
The was.php PHPy package packs some common support libraries used by various Wizardry and Steamworks assets.

Included Functions

Branch Function Prototype Documentation Description
IO atomized_put_contents($file, $data) Atomic write to a file.
atomized_get_contents($file) Atomic read from a file.
collections wasArrayStride'($a, $s) array stride Returns every $s$-th element in array a.
formats/csv wasCSVToArray($csv) Converts an RFC 4180 compilant CSV string to a PHP array.
wasArrayToCSV($a) Converts a PHP array to an RFC 4180 compilant CSV string
formats/kvp wasKeyValueGet($key, $data) Retrieves the value of a key from a key-value pairs string.
mathematics mapValueToRange($value, $xMin, $xMax, $yMin, $yMax) map a value from a source range to a destination range Maps a value from a source range into a destination range.
lsl wasLSLVectorToArray($vector) Converts an LSL point vector (Vector3d) to a PHP array of components.


The was.php package can be installed through composer from the Wizardry and Steamworks private repository. Create a file in the project folder named composer.json and add the repository:

    "repositories": {
        "was": {
            "type": "composer",
            "url": "https://satis.grimore.org"
    "minimum-stability": "dev"

After that, the package can be installed by issuing:

composer require was/utilities


To use any of the functions, just include the PHP file using require_once.

php/composer/packages/was.php.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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