
login (Commands)
TypeCorrade progressive command
DescriptionThe login command allows an authenticated group that has the system permission to make Corrade log into the account.
Parametersgroup, password
Last ChangesC11 - added.

The login command allows an authenticated group that has the system permission to make Corrade log into the account.

Command Required Parameters Required Corrade Permissions Example
login group, password system

SLURL is a login location for Corrade to log-in at and it can have any of the following formats:

  • secondlife://REGION NAME/X/Y/Z

where, additionally, REGION NAME can be one of the following:

  • home, representing the account home location,
  • last the last location that the account disconnected at

and in these special cases the point vector components are a nonce.

Note that SLURLs provided to the login command are not added to the configuration-defined start locations queue but will just be used for the current login command.


  • This command should be used to connect to the grid when the configuration setting AutoConnect is disabled (set to 0) and can only sanely be issued via an external connectivity server that Corrade provides.
  • When issuing this command, Corrade picks the next available start location available and attempts to connect to the grid unless the location parameter is supplied in which case Corrade logs in to the provided SLURL.
  • As with all commands, a successful run of a command does not mean that Corrade has performed the action that the user intended such that the login notification is useful in this case to determine whether the bot managed to connect to the grid or if it has failed to do so.

secondlife/scripted_agents/corrade/api/commands/login.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/12/08 12:54 by office

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