
After a while crocodile! 
Are you ready Freddy? 
Are you ready teddy? 
Better skadoodle, poodle. 
Bye-bye, butterfly. 
Bye-bye, French fry. 
Bye bye sweetie pie. 
Can't stay, blue jay. 
Catch ya on the flip side Clyde. 
Chop-chop, lollipop. 
Fuck you, kangaroo. 
Give a hug, ladybug. 
Gotta go, armadillo. 
Hey turd, what's the word? 
Howdy do, how are you? 
Howdy do, kangaroo! 
Howdy do, what's new? 
If you wish, jellyfish. 
Let's scat, alley cat. 
No siree Bobbo! 
Not too soon, baboon. 
Not too soon, you ol' baboon! 
Okeedokee, artichokee. 
Out the door, dinosaur. 
Roger dodger. 
See what I mean, Jelly Bean? 
See ya later alligator! 
See you later, sweet potater! 
See you soon, lil' raccoon. 
See you there black bear. 
See you there polar bear. 
So long, King Kong. 
So long like a banana..see you round like an orange! 
Sorry Charlie. 
Suck a dick little prick. 
Sure do, tennis shoe. 
Sure thang chicken wang. 
Take care, teddy bear. 
That's the end of that, Jack. 
Time to go, buffalo 
Time to squirm, wiggle worm. 
Toodaloo, kangaroo. 
What's new kangaroo? 
What's the deal banana peel? 
What's up buttercup? 
Yes, I do, kangaroo. 
Yipper skipper. 
You got it polly pocket.
Be there or be square 
Bingo bango 
Cruisin' for a bruisin' 
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya. 
Down to the nitty gritty 
Eager beaver 
Fine as wine 
Flibberty flabber 
Flim flam 
Fo shizzle my nizzle (Snoop Doggism) 
Fuzzy wuzzy 
Go ahead gourd head 
Hanky panky 
Higgledy Piggledy 
Hoi polloi 
Hook or crook 
Its all topsy turvy 
Loosy goosy 
No fimble famble (Joad Cressbecklerism) 
Riff raff 
Rootin Tootin 
Rub a dub dub thanks for the grub 
So far so good, Knock on wood 
Tattle - tell, tattle - tell you're going to grow a big ol' tail 
Wham, bam, thank you, ma'am! 
What's cookin' good lookin'? 
When in doubt, knock 'em out! 
Willy Nilly 
Young, dumb, and full of rum.

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