On a social engineering layer, banning misbehaving users does not yield results in some ambitious cases since the users tend to come back using VPNs and other paraphernalia; ie: you throw them out through the door, they climb through the window. A far better option, given social engineering principles, is to make yourself humble enough so they do not consider you worthy of soliciting services from - even if the network administrator's impulse is to outright ban them.
Example software includes the Drupal misery module that makes a website randomly pretend that it is broken. Highlights include, morbid delays, white screens, random HTTP errors, forms that do not submit and up to replacing content with spam.
Unfortunately, there is no comprehensive solution to make this great feature available to services other than HTTP. Instead, the netem
quality of service component can be used to achieve a subset of grievances similar to the Drupal misery module.
The following guide will show how to create a fast and efficient blacklist where entries can be added or removed conveniently that will simulate network failure and random packet-level errors.
is a Linux tool that can manage lists of IPs and then match them using iptables
in order to perform various operations. To install the ipset
tool, issue:
aptitude install ipset
Under Debian, there is no persistent way of storing ipset
entries such that a custom package by Viktor Szépe has to be fetched:
cd /usr/src git clone https://github.com/szepeviktor/debian-server-tools/tree/master/security/myattackers-ipsets/ipset-persistent
and then installed, following the instructions, by issuing:
cd ipset-persistent cp --parent etc/ipset/README / cp --parent etc/default/ipset-persistent / cp --parent etc/init.d/ipset-persistent /
The /etc/default/ipset-persistent
configuration file has to be edited in order to point the IPSET_BIN
variable to the ipset
command (on Debian, installed at /sbin/ipset
An IP to blacklist can be added, first by creating a set by issuing:
ipset create blacklist hash:net
is the name of the IP sethash:net
is the set type (various optimization options are available by issuing ipset help
, but specifically, a hash:net
optimizes network entries)and then by adding the IP with:
ipset add blacklist
is the name of the IP set, and4.150.102.189
is an example IP to blacklistConversely, an IP can be removed by issuing:
ipset del blacklist
Note that if ipset-persistent
was installed, then the command:
service ipset-persistent save
must be issued in order to save the added entries such that they will be reloaded on boot.
With the IP set in place, the next step is to create QoS rules based on netem
in order to perturb the outgoing traffic to any IP in the IP set. Either execute the following commands every time, or place them in a script to be executed on boot:
OUT_IF=eth0 OUT_RATE=1000Mbps PACKET_DELAY="800ms 250ms 25%" PACKET_LOSS="7%" DUPLICATE_PACKETS="5%" CORRUPT_PACKETS="10%" tc qdisc del dev $OUT_IF root tc qdisc add dev $OUT_IF handle 1: root htb tc class add dev $OUT_IF parent 1: classid 1:15 htb rate $OUT_RATE tc qdisc add dev $OUT_IF parent 1:15 handle 15 netem \ delay $PACKET_DELAY \ loss $PACKET_LOSS \ duplicate $DUPLICATE_PACKETS \ corrupt $CORRUPT_PACKETS tc filter add dev $OUT_IF parent 1:0 prio 1 protocol ip handle 15 fw flowid 1:15
The script roughly performs the following operations:
with the following settings (as configured using the settings):15
via iptables
will go through the 1:15
With the previous traffic shaping rules in place, packets can now be marked via iptables
such that they are throttled. Note that the classifier only works on packets that are sent back from a server to a blacklisted IP.
For instance, would we like to make life miserable to clients connecting to HTTP/HTTPs, we would add a firewall rule along the lines of:
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT \ -m set --match-set blacklist dst \ -m multiport --sport 80,443 \ -j MARK --set-mark 15
which means:
(HTTP) or 443
.The rule can be simplified when all traffic has to be made miserable:
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT \ -m set --match-set blacklist dst \ -j MARK --set-mark 15
which will mark all packets bound for any IP on the blacklist
set and send them through the shaper.
Leveraging the stateless HTTP protocol, the following can be added to the firewall:
iptables -A INPUT \ -m set --match-set blacklist src \ -m statistic --mode random --probability 0.50 \ -p tcp -m multiport --dport 80,443 \ -m state --state NEW \ -j DROP
that will randomly drop new connections to HTTP or HTTPs with a probability of .
Using the commands ipset add
and ipset remove
you can add an IP address under your control that can be used for testing. The values for the rule:
OUT_IF=eth0 PACKET_DELAY="800ms 250ms 25%" PACKET_LOSS="7%" DUPLICATE_PACKETS="5%" CORRUPT_PACKETS="10%" tc qdisc add dev $OUT_IF parent 1:15 handle 15 netem \ delay $PACKET_DELAY \ loss $PACKET_LOSS \ duplicate $DUPLICATE_PACKETS \ corrupt $CORRUPT_PACKETS
can be tweaked according to preference.