The database address replicator is responsible for relaying URLs to other DPDs in the network. It also specifies the password for the network it will join as well as how frequently the URLs in its list will replicate to other DPD nodes.
integer URL_REPLICATION_TIME = 5; string DATABASE_PASSWORD = "49c11b5dfa51597b3021578810a1ebd2";
is the time interval in seconds between URL replications. Periodically, based on this time interval, the primitive will try to send all its URLs to all the other primitives it has in its list. It is usually fairly decent to keep this at 60 seconds since it is unlikely that ALL the regions containing these primitives will go down within a 60 second interval.DATABASE_PASSWORD
is a string containing a password that the current DPD node will accept and send when connecting to any other DPD node. This will allow you to isolate your DPD network from other people's networks. Please change this password to something else. I would personally google for an online md5 hash generator and get a password based on that. Regardless what you choose, the password should 'NOT
' contain punctuation marks or spaces.
The address replicator is in charge of replicating the URLs between the DPD nodes. It takes two parameters: URL_REPLICATION_TIME
which represents the interval between which the DPD will try to propagate its address to other DPD nodes and DATABASE_PASSWORD
which represents the password for the current DPD network.
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2011 - License: GNU GPLv3 // // Please see: for legal details, // // rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DPD: DATABASE ADDRESS REPLICATOR ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //------------------- CONFIGURATION --------------------// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Time in seconds between the Distributed Primitive // Database (DPD) URL address replication attempts. // This determines how fast the current prim/DPD will // attempt to connect to other prims/DPDs in your // network. Keep this at a sensible value, way beyond a // setting of 1. Do NOT be greedy and go too low on this // or you will overclock the script till it breaks. // Sensible values are well beyond 60s and it should be that // way for slow to moderate storage. integer URL_REPLICATION_TIME = 5; // This is your whole Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) // network password. Nobody would be able to hook up to your // network unless they know this password. Make sure it is // something unique. If you want a good password, google for an // md5 hash generator and use that. ALL the prims in your // Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) network must have the // same password that you enter here. It can be anything you // choose but WITHOUT SPACES and without PUNCTUATION MARKS/SYMBOLS. string DATABASE_PASSWORD = "49c11b5dfa51597b3021578810a1ebd2"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //--------------------- INTERNALS ----------------------// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // pragma inline integer isValidURL(string URL) { if(~llSubStringIndex(URL, "http://") && ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "") && ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "cap")) return 1; return 0; } integer dbON = 1; integer menuHandle = 0; integer registerHandle = 0; list urlBeacons = []; integer urlBeaconsNum = 0; string selfURL = ""; integer gitra; integer gitrb; default { state_entry() { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } changed(integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_REGION_START || change & CHANGED_REGION) { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } } on_rez(integer pin) { llReleaseURL(selfURL); selfURL = ""; llRequestURL(); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, "", "@db_FETCHKICKSTART"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0); if(gitrb >= llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { ++gitra; gitrb = 0; } if(gitra >= llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { gitra=0; } if(isValidURL(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitra)) && isValidURL(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitrb))) llHTTPRequest(llList2String(urlBeacons, gitra), [HTTP_METHOD, "POST"], llList2String(urlBeacons, gitrb) + " " + DATABASE_PASSWORD); ++gitrb; llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 3, selfURL, "@db_SETKICKSTART=" + llList2CSV(urlBeacons)); llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 1, llList2CSV(urlBeacons), selfURL + "@db_REPLICATE"); llSetTimerEvent(URL_REPLICATION_TIME); } touch_start(integer total_number) { if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner()) return; integer comChannel = ((integer)("0x"+llGetSubString((string)llGetKey(),-8,-1)) & 0x3FFFFFFF) ^ 0xBFFFFFFF; menuHandle = llListen(comChannel, "", llGetOwner(), ""); llDialog(llGetOwner(), "Welcome to the Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) Server:\n\nAdd URL: Use this to add a new DPD.\n\nMy URL: Use this to get the address of this DPD.\n\List URLs: Use this to list all the linked DPDs.\n\nReset: Use this to permanently reset the current DPD since resettting the script will not unlink it from the network.\n\nOn/Off: This will turn the DPD on and off. It will remain connected to the network but will not receive or broadcast messages.\n\nList URLs: Use this to get a list of linked DPDs.", ["[ Add URL ]", "[ My URL ]", "[ List URLs ]", "[ Reset ]", "[ On ]", "[ Off ]"], comChannel); } listen(integer chan,string name,key id,string mes) { if(mes == "[ On ]") { dbON = 1; llOwnerSay("Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) is now: ON"); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ Off ]") { dbON = 0; llOwnerSay("Distributed Primitive Database (DPD) is now: OFF"); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ Reset ]") { llSetTimerEvent(0); llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXT, "", <0,0,0>, .0]); llResetScript(); return; } if(mes == "[ Add URL ]") { llOwnerSay("Please paste an URL on channel " + (string)89 + " in order to register it with the system by typing:\n/" + (string)89 + " URL\nWhere URL is the URL of another Distributed Primitive Database (DPD)."); registerHandle = llListen(89, "", id, ""); jump close_menu; } if(mes == "[ My URL ]") { if(selfURL == "") { llOwnerSay("I don't have an URL registered yet."); jump close_chans; } llOwnerSay("My URL is: " + selfURL); jump close_chans; } if(mes == "[ List URLs ]") { if(!llGetListLength(urlBeacons)) { llOwnerSay("No beacons registered."); jump close_chans; } integer itra; llOwnerSay("----- REGISTERED DATABASES -----"); for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(urlBeacons); ++itra) { llOwnerSay(llList2String(urlBeacons, itra)); } llOwnerSay("----- REGISTERED DATABASES -----"); jump close_chans; } if(chan != 89) return; mes = llList2String(llParseString2List(mes, [" "], [""]), 0); if(!isValidURL(mes)) { llOwnerSay("Bad formatted URL"); return; } if(~llListFindList(urlBeacons, [ mes ])) { llOwnerSay("URL already exists."); jump close_chans; } urlBeacons += mes; llOwnerSay("URL: " + mes + " has been registered."); @close_chans; llListenRemove(registerHandle); @close_menu; llListenRemove(menuHandle); } link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) { if(num != 0) return; if(id != "@db_KICKSTART") return; list kickstartBeacons = llCSV2List(str); integer itra; for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(kickstartBeacons); ++itra) { if(~llListFindList(urlBeacons, (list)llList2String(kickstartBeacons, itra)) || !isValidURL(llList2String(kickstartBeacons, itra))) jump continue; urlBeacons += [ llList2String(kickstartBeacons, itra) ]; @continue; } return; } http_request(key id, string method, string body) { if(method == URL_REQUEST_GRANTED) { selfURL = body; urlBeacons += body; return; } if(method == URL_REQUEST_DENIED) { llRequestURL(); return; } if(method == "POST") { llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "OK"); list postPayload = llParseString2List(body, [" "], [""]); if(!isValidURL(llList2String(postPayload, 0))) return;; if(llList2String(postPayload, 1) != DATABASE_PASSWORD) return; if(~llListFindList(urlBeacons, [ llList2String(postPayload, 0) ])) return; urlBeacons += llList2String(postPayload, 0); return; } if(method == "PUT") { if(!dbON) return; llHTTPResponse(id, 200, "OK"); list otherURLs = llDeleteSubList(urlBeacons, llListFindList(urlBeacons, [ selfURL ]), llListFindList(urlBeacons, [ selfURL ])); if(llGetListLength(otherURLs)) llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 1, llList2CSV(otherURLs), body); return; } } http_response(key id, integer status, list metadata, string body) { if(status == 404) { string badBeaconKey = llList2String(llParseString2List(body, [": ", "'"], [""]), 1); integer itra; for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(urlBeacons); ++itra) { if(~llSubStringIndex(llList2String(urlBeacons, itra), badBeaconKey)) urlBeacons = llDeleteSubList((urlBeacons = []) + urlBeacons, itra, itra); } } } }