
The usage of this template is documented on the tor FUSS page.


##  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2017 - License: GNU GPLv3      ##
check process tor-01 with pidfile /var/run/tor-instances/01/
   start program  "/bin/systemctl restart tor@01"
   stop program  "/bin/systemctl stop tor@01"
   if failed host port 9051 type tcp then restart
   if failed host port 8051 type tcp and
      # password is: tor surrounded by quotes 0x22
      send "AUTHENTICATE \0x22tor\0x22\n"
         expect "250 OK"
      send "GETINFO status/circuit-established\n"
         expect "250-status/circuit-established=1"
      retry 1
      timeout 5 seconds
      then restart

assets/monit/debian/templates/tor-instance.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/02 00:58 by office

Access website using Tor Access website using i2p Wizardry and Steamworks PGP Key

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