanian way-to-thinking is that Romanians are more concerned about other people "not having", rather than concerned about themselves or bettering themselves; regrettably, this cannot be attributed to latent communist policies with one joke "from the people", that should not be taken lightheartedly is a joke that revolves around a Romanian shepherd that, when told to ask for a wish, that will be granted, provided that double as much would happen to the Romanian shepherd's neighbor, is that the Romanian shepherd asked for one of his eyes to be gauged out - or, as another example, it is the same reasoning that Yeltsin uttered when visiting the USA "you spoil your people"; unfortunately this leads to some counter-intuitive behavioral patterns with inter-family jealousy and aggression (and even worse, ie: mother working to the disinterest of the offspring) in spite of the fact that they are all of the same family,
  • Romanians typically glorify communism claiming often that "it was better back then"; regrettably, like everything else Romanian, their belief is fake and the expressed thought can almost always be traced to people that had an edge over others during communism (ie: knowing one of the border controllers so they can do contraband), but these people do not miss, say, "collective farms" or other "communist properties" that would pertain to communism itself; in other words, they miss their ability to do illegal stuff, given an overall weak and weakened state,
  • similar to the point of Romania wanting to be attested in terms of privacy regulations in order to skip some of the G.D.P.R. requirements (in spite of being the country with the most complaints due to not having properly implemented the G.D.P.R.), in spite of being the country on the planet with the most registered spies, Romania has also modernly developed a victimhood complex with bold new expressions such as "anti-Romanianism" being coined and then reinforced by a clueless clandestine diaspora (many of them former spies or former communist party members) that have infiltrated places such as Cambridge and other political institutions in order to sway public opinion and maintain the oligarchical system in Romania; do not be fooled, sometimes your own actions speak for themselves such that the reputation (or infamy, in this case) that you have acquired is at times a reflection of your own actions and given the destruction wrought by Romanians abroad, the latter seems more plausible than some "ideological anti-Romanian stance" that appeared out of nowhere and for no reasons,
  • Romanian authorities hinge secrecy on the incompetence of their own population, either belittling cases, or deflecting the discussion when it boils down to even simple matters of human rights; for instance, there are decades-long fights in Romania over making religion a compulsory class in school and regardless of your "ethical" stance on whether it should or not, for the duration that religion has been compulsory, Romania of course failed to provide the proper clergy for pupils of different faiths; either "it doesn't matter, we're all Orthodox" or sending the police to harass families that are of a different faith is the Romanian way to solve such issues,
  • the dream of the Romanian vatnik is to climb on top of the very institutions that dismissed the communist system in which the Romanian vatnik flourished,
  • Romania's membership to the European Union is not about collaboration, it is instead about revenge,
  • the separation between state powers in Romania is undesirable; please note that "undesirable" is the operative keyword here meaning that Romania and Romanians are not somehow "struggling" to separate state powers and need help therefore, but rather Romanians want the whole system of governance to be a mob and even pride themselves with cross-talk between state agencies to the detriment of the individual; on that note, Romania is a collectivist society with no intents nor interest in individualism,
  • similar to other eastern countries, you will hear the police or the ambulances blaring the alarms in the middle of the night, even if there is no traffic at all such that the siren can only be interpreted as intentional; similar for ambulances that will park and leave the sirens on and blaring, for ages without any reason given that the ambulance is even parked; also similar, there is a cultural need to generate noise, perhaps as an echelon of manliness, with many cars or motorcycles being "tuned", not for the purpose of the speed or enjoyment of the technology (or else, there are better and less dangerous roads to test that) but just for the purpose of being annoying. YMMV but a regressive society, can only follow regression on all fronts, such that it would only follow that even the institutions made to preserve the peace would indulge in the same criminal activities,
  • one of the major points in the Romanian book of propaganda that is used against the West on the notion of racism is that Romania has never been a colonial power, such that Romanians frequently use that fact for virtue signalling; in reality, at the time of colonial powers, Romania simply did not have the military capabilities to conquer other countries - in fact, Romania did not even exist as a country till the mid 1700. Lastly, in modern times, after joining NATO, Romania had no qualms in participating in theaters of war. Given all the former, the assumption that "Romania did not have colonies" and justified with "out of a heightened sense of ethnics" is just a false implication. As any other propaganda piece, it is just a prop, used to virtue signal and to sabre rattle at the West.
  • Romanians have the inability to compartmentalize which seems to be a consequence of their Greek-aligned values, boosted by extremist views on the "superior man" (ie: the Soviet man), the prodigy and generalized elitism.
  • you will find wild contradictions that will seem extremely confusing even known the various stances on the subjects involved, only to find out that all discussions aside, everything has to do with "control" and little with any other discussions. One funny example is a professional escort that does not know what a vibrator is and seems amazed when she sees one not even knowing how to turn it on. Interestingly, the former is the result of the blend between Romanian "authorities" and Romanian mafia working hand in hand to keep Romanians dumb, dull and uneducated whilst failing miserably and just exposing the hypocrisy coming out of the double-standard. These are the old-communist "good-guys" that by day were morally impeccable such that they were members of the communist party (a spotless record was required), yet they spent their free time running after fair ladies working at the many illicit bordellos in Romania.

wiki/public_relations/countries_of_hate/romania.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/11 02:30 by office

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