

The video with images from Zoom Earth displays the evolution of the Weddell Sea iceberg (West Brunt) from the 10th of January 2023 and up to the 26th of January 2023 with the splitting point being the 24th of January 2023.


-75.620501, -26.576024


Image from British Antarctic Survey ( shows the rift produced between the West Brunt and the East Brunt east inside the Weddell sea. The West Brunt is $50km$ in diameter (roughly the diameter of London) and has detached from the Antarctic ice sheet seemingly floating westward.

Event Log


  • By the 26th of January 2023 it seems that the detached West Brunt has shattered to the south and it seems unlikely that the entire sheet will travel any further.


  • The prediction seems wrong: the iceberg has indeed detached from the Antarctic ice sheet, the southern part has shattered but is now flotsam, whilst the $50km$ iceberg has started to float westwards.


  • A nice shot of the West Brunt sailing westwards. A $10km$ slice seems to have broken off and seems to be ahead of the floating iceberg.


  • Given the wind patterns, it seems that the West Brunt might just slide down the coast of Antarctica.

explore/earth/weddell_sea_iceberg.txt · Last modified: 2023/02/02 05:27 by office

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