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This script was tested and works on OpenSim version 0.7.4!

The code below uses OSSL functions to teleport an agent to a different link-ed grid. The script assumes that the destination grid is to be found at 8000x7998 on the map. It is an off-spin of the example provided by the OpenSim OSSL API for the osTeleportAgent function. The difference is that this script uses state isolation to prevent an accidental double-click of the primitive which may result in a viewer crash.


In order to change the script and tailor to your needs you will have to edit the following lines in the script in the Code section:

        // Region name.
        // Nova is on separate grid now.
        // string Destination = "Nova";
        // Landing point, in local coordinates.
        vector landingPoint = <182, 225, 26>;
        // Look-At when they arrive.
        vector lookAt = <1,1,1>;
        // The global x coordinate of the map tile
        integer map_x = 5000;
        integer map_y = 5000;

to set the landingPoint on the destination grid in local coordinates. Most of the time, the lookAt directional vector can be left as is, unless you have a custom application that requires the agent to rotate and look at a certain point upon arrival.

The map_x and map_y variables have to change to the global map tile coordinates where the simulator is located. The following is an example of a grid with three simulators:

To find out the simulator you wish to teleport the agents to, by going right on the map you have to add 1 from where you count. Going left, you have to subtract 1. If you go up, you will have to add 1 and going down is subtracting 1.

On OpenSim, all global coordinates can be found out by looking at the Regions.ini file.


//  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2011 - License: GNU GPLv3      //
//  Please see: for legal details,  //
//  rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions.        //
// This is a spin off the example osTeleportAgent
// example which you can find on he OpenSim site at: 
// The latest version can be found at:
key avatar = NULL_KEY;
    touch_start(integer num_detected) {
        avatar = llDetectedKey(0);
        state teleport;
state teleport
    state_entry() {
        ////////////// SETTINGS ////////////////
        // Region name.
        // Nova is on separate grid now.
        // string Destination = "Nova";
        // Landing point, in local coordinates.
        vector landingPoint = <182, 225, 26>;
        // Look-At when they arrive.
        vector lookAt = <1,1,1>;
        // The global x coordinate of the map tile
        integer map_x = 5000;
        integer map_y = 5000;
        osTeleportAgent(avatar, map_x, map_y, landingPoint, lookAt);
        state default;

opensim/hypergrid_teleports.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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