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There are times when you may need to issue a command to various tor servers you have set-up in order to renew the identity such that the tor servers build a new circuit. The following takes as input various configured servers at the top and then batch-issues a renew request.


For each server, you will have to edit tor's configuration (usually found at /etc/tor/torrc) in order to open up the control port and specify a password that can be used to control tor. For example, the configuration:

ControlPort 9151
HashedControlPassword 16:46E8910318E774FE60093EBECD3579F35CA66435F1C8946C242E7B4F2A


  • open up the control port on port 9151,
  • listen on the address and port 9151 for control commands,
  • set the hashed password to 16:46E8910318E774FE60093EBECD3579F35CA66435F1C8946C242E7B4F2A

In order to generate a password hash to replace 16:46E8910318E774FE60093EBECD3579F35CA66435F1C8946C242E7B4F2A with your password, you can issue:

tor --hash-password password

where password is a plain-text password that can then be entered in the script below.

##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2015 - License: GNU GPLv3      ##
##  Please see: for legal details,  ##
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########################### Configuration #################################
# Add servers to this following the format in-sequence:
# server name, server port, password
    [ 'tor1.server', 9151, 'password' ],
    [ 'tor2.server', 9151, 'password' ]
import os
import socket
def renewTorIdentity(host, port, password):
        s = socket.socket() 
        s.connect((host, port)) 
        s.send('AUTHENTICATE "' + password + '"' + os.linesep) 
        resp = s.recv(1024) 
        if not resp.startswith('250'):
            raise Exception(resp)
        s.send("SIGNAL NEWNYM" + os.linesep) 
        resp = s.recv(1024) 
        if not resp.startswith('250'): 
            raise Exception(resp); 
        s.send("QUIT" + os.linesep)
        if not resp.startswith('250'): 
            raise Exception(resp);
for server in TOR_SERVERS:
        renewTorIdentity(server[0], server[1], server[2]);
    except Exception as e:
        print "Unable to renew identity of", server[0], "due to:", e

networking/batch_renew_tor_identity.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:27 by

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