Table of Contents


The was.js JavaScript / jQuery package packs some common support libraries used by various Wizardry and Steamworks assets.

Included Functions

Type Function Prototype Documentation Description
jQuery a.product(a, b) Set-product of two arrays a and b.
a.stride(n) Returns every $n$-th element in array a.
a.chunk(n) Splits an array a into $n$-length chunk arrays.
a.equals(b) compare arrays Deep-compares array a to array b.
JavaScript wasCSVToArray(csv) Parses an RFC 4180 CSV string to an array.
wasArrayToCSV(a) Dumps an array a to an RFC 4180 CSV string.
wasHexToRGB(value) Hex to RGB Transforms a color in hexadecimal notation to an array of RGB components.
wasRGBToHex(r, g, b) RGB to hex Transforms a color in RGB notation to a hex value.
wasMapValueToRange(value, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) map a value from a source range to a destination range Maps a value from a source range into a destination range.


The package can be installed using bower:

bower install --save svn+

js/bower/packages/was.js.txt ยท Last modified: 2023/09/27 10:16 by office

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