unt to about an USD8 penalty, whilst damaging the Amiga board or the FastATA itself can reach up well in the 100s of USDs. | {{hardware_amiga_fastata-indivision_assembly_layers_requirem... l just bend the pins instead of cutting them. | {{hardware_amiga_fastata-indivision_assembly_layers_requirement_ni... soft to the touch. Rubber is also a good one. | {{hardware_amiga_fastata-indivision_assembly_layers_requirement_co... u about 4 tries in case something goes wrong. | {{hardware_amiga_fastata-indivision_assembly_layers_requirement_40
t can be hidden inside the power source case.
* jack power ... e power supply case and power the WeMoS board.
* W... out having to wire the serial port beforehand.
* the following electr... he Parallel Circuit to the Power Supply ======
The po
ices which produces some issues in Workbench.
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_kmtech_autoswitcher_in_elbox_blackbox_case_switch... et soldered onto the extended motherboard PCB.
{{hardware/amiga/hardware_amiga_kmtech_autoswitcher_in_elbox_blackbox_case_1d1_cn... ket of solder and open it up for the IDC pins.
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_kmtech_autoswitcher_in_elbox_blackbox_case_cleani... into the back of the Blackbox using a Dremel.
appear to fill in the blank ''FF''s.
The [[fuss/amiga/hardware#re-programming_nec-based_usb_pci_card_for_amiga_mediator|string that must be changed]] is right at the start and illustrated in the following image.
Change the sequence:
33 10 33 10 33 1
quired equipment.
====== Downloads ======
* {{hardware:amiga:blizzard_1230_scsi_iv_8.5.rom|Blizzard 1230 SCSI ... packs a mean punch is the "MiniPro TL866II+":
{{hardware:amiga:programming_the_blizzard_scsi_kit_iv_eeprom_progr... , a ''PLCC32'' to ''DIP32'' adapter is needed.
{{hardware:amiga:programming_the_blizzard_scsi_kit_iv_plcc32_to_di... M27C256'' and fully supported by the TL866II+.
The tutorial offers some notes on the required hardware used and how to operate a TL866 Pro in order to burn two Amiga ROM chips with kickstart 3.1.4.
====== Requireme... e levers and open the Xgpro flashing software.
The X... ly the IC type has to be set to ''AM274096'':
... main Xgpro screen should show the loaded data.
er to the IDC header on the Amiga motherboard.
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_reworking_the_clockport_expander_for_desktop_mach... esult onto the pins of the clockport expander.
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_reworking_the_clockport_expander_for_desktop_mach... 14) and the black lead to pin 34 (signal A15).
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_reworking_the_clockport_expander_for_desktop_mach... ered directly on the cap that goes over Gayle.
out ======
The pinouts can be seen on the [[fuss/amiga/hardware#power_supply_unit_pinouts|FUSS Amigahardware page]]. Namely, we need to dismantle the ATX powe... t be matched to the leads of the power supply:
Another modi... y have a power button on the ATX power supply.
====== Final Result ======
n the producer's website or mirrored here:
* {{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_using_scsi2sd_drives_scsi2sd.zip|scsi2sd.zip}}
... the drive is to be placed in the SCSI chain).
Th... e configured, the following settings are made:
{{hardware:amiga:hardware_amiga_using_scsi2sd_drives_sd_drive_configuration.png?5... but the ''Read/Write'' option may be ghosted.
WinUAE doc
t ======
Even with the new Mediator 1200 TX, the Amiga still does not receive the correct amount of powe... low,
* you may get very weird output with wrong hardware identifiers for the accelerator and the mediator ... er to the motherboard instead. Unfortunately, the Amiga motherboard does need the $-12V$ line to be power... a P9 for which we have the following pinouts:
er off the main 5V rail from the power supply.
{{hardware_amiga_bootsting_power_to_clockport_expander_mount.png?5... the clockport expander has been mounted into the Amiga and attached directly to the power-source - this can involve either soldering the cable to the Amiga main power socket or otherwise depending on your
ering the wires back together, you can use the [[:hardware/amiga/custom_power_supply|older tutorial on refurbishin... s go to what pins.
====== Gallery ======