
Wizardry and Steamworks was never meant to do private investigations initially. The idea has been to publish scripts, programming and perhaps tinker with hardware. All of the content has been provided freely without any fee and it is still provided freely. The investigations section is a newer section that is created as a response to events that hampered progress and further development of Wizardry and Steamworks as well as the harassment of some of our members by various members of governments, such that, at the very least, we would like to have a well-established record of the facts that took place. It seems clear that we will act upon these facts in order to defend our assets and compared to multi-nation conglomerates, we do not consider that accepting more espionage is some path to justice. Quite on the contrary, the people involved should be held responsible in a court of law, answer for their deeds and pay the necessary restitution to our members that have been involved.

For the meanwhile, access to this wiki is barred in Romania / Moldova via a country-wide block, that will only be lifted in the unlikely event that Romanians provide legal justice for the cases mentioned (which, given our experience, will never happen, realistically speaking, such that the ban will never be lifted). Even if the former would take place, we would just use the money to extract all the members we have in Romania and there would be no reason at all to even have any connection to Romania in the first place. Our member simply that they do not want to end up like the French artist Constantin Brâncuși that, even though he fled Romania due to poor conditions and had ulterior riff-raffs with the Romanian governent, Romanians out of a grotesque feeling of entitlement somehow many years after his death want to appropriate his magnum opus instead of realizing that, Mr. Brâncuși is in fact French by all checks and balances. Nor would we like to be appropriated like Simona Halep by Romanians, when all of what you can see on our pages being entirely the efforts of anything but the Romanian government or even Romanians at large (the most they have ever done was to be overtly jealous, even as some of these cases highlight). The most Romanians and Romania has ever done was to attempt to hamper development, have restricted access to business via unfair imprisonment and ultimately have carried out espionage on the individuals involved on this website that cannot be justified legally, even in terms of time-span by any Earth-bound court.

The same will apply for members working in other parts of the world, however, as we can observe there is not too much going on at their end, mainly due to some of them living in better states that have not enacted country-wide espionage. However, shall at any point an issue be raised as to "why" certain decisions are made, we will be happy to provide the facts as they are listed here, for whatever justification is necessary in order to take measures to protect our IP, and/or decide upon denying, conversely accepting, service to anyone we deem involved and/or responsible via the facts. On that note, please be aware that the decisions taken are not "abstract" but rather they are based on real scenarios, with real litigious claims that seem to always go unresolved.

Nevertheless, it must be said that some of these cases are brought to use via sources external to Wizardry and Steamworks, but that we might take action upon them depending on how well documented they are and the quality of the proof provided, even if our own members are not affected. For example, there has been talk within the group for banning the United Kingdom, entirely, given that it seems that lately the government backing / justifying taking action against "online speech" (literally bashing in doors of people that leave funny comments on Twitter / X), even when that speech, considering all the proof, seems to be at worst "snarky comments". We love the U.K. but we do not want to deliver content to them that they might find offensive, especially how arbitrary it seems, such that in the future a country-wide block of the U.K. might just become a reality that would displease us as well.

We always make it a point that, were some of these countries to have their way, there would be no content written in the first place, such that any anger that the content is blocked in their countries is simply a paradox.

Then there is the contribution to history where most people walk around most of the day believing that the umbrella extended by the responsible institutions will keep them safe and sound. There is the Icelandic example, or "Nordic model" if we dare, where you have "for liberty and for free speech" parades going on outdoors all day (among the bums on the street, admittedly) but then when it comes to make a stand against child abuse, all the people (with a vast involvement, given the people that were fully aware) fold and seem more interested to be funded by child abusers; which, at the very least, is not something that one would know by reading the many odes of love brought to Iceland on the Internet. Surely, if you were told that you would bring up a case of homicide within a Romanian hospital and the EU would play paddy-cake with the responsibility bouncing the case back and forth between two countries, you would have said that it is all a lie (or perhaps find some obscure para-psychological stasi apparatchik for intents that could not even be more obvious), and that clearly all these fashionable appearances of the European clergy within the media is an indication that "everything is taken care of". We do believe at this point that the entire umbrella, whether that is international agreements, "laws" conferred by the EU and other "guarantees" are literally baseless and that, when push comes to shove, if you even dare to call it and put your rights to the test, then somehow all the former become just baseless words, more than likely produced for the purpose of financing someone, with the state coming down upon you and the European Union only being worried about censoring the events in perfect complicit union with the offenders.



private_investigations.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/14 23:46 by office

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