Table of Contents



Glow is a digital Second Life companion that follows you around and supports module addons to extend the basic movement functionality. Compared to other pets, Glow has the ability to follow the avatar around as well as crossing simulators while following the avatar.


Version History

1 June 2013

  • Added the "calculate" command. You can have Glow calculate expressions. For example, by saying: Glow evaluate 2^2+2*ln(17) on the local chat. This plugin was designed using the Wizardry and Steamworks Shunting Yard Calculator.
  • Added the "vanish" command to make Glow disappear.
  • Changed the beacon script to toggle rezzing Glow on and off.

17 October 2012

  • Inga bugfix for state transition nova→order.

October 2012

  • Initial Release.



  1. Put Glow and the Glow Beacon script in any attachment that you are wearing (can be a necklace, bracelet, glasses, etc…)
  2. Right-click the attachment and select Tools→Reset Scripts in Selection….
  3. After 30 seconds, Glow should appear and you can issue commands on the main chat.


Command Reference

Module Syntax Description Example
CORE Glow free Lets Glow roam freely. Glow free
CORE Glow stay Makes Glow stay at her current location. Glow stay
CORE Glow move Asks for control permissions and then allows you to move Glow using the WSAD keys. Glow move
PLUGIN nova <Avatar Username> Hurls the [K] Plugin:Nova - Bomb object at the named avatar (usernames must be supplied, not display names). Glow nova Morgan LeFay
PLUGIN evaluate <expression> Evaluates expressions. Glow evaluate 2^sin(10)


Glow automaton.

Glow transits between several states, the state order being the primary state that processes all command line parameters. A plugin uses a default state and a state named after the plugin name. The communication between the core and the plugins is done via link messages.

Plugin Protocol

Writing plugins for Glow does not require altering the core. All commands that are not to be found in the core, will be sent as a link message to the current object where, hopefully some plugin will pick the command up. If no command is registered (registering a command just implies adding the plugin in the Glow object and listening for a keyword), then after $1+(1-\text{Time Dilation})$ seconds, Glow commutes back to the wander state.

The meaning of $1+(1-\text{Time Dilation})$ seconds is one second plus the amount of lag currently experienced by the simulator (the actual scale is reversed, where 1 represents a simulator with no lag and any value in the range $[0,1)$ represents a lagging simulator). This gives the plugin a chance to answer back and turn the core off if it so wishes.

Protocol Overview

   |state   |time              |time
   |        |                  |
   |        |     Command      |
   |     +------+   CSV    +--------+
 state   | CORE |--------->| PLUGIN |
 wander  +------+          +--------+
   |        |                  | 1 + (1-Time Dilation) seconds
   |        |  glow:MAIN:HALT  |
   |        |<-----------------+
 state      |                  |
 order      |                  | plugin executes...
   |        |  glow:MAIN:CONT  |
 state      |<-----------------+
 wander     |                  | plugin goes to default state
   |        |                  |
   |        |                  |

Protocol Description

LSL Glow Plugin Template

The template below creates a dummy plugin called sample_plugin. It is advisable to keep the PLUGIN START REGION and PLUGIN END REGION symmetrical in terms of initialization and cleanup. More descriptively, suppose that a plugin wants to turn physics off. It can do so in the sample_plugin state in the state_entry event handler. However, it must remember to turn them back on in the PLUGIN END REGION before the plugin commutes to the default state.

For example, the Nova plugin involves rotating Glow to face an avatar, however upon termination, the script uses llSetRot(llEuler2Rot(<0,90,0> * DEG_TO_RAD)); to rotate the object back to its initial position. Otherwise, Glow's rotation will be displaced by the last angle induced by the llLookAt function.

// Name: sample_plugin
// Description: ...
list cmd = [];
default {
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        cmd = llCSV2List(str);
        if(llList2String(cmd,1) != "sample_plugin") return;
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "glow:MAIN:HALT", NULL_KEY);
        state sample_plugin;
state sample_plugin {
    state_entry() {
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if(str != "glow:PLUG:HALT") return;
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, "glow:MAIN:CONT", NULL_KEY);
        state default;
    // ...
