
These are classes for accessing a SOAP-like stock market. The main class is the StockMarket class and accepts an WSDL URL. We can initialize the StockMarket class, for example, using:

$stockmarket = new StockMarket("");

at which one can retrieve symbols and indices. For example:

$indice = $stockmarket->getIndice("OMX");

and print out the parameters.


The code contains a main class called StockMarket.php and three other object classes:

  • Symbol.php
  • Indice.php
  • Level.php

each of them responsible for initializing the symbol or indice object.


ini_set("default_socket_timeout", 60);
 * Stock-market class.
class StockMarket
    var $soapClient;
    function StockMarket($wsdlAddress)
        $this->soapClient = new SoapClient($wsdlAddress);
    function obj2array($obj)
        $out = array();
        foreach ($obj as $key => $val) {
            switch (true) {
                case is_object($val):
                    $out[$key] = $this->obj2array($val);
                case is_array($val):
                    $out[$key] = $this->obj2array($val);
                    $out[$key] = $val;
        return $out;
    * get indices based on market code.
    function getIndice($code)
        $in     = array(
            "code" => $code
        $indici = $this->soapClient->__soapCall('Indices', array(
            'parameters' => $in
        ), null, null);
        $result = $this->obj2array($indici);
		$result = $result['IndicesResult'];
		$result = $result['TypeIndices'];
		$indice = new Indice();
        return $indice;
     * get symbol based on market.
    function getSymbol($symbol, $market)
        $in           = array(
            "symbol" => $symbol,
            "market" => $market
        $level1       = $this->soapClient->__soapCall('Level1', array(
            'parameters' => $in
        ), null, null);
        $level1Result = $this->obj2array($level1);
        $level1Result = $level1Result['Level1Result'];
        $symbol = new Symbol();
        return $symbol;
     * get structured symbol based on market.
    function getSymbolPeNivele($symbol, $market)
        $in = array(
            "symbol" => $symbol,
            "market" => $market
        $level2       = $this->soapClient->__soapCall('Level2', array(
            'parameters' => $in
        ), null, null);
        $level2Result = $this->obj2array($level2);
        $level2Result = $level2Result['Level2Result'];
        $symbol = new Symbol();
        $symbol->setNivel1($level2Result['A1Price'], $level2Result['B1Price'], $level2Result['A1Vol'], $level2Result['B1Vol']);
        $symbol->setNivel2($level2Result['A2Price'], $level2Result['B2Price'], $level2Result['A2Vol'], $level2Result['B2Vol']);
        $symbol->setNivel3($level2Result['A3Price'], $level2Result['B3Price'], $level2Result['A3Vol'], $level2Result['B3Vol']);
        $symbol->setNivel4($level2Result['A4Price'], $level2Result['B4Price'], $level2Result['A4Vol'], $level2Result['B4Vol']);
        $symbol->setNivel5($level2Result['A5Price'], $level2Result['B5Price'], $level2Result['A5Vol'], $level2Result['B5Vol']);
        return $symbol;


 * symbol object
class Symbol
    var $symbolCode;
    var $marketCode;
    var $lastTradeTime;
    var $openPrice;
    var $closePrice;
    var $value;
    var $volume;
    var $trades;
    var $lowpriceCurrent;
    var $highpriceCurrent;
    var $avgprice;
    var $netChgFromOfficialPrice;
    var $prcChgFromOfficialPrice;
    var $referencePrice;
    var $potentialOpenVol;
    var $potentialOpenPrice;
    var $symbolStatus;
    var $lastBestTime;
    var $lastTopTime;
    var $bestBidVol;
    var $bestBidPrice;
    var $bestAskVol;
    var $bestAskPrice;
    var $nivel1;
    var $nivel2;
    var $nivel3;
    var $nivel4;
    var $nivel5;
    function setAvgprice($s)
        $this->avgprice = $s;
    function getAvgprice()
        return $this->avgprice;
    function setBestAskPrice($s)
        $this->bestAskPrice = $s;
    function getBestAskPrice()
        return $this->bestAskPrice;
    function setBestAskVol($s)
        $this->bestAskVol = $s;
    function getBestAskVol()
        return $this->bestAskVol;
    function setBestBidVol($s)
        $this->bestBidVol = $s;
    function getBestBidVol()
        return $this->bestBidVol;
    function setBestBidPrice($s)
        $this->bestBidPrice = $s;
    function getBestBidPrice()
        return $this->bestBidPrice;
    function setClosePrice($s)
        $this->closePrice = $s;
    function getClosePrice()
        return $this->closePrice;
    function setHighPriceCurrent($s)
        $this->highpriceCurrent = $s;
    function getHighPriceCurrent()
        return $this->highpriceCurrent;
    function setLastBestTime($s)
        $this->lastBestTime = $s;
    function getLastBestTime()
        return $this->lastBestTime;
    function setLastTopTime($s)
        $this->lastTopTime = $s;
    function getLastTopTime()
        return $this->lastTopTime;
    function setLastTradeTime($s)
        $this->lastTradeTime = $s;
    function getLastTradeTime()
        return $this->lastTradeTime;
    function setLowPriceCurrent($s)
        $this->lowpriceCurrent = $s;
    function getLowpriceCurrent()
        return $this->lowpriceCurrent;
    function setMarketCode($s)
        $this->marketCode = $s;
    function getMarketCode()
        return $this->marketCode;
    function setNetChgFromOfficialPrice($s)
        $this->netChgFromOfficialPrice = $s;
    function getNetChgFromOfficialPrice()
        return $this->netChgFromOfficialPrice;
    function setOpenPrice($s)
        $this->openPrice = $s;
    function getOpenPrice()
        return $this->openPrice;
    function setPotentialOpenPrice($s)
        $this->potentialOpenPrice = $s;
    function getPotentialOpenPrice()
        return $this->potentialOpenPrice;
    function setPotentialOpenVol($s)
        $this->potentialOpenVol = $s;
    function getPotentialOpenVol()
        return $this->potentialOpenVol;
    function setPrcChgFromOfficialPrice($s)
        $this->prcChgFromOfficialPrice = $s;
    function getPrcChgFromOfficialPrice()
        return $this->prcChgFromOfficialPrice;
    function setReferencePrice($s)
        $this->referencePrice = $s;
    function getReferencePrice()
        return $this->referencePrice;
    function setSymbolCode($s)
        $this->symbolCode = $s;
    function getSymbolCode()
        return $this->symbolCode;
    function setSymbolStatus($s)
        $this->symbolStatus = $s;
    function getSymbolStatus()
        return $this->symbolStatus;
    function setTrades($s)
        $this->trades = $s;
    function getTrades()
        return $this->trades;
    function setValue($s)
        $this->value = $s;
    function getValue()
        return $this->value;
    function setVolume($s)
        $this->volume = $s;
    function getVolume()
        return $this->volume;
    function setNivel1($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->nivel1 = new Nivel($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol);
    function getNivel1()
        return $this->nivel1;
    function setNivel2($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->nivel2 = new Nivel($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol);
    function getNivel2()
        return $this->nivel2;
    function setNivel3($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->nivel3 = new Nivel($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol);
    function getNivel3()
        return $this->nivel3;
    function setNivel4($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->nivel4 = new Nivel($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol);
    function getNivel4()
        return $this->nivel4;
    function setNivel5($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->nivel5 = new Nivel($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol);
    function getNivel5()
        return $this->nivel5;


 * indice object
class Indice
    var $code;
    var $lastUpdateTime;
    var $openValue;
    var $currentValue;
    var $lowValue;
    var $highValue;
    var $netChange;
    var $prcChange;
    function setCode($s)
        $this->code = $s;
    function getCode()
        return $this->code;
    function setLastUpdateTime($s)
        $this->lastUpdateTime = $s;
    function getLastUpdateTime()
        return $this->lastUpdateTime;
    function setOpenValue($s)
        $this->openValue = $s;
    function getOpenValue()
        return $this->openValue;
    function setCurrentValue($s)
        $this->currentValue = $s;
    function getCurrentValue()
        return $this->currentValue;
    function setLowValue($s)
        $this->lowValue = $s;
    function getLowValue()
        return $this->lowValue;
    function setHighValue($s)
        $this->highValue = $s;
    function getHighValue()
        return $this->highValue;
    function setNetChange($s)
        $this->netChange = $s;
    function getNetChange()
        return $this->netChange;
    function setPrcChange($s)
        $this->prcChange = $s;
    function getPrcChange()
        return $this->prcChange;


 * used to model structured symbols.
class Level
    var $a;
    var $b;
    var $aVol;
    var $bVol;
    function Level($a, $b, $aVol, $bVol)
        $this->a    = $a;
        $this->b    = $b;
        $this->aVol = $aVol;
        $this->bVol = $bVol;
    function getA()
        return $this->a;
    function getAVol()
        return $this->aVol;
    function getB()
        return $this->b;
    function getBVol()
        return $this->bVol;

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