Kickstart Module

This is a script responsible for kickstarting the primitive in the event that the primitive gets disconnected from the network and looses all its linked DPD nodes. It is fully autonomous and does not require any configuration and should be dropped both in the client primitives and the server primitives.

//  Copyright (C) Wizardry and Steamworks 2011 - License: GNU GPLv3      //
//  Please see: for legal details,  //
//  rights of fair usage, the disclaimer and warranty conditions.        //
// Cross-region intercom: DATABASE KICKSTART MODULE
/////////////// BEGIN IMPORTED BLOCK /////////////////////
// This compression algorithm is created by Becky Pippen and is available @
//   Becky Pippen, 2009, contributed to Public Domain   //
string compressAscii(string s){
    integer len = llStringLength(s);
    if ((len % 2)) {
        (s += " ");
    string encodedChars;
    integer i;
    for ((i = 0); (i < len); (i += 2)) {
        integer cInt = llBase64ToInteger(llStringToBase64(llGetSubString(s,i,i)));
        if ((!(cInt & -2147483648))) {
            (cInt = (cInt >> 24));
        else  {
            if (((cInt & -536870912) == -1073741824)) {
                (cInt = (((cInt & 520093696) >> 18) | ((cInt & 4128768) >> 16)));
            else  {
                (cInt = ((((cInt & 251658240) >> 12) | ((cInt & 4128768) >> 10)) | ((cInt & 16128) >> 8)));
        integer _cInt5 = llBase64ToInteger(llStringToBase64(llGetSubString(s,(i + 1),(i + 1))));
        if ((!(_cInt5 & -2147483648))) {
            (_cInt5 = (_cInt5 >> 24));
        else  {
            if (((_cInt5 & -536870912) == -1073741824)) {
                (_cInt5 = (((_cInt5 & 520093696) >> 18) | ((_cInt5 & 4128768) >> 16)));
            else  {
                (_cInt5 = ((((_cInt5 & 251658240) >> 12) | ((_cInt5 & 4128768) >> 10)) | ((_cInt5 & 16128) >> 8)));
        string _ret6;
        integer num = ((cInt << 7) | _cInt5);
        if (((num < 0) || (num >= 32768))) {
            (_ret6 = "�");
            jump _end7;
        (num += 4096);
        integer n = (224 + (num >> 12));
        string hexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
        integer _n4 = (128 + ((num >> 6) & 63));
        string _hexChars5 = "0123456789abcdef";
        integer _n8 = (128 + (num & 63));
        string _hexChars9 = "0123456789abcdef";
        (_ret6 = llUnescapeURL(((((("%" + (llGetSubString(hexChars,(n >> 4),(n >> 4)) + llGetSubString(hexChars,(n & 15),(n & 15)))) + "%") + (llGetSubString(_hexChars5,(_n4 >> 4),(_n4 >> 4)) + llGetSubString(_hexChars5,(_n4 & 15),(_n4 & 15)))) + "%") + (llGetSubString(_hexChars9,(_n8 >> 4),(_n8 >> 4)) + llGetSubString(_hexChars9,(_n8 & 15),(_n8 & 15))))));
        (encodedChars += _ret6);
    return encodedChars;
string uncompressAscii(string s){
    string result;
    integer len = llStringLength(s);
    integer i;
    for ((i = 0); (i < len); (++i)) {
        string utf8 = llEscapeURL(llGetSubString(s,i,i));
        integer cInt15 = (((((((integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(utf8,1,2))) & 31) << 12) + ((((integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(utf8,4,5))) & 63) << 6)) + (((integer)("0x" + llGetSubString(utf8,7,8))) & 63)) - 4096);
        integer n = (cInt15 >> 7);
        string hexChars = "0123456789abcdef";
        integer _n7 = (cInt15 & 127);
        string _hexChars8 = "0123456789abcdef";
        (result += llUnescapeURL(((("%" + (llGetSubString(hexChars,(n >> 4),(n >> 4)) + llGetSubString(hexChars,(n & 15),(n & 15)))) + "%") + (llGetSubString(_hexChars8,(_n7 >> 4),(_n7 >> 4)) + llGetSubString(_hexChars8,(_n7 & 15),(_n7 & 15))))));
    return llStringTrim(result,3);
//////////////// END IMPORTED BLOCK //////////////////////
list getKickstartURLs() {
    list kickStartURLs = llCSV2List(llList2String(llGetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXT]), 0));
    integer itra;
    list kickstartBeacons = [];
    for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(kickStartURLs); ++itra) {
        // Decompression by Becky Pippen, 2009
        string newBeacon = uncompressAscii(llList2String(kickStartURLs, itra));
        if(!isValidURL(newBeacon)) jump continue;
        kickstartBeacons += newBeacon;
    return kickstartBeacons;
setKickstartURLs(list beacons) {
    list rndIndices = [];
    list selectedBeacons = [];
    integer itra;
    for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(beacons); ++itra) {
        rndIndices += itra;
    while(llGetListLength(rndIndices) && llGetListLength(selectedBeacons) < 6) {
        integer rndPick = llList2Integer(rndIndices, (integer) llFrand(llGetListLength(rndIndices)));
        rndIndices = llDeleteSubList((rndIndices = []) + rndIndices, llListFindList(rndIndices, [ rndPick ]), llListFindList(rndIndices, [ rndPick ]));
        // Compression by Becky Pippen, 2009
        selectedBeacons += compressAscii(llList2String(beacons, rndPick));
    llSetPrimitiveParams([PRIM_TEXT, llList2CSV(selectedBeacons), <0,0,0>, .0]);
// pragma inline
integer isValidURL(string URL) {
    if(~llSubStringIndex(URL, "http://") &&
        ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "") &&
        ~llSubStringIndex(URL, "cap")) return 1;
    return 0;
default {
    link_message(integer sender_num, integer num, string str, key id) {
        if(num != 3) return;
        if(id != "@db_FETCHKICKSTART") jump section_kickstart;
        llMessageLinked(LINK_THIS, 0, llList2CSV(getKickstartURLs()), "@db_KICKSTART");
        list msg = llParseString2List(id, ["="], [""]);
        if(llList2String(msg, 0) != "@db_SETKICKSTART") return;
        setKickstartURLs(llDeleteSubList(llCSV2List(llList2String(msg, 1)), llListFindList(llCSV2List(llList2String(msg, 1)), (list) str), llListFindList(llCSV2List(llList2String(msg, 1)), (list) str)));

secondlife/persistent_storage/distributed_primitive_database/kickstart_module.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/24 07:46 by

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