
ARexx does not exactly have a built-in datatype for arrays except from stems which are difficult to declare and address. On the other hand ARexx has a family of functions that concerns words in strings - a word is a sequence of characters delimited by space. The problem is that the space character is not always feasible given a set of inputs that contain words that may have a space character. In consequence, we present a family of Wizardry and Steamworks designed functions that is able to process words delimited by any user-supplied character.


The wasStringQuicksort function sorts a token-delimited sequence of words. For example, given a call:

String = 'Good day!'
Say wasStringQuicksort(String, ' ')

will output: day! Good

/*    Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3    */
wasStringQuicksort: procedure /* Sorts strings separated by token.       */
    Parse ARG String,Token,Lambda
    Count = wasWords(String, Token)
    If Count <= 1 Then Return String
    Middle = Trunc(Count/2)
    Pivot = wasSubWord(String,Middle,Token)
    String = wasDelWord(String,Middle,Token)
    Count = Count - 1
    Less = ''
    More = ''
    Do i = 1 To Count
        Word = wasSubWord(String, i, Token)
        Compare = wasStringCompare(Word, Pivot)
            When Compare = 1 Then
                    When Less ~= '' Then 
                        Less = Less || Token || Word
                    Otherwise Less = Word
                    When More ~= '' Then 
                        More = More || Token || Word
                    Otherwise More = Word
    Interpret Lambda
    Less = wasStringQuicksort(Less,Token,Lambda)
    More = wasStringQuicksort(More,Token,Lambda)
    If Less = '' & More ~= '' Then Return Pivot || Token || More
    If Less ~= '' & More = '' Then Return Less || Token || Pivot
Return Less || Token || Pivot || Token || More

One extra addition is the Lambda parameter which can be itself a function. The Lambda function is evaluated at run-time within the quick-sort algorithm on every iteration right before the recursive calls. As a consequence, you can do the following:

func = 'Say "Please wait, sorting pivot: "Pivot'
Search = wasStringQuicksort(Search, '/', func)


  • Search is the string to search in,
  • / is the delimiter, and
  • func is the function to be executed on each iteration.

Note that func inherits all the variables within wasStringQuicksort when it is interpreted and thus we are able to extract the current pivot.

Binary Search

wasBinarySearch searches a token-delimited string for a word and returns it when found or the empty string otherwise.

For example, given a call:

String = 'Good day!'
Say wasBinarySearch(String, 'Good', ' ')

will output: Good

/*    Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3    */
wasBinarySearch: procedure /* Finds a string within a string by token.   */
    Parse ARG String,Search,Token,Lambda
    Count = wasWords(String, Token)
    If Count <= 1 Then Return String
    Pivot = wasSubWord(String,Trunc(Count/2),Token)
    Index = wasFindWord(String,Pivot,Token)
    Compare = wasStringCompare(Pivot, Search)
        When Compare < 0 Then
                Less = ''
                Do i = 1 To Index - 1
                    Word = wasSubWord(String,i,Token)
                        When Less ~= '' Then Less = Less || Token || Word
                        Otherwise Less = Word
                String = Less
        When Compare > 0 Then
                More = ''
                Do i = Index + 1 To Count
                    Word = wasSubWord(String,i,Token)
                        When More ~= '' Then More = More || Token || Word
                        Otherwise More = Word
                String = More
        Otherwise Return Pivot
    Interpret Lambda
Return wasBinarySearch(String,Search,Token)

A function may be supplied as an additional parameter which will be interpreted before each recursive call.

Insertion Sort

The wasStringInsertSort sorts a token-delimited string of words and returns the result.

For example, given a call:

String = 'Good day!'
Say wasStringInsertSort(String, 'Good', ' ')

will output: Good

/*    Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3    */
wasStringInsertSort: procedure /* Sorts strings separated by token.      */
    Parse ARG String,Token
    Count = wasWords(String, Token)
    Do i = 2 To Count
        x = wasSubWord(String, i, Token)
        j = i
        Do While j > 1
            k = wasSubWord(String, j - 1, Token)
            If wasStringCompare(k, x) > -1 Then Leave
            String = wasChgWord(String, j, k, Token)
            j = j - 1
        String = wasChgWord(String, j, x, Token)
Return String

Intersect Two Sets of Token-Delimited Strings

wasSortedSetsIntersect will return the intersection of two token-delimited strings that have been previously sorted. For example, a call such as:

Say wasSortedSetsIntersect('Day/Good/Sir/!', 'Good/!', '/')

will output: Good/!

/*    Copyright (C) 2015 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: GNU GPLv3    */
wasSortedSetsIntersect: procedure /* Intersects two sorted sets.         */
    Parse ARG A,B,Token,Lambda
    If A = '' | B = '' Then Return ''
    Parse VAR A AHead Interpret(Token) ATail
    Parse VAR B BHead Interpret(Token) BTail
    Interpret Lambda
    If AHead ~= BHead Then
            Compare = wasStringCompare(AHead, BHead)
            If Compare < 0 Then
                Return wasSortedSetsIntersect(A, BTail, Token)
            If Compare > 0 Then
                Return wasSortedSetsIntersect(ATail, B, Token)
    Look = wasSortedSetsIntersect(ATail, BTail, Token)
    If Look ~= '' Then Return AHead || Token || Look
Return AHead

Additionally, the function takes an extra optional parameter that can be a function which will be interpreted before all recursive calls.


fuss/amiga/arexx/token_delimited_words.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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