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Von-Neumann Debiasing

Given the set of binary digits:

B &=& \{ k | k \in \{ 0, 1 \} \} \\

and $S$ a sequence of arbitrary binary digits:

S &=& {\huge\bullet_{i=1}^{n}} k_{i},k_{i} \in B,n \ge 2

Let $r_{i}$ be a debiased random binary number such that:

r_{i} = 
0 & k_{i-1} = 0,k_{i} = 1  \\
1 & k_{i-1} = 1,k_{i} = 0

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the random binary digit $r_{i}$:

$k_{i-1}$ $k_{i}$ $r_{i}$
0 0 discard
0 1 0
1 0 1
1 1 discard


fuss/computer_science.1633582927.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2021/10/07 05:02 by office

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