These are some notes on running Overleaf (a self-hosted latex on-line collaborative tool) using docker containers.
Here is a list of problems that have to be tackled in order to get everything working:
This section stores the docker compose files to create the images necessary for running Overleaf on docker.
ersion: '3.9' services: mongo: image: mongo:4.4.6 healthcheck: test: echo 'db.stats().ok' | mongo localhost:27017/test --quiet interval: 10s timeout: 10s retries: 5 user: 1000:1000 volumes: - /mnt/docker/data/mongo/db:/data/db - /mnt/docker/data/mongo/configdb:/data/configdb - /mnt/docker/data/mongo/init:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/:ro ports: - 27017:27017 environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Etc/UTC - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=root - MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=password
The host /mnt/docker/data/mongo/init
folder that is mapped inside the docker container as read-only at /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/
contains a file name init.js
with the following contents:
db = db.getSiblingDB('admin'); // move to the admin db - always created in Mongo db.auth("root", "password"); // log as root admin if you decided to authenticate in your docker-compose file... db = db.getSiblingDB('overleaf'); // create and move to your new database db.createUser({ 'user': "overleaf", 'pwd': "overleaf", 'roles': [{ 'role': 'dbOwner', 'db': 'overleaf'}]}); // user created //db.createCollection('collection_test'); // add new collection
that is placed there in order to pre-create the overleaf
database referenced in the monogdb connector within the overleaf docker compose file.
version: '3.9' services: redis: image: library/redis:latest deploy: resources: limits: memory: 256M cpus: '0.75' reservations: memory: 50M healthcheck: test: ["CMD-SHELL", "redis-cli ping || exit 1"] user: 1000:1000 ports: - 6379:6379 volumes: - /mnt/docker/data/redis/data:/data - /mnt/docker/data/redis/config:/usr/local/etc/redis environment: - PUID=1000 - PGID=1000 - TZ=Etc/UTC
After mongo and redis have been installed, setting Overleaf up is little more complicated given that the container itself has a complex setup. The first step is to run the container as per the following docker compose definition whilst changing the necessary environment variables to match.
# after starting, run inside the container: # # in order to set the email to an admin # cd /var/www/sharelatex; grunt user:create-admin --email=yourownemail # # in order to install the full TeXLive distribution # tlmgr option repository # tlmgr install scheme-full version: '3.9' services: overleaf: image: sharelatex/sharelatex:3.5.13 healthcheck: test: curl -f http://localhost:80/ || exit 1 ports: - 7643:80 stop_grace_period: 60s volumes: - /mnt/docker/data/overleaf:/var/lib/sharelatex environment: - SHARELATEX_FPH_DISPLAY_NEW_PROJECTS=false - SHARELATEX_FPH_INITIALIZE_NEW_PROJECTS=false - SHARELATEX_SECURE_COOKIE=false - SHARELATEX_BEHIND_PROXY=true - SHARELATEX_APP_NAME="Overleaf Community Edition" - SHARELATEX_MONGO_URL=mongodb://overleaf:overleaf@docker/overleaf - SHARELATEX_REDIS_HOST=docker - REDIS_HOST=docker - ENABLE_CONVERSIONS=true - EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_DISABLED=false - - TEXMFVAR=/var/lib/sharelatex/tmp/texmf-var - SHARELATEX_SITE_URL=https://latex... - SHARELATEX_NAV_TITLE=OverleafCE - - SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PORT=587 - - SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS=dfelecwkuldjffxfehd - SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTH=true - SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_IGNORE_TLS=false - - SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_LOGGER=true - TZ=Etc/UTC
Note that Overleaf has to be able to set ownership and permissions for the local folder /mnt/docker/data/overleaf
that is mounted within the container at /var/lib/sharelatex
which might be a problem depending on the setup. For example, if /mnt/docker/data/overleaf
is to be found on an NFS share, then the NFS share should be defined using no_root_squash
in order to make sure that the chown
command will work. Here is how one would export /mnt/docker/data/overleaf
using NFS:
/mnt/docker/data/overleaf docker1(rw,sync,insecure,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash)
The typical Overleaf showstopper consists in permission errors. Fortunately, the Overleaf docker container can be monitored by issuing:
docker logs OVERLEAF_CONTAINER --follow
is the name of ID of the Overleaf containerSimilarly, one very useful source of information is to start a shell within the docker container:
docker exec -it OVERLEAF_CONTAINER bash
is the container ID of the Overleaf container
and then look under /var/log/sharelatex
, specifically, inside the files:
, responsible for web-based interactions, and,/var/log/sharelatex/clsi.log
, responsible for compiling latex filesIn case Overleaf manages to start and you are able to connect to the web-interface, then the E-Mail that has been used to create an account has to be set as an administrator. This can be done by issuing the command:
cd /var/www/sharelatex; grunt user:create-admin --email=yourownemail
is the E-Mail address referenced in the docker compose file environment variablesNow, the next part involves installing the full LaTeX TeXLive distribution, similarly, by entering the container shell and issuing the commands:
tlmgr option repository tlmgr install scheme-full
,Finally, the image is now complete and can be used such that it is best to create a separate image with the changes committed.
First, list all containers:
docker container ls
then commit the container to a separate image:
is the container id of the Overleaf container,IMAGE_NAME
is the new image name to save the modified image as (ex: overleaf:latexfull
)From now on, the Overleaf compose file can be changed, and instead of:
image: sharelatex/sharelatex:3.5.13
the new image can be used:
image: overleaf:latexfull
Although it is out of the scope of this tutorial, in case that Overleaf will be running in a swarm, it is best to deploy a private registry to save the modified image such that it can be retrieved by the swarm.
For the environment section within the Overleaf docker compose file, namely, the definitions that define and outbound E-Mail:
use Google via SMTP. For this to work, the "Security" section of the Google account has to be visited, two-factor authentication (2FA) must be enabled and then by clinking on the "Two-factor Authentication" and scrolling down, a section should be provided to create an application password.
The application password created should be set as the value of the SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS
environment variable:
- SHARELATEX_EMAIL_SMTP_PASS=dfelecwkuldjffxfehd