
SecuritySpy is an application that allows you to remotely monitor cameras. It has motion detection, the ability to record videos and a lot of other features. Cracking the application is rather simple because it relies on a flag named gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag to hold the information regarding the trial expiration. Similarly, it uses functions to overlay DEMO messages which are easily circumvented.

Disabling DEMO Overlay

====== B E G I N   O F   P R O C E D U R E ======
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebp -  Killed Regs: eax ecx ebx esi edi
0004edb0 55                              push       ebp                                   ; XREF=0x4a191
0004edb1 89E5                            mov        ebp, esp
0004edb3 53                              push       ebx
0004edb4 57                              push       edi
0004edb5 56                              push       esi
0004edb6 83EC4C                          sub        esp, 0x4C
0004edb9 E800000000                      call       0x4EDBE
0004edbe 59                              pop        ecx                                   ; XREF=0x4edb9
0004edbf 0FBF4508                        movsx      eax, word [ss:ebp-0x58+arg_0]
0004edc3 69F090170000                    imul       esi, eax, 0x1790
0004edc9 8BB96E420A00                    mov        edi, dword [ds:ecx-0x4edbe+0xF302C]
0004edcf 8B5C377C                        mov        ebx, dword [ds:edi+esi+0x7C]
0004edd3 8B8C3794000000                  mov        ecx, dword [ds:edi+esi+0x94]
0004edda 85C9                            test       ecx, ecx
0004eddc 751C                            jne        0x4EDFA
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax -  Killed Regs: eax esp
0004edde 0FBFC0                          movsx      eax, ax
0004ede1 890424                          mov        dword [ss:esp], eax
0004ede4 E8978D0100                      call       _GenerateDemoMessageGWorld_67b80
0004ede9 85C0                            test       eax, eax
0004edeb 0F8569040000                    jne        0x4F25A

We turn the jne to 0x4EDFA into a jump to 0x4F25A. This is because the first jne leads to the code segment responsible with displaying he DEMO message when SecuritySpy is running in Active mode.

Enabling DDNS

00042f03 0F8497000000                    je         0x42FA0
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax edi -  Killed Regs: eax ecx ebx esp ebp esi
00042f09 E8423D0900                      call       imp___symbol_stub__CFBundleGetMainBundle
00042f0e 8D8B2F6D0B00                    lea        ecx, dword [ds:ebx-0x42a91+cfstring_DDNS_disabled_because_your_trial_period_has_expired] ; @"DDNS disabled because your trial period has expired"

Simple enough, the je takes us over the block so we turn the je into a jmp to the same address.

There is an additional protection:

0004399f 750D                            jne        0x439AE
000439a1 E8AA320900                      call       imp___symbol_stub__CFBundleGetMainBundle
000439a6 8D8B2F6D0B00                    lea        ecx, dword [ds:ebx+0xB6D2F]           ; @"DDNS disabled because your trial period has expired"
000439ac EBA4                            jmp        0x43952
000439ae 80F945                          cmp        cl, 0x45                              ; XREF=0x4399f

Easy enough, we eliminate this check by turning the jne into a jmp.


So that the trial never expires, we never set it to 0x1. This is around 0x953f:

0000953d 7609                            jbe        0x9548
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: <nothing> -  Killed Regs: esi
0000953f C68667580F0001                  mov        byte [ds:esi-0x5aa1+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x1
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax -  Killed Regs: eax
00009546 31C0                            xor        eax, eax                              ; XREF=0x5e2d, 0x6205
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebp -  Killed Regs: ecx
00009548 8B8D9CFDFFFF                    mov        ecx, dword [ss:ebp-0x278+var_20]      ; XREF=0x5b60, 0x5e07, 0x953d, 0x5c46, 0x5c7a, 0x60b3, ...

We just set the jbe to a jmp in order to avoid setting the gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag to 0x1.

Another sequence where the flag is set:

0000ffda 7607                            jbe        0xFFE3
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: <nothing> -  Killed Regs: edi
0000ffdc C687D7B70E0001                  mov        byte [ds:edi-0xfb31+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x1
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebp -  Killed Regs: eax
0000ffe3 8B85D4FEFFFF                    mov        eax, dword [ss:ebp-0x158+var_44]      ; XREF=0xffc3, 0xffda

We turn the jbe into a jmp to void setting it.

Now we could stop because the flag is never set. But we can go on and mess with the conditionals where the flag is checked. One of those instances is at 0x11068:

                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebx -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
00011068 80BB67A80E0000                  cmp        byte [ds:ebx-0x10aa1+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0
0001106f 7405                            je         0x11076
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: <nothing> -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
00011071 E8BA5B0300                      call       _DisplayTrialPeriodExpiredMessage_46c30
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebx edi -  Killed Regs: ebx edi
00011076 31FF                            xor        edi, edi                              ; XREF=0x1106f

roughly translates to "if the gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag is 0x0 then do not display the trial expired message". So we turn the je into a jmp. This is not necessary, of course, if we avoid the setting of the flag to 0x1 initially.

We find the same sequence later on:

                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: edi -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
0003ebe5 80BF2AC80B0000                  cmp        byte [ds:edi-0x3eade+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0
0003ebec 7405                            je         0x3EBF3
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: <nothing> -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
0003ebee E83D800000                      call       _DisplayTrialPeriodExpiredMessage_46c30
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: esi edi -  Killed Regs: esi edi
0003ebf3 31F6                            xor        esi, esi                              ; XREF=0x3ebec

Again, we turn the je into a jmp.

On the same wavelength but with a small difference is:

                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
000414cf 80B85AA00B0000                  cmp        byte [ds:eax-0x412ae+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0
000414d6 750A                            jne        0x414E2
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax esi -  Killed Regs: esi edi
000414d8 31F6                            xor        esi, esi
000414da 8BB87E1D0B00                    mov        edi, dword [ds:eax-0x412ae+0xF302C]
000414e0 EB1E                            jmp        0x41500
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax esi -  Killed Regs: esi edi
000414e2 89C7                            mov        edi, eax                              ; XREF=0x414d6
000414e4 E847570000                      call       _DisplayTrialPeriodExpiredMessage_46c30
000414e9 31F6                            xor        esi, esi
000414eb 8BBF7E1D0B00                    mov        edi, dword [ds:edi+0xB1D7E]
000414f1 6666666666662E0F1F840000000000  nop        word [cs:eax+eax-0x412ae+0x412AE]
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: edi -  Killed Regs: <nothing>
00041500 803F00                          cmp        byte [ds:edi], 0x0                    ; XREF=0x414e0, 0x41535
00041503 7422                            je         0x41527

Where we nop the jne instead of replacing it the jump. The conditional is inverted in this case.

More of turning to jmp:

                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebx esi -  Killed Regs: edi
00068443 80BEF730090000                  cmp        byte [ds:esi-0x68211+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0 ; XREF=0x68437
0006844a 6689DF                          mov        di, bx
0006844d 0F841F010000                    je         0x68572
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax ebx ebp -  Killed Regs: eax ecx ebx esp ebp esi edi
00068453 E8F8E70600                      call       imp___symbol_stub__CFBundleGetMainBundle
00068458 8D8EDF170900                    lea        ecx, dword [ds:esi-0x68211+cfstring_TRIAL_PERIOD_EXPIRED] ; @"TRIAL PERIOD EXPIRED"

And again:

00067d35 80B87737090000                  cmp        byte [ds:eax-0x67b91+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0
00067d3c 89D9                            mov        ecx, ebx
00067d3e 740F                            je         0x67D4F
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: <nothing> -  Killed Regs: ebp
00067d40 66838526FFFFFF28                add        word [ss:ebp-0x128+var_78], 0x28
00067d48 66D1A524FFFFFF                  shl        word [ss:ebp-0x128+var_76], 0x1
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax ecx edi -  Killed Regs: eax ebx ebp esi
00067d4f 89C6                            mov        esi, eax                              ; XREF=0x67d3e

Finally, we even set it to 0x0:

0003de3d 7408                            je         0x3DE47
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: eax -  Killed Regs: esp
0003de3f 890424                          mov        dword [ss:esp], eax
0003de42 E87B8E0900                      call       imp___symbol_stub__CFRelease
                                       ; Basic Block Input Regs: ebp esi -  Killed Regs: eax ecx esp edi
0003de47 C68787DB0B0000                  mov        byte [ds:edi-0x3d781+_gTrialPeriodExpiredFlag], 0x0 ; XREF=0x3de3d

by replacing the je at 0x3de3d with a jmp.

cracks/securityspy.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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