
fluffy is a minimalistic portal for multiple backend services allowing dynamically adding and removing services. The main concept behind fluffy is that an organisation may have multiple services available through HTTP at various addresses and integration of such services may be a demanding if not impossible process.

For instance, one would want to integrate a printing web frontend with an HP iLO web frontend and the only option would be, at best to use an additional Apache webserver in order to proxy requests to the various services based on IP address. fluffy offers a solution for integrating multiple services using a simple interface where services and addresses can be added and removed conveniently.



fluffy requires Node.JS and is able to run on any operating system.

Source Code

The source code is obtainable via Subversion:


To install fluffy, check out the source code from the Subversion repository:

svn co http://svn.grimore.org/fluffy

and then install all required modules via npm:

cd fluffy
npm install
cd ../www
npm install

Running and Operating

The first step is to configure the listening address and port. Change directory to the top level fluffy directory and copy the config.js.dist file to config.js. Next, edit the config.js file and set the address and port in the net section of the configuration file.

fluffy can be started by issuing:

node server.js -d www

from the top level fluffy directory.

When started, fluffy will launch an HTTP (and, optionally HTTPs) server that can the be accessed via a browser at the address and port specified by the config.js configuration file.

The interface is very easy to understand and includes add and remove buttons to add new services, the URLs to the web services and an icon.

web/fluffy.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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