
26 March 2016

  • Release 9.55 - added the sit notification.
sit (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, agent, firstname, lastname, new, old
DescriptionAvatars sitting and unsitting in connected regions.
Last ChangesRelease 9.55 - added the sit notification.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
agent The UUID of the agent sitting or unsitting.
firstname The first name of the agent sitting or unsitting.
lastname The last name of the agent sitting or unsitting.
old The UUID of the previous primitive that the agent was sitting on.
new The UUID of the new primitive that the agent is now sitting on.


  • This notification is based on the grid sending events whenever "sitting events occur" on a simulator but the old and new parameters are generated on a best-effort basis by Corrade and based on the draw-distance (the Range parameter in the Corrade configuration) such that the sit notification might be reported with either old or new or both parameters missing. It is up to the user to send additional commands in case the old and new parameters are missing in order to determine the sitting primitive (might that involve either teleporting to the avatar reported by the sit notification and then using commands that return avatar and primitive data, or otherwise).

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/notifications/sit.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/09/16 16:50 by office

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