
27 September 2018

  • C10 - added.
avatargroup (Notifications)
TypeCorrade progressive notification
Datatype, agent, firstname, lastname, notice, ID, texture, name, powers, title, visible
DescriptionGroups that an agent is part of as a result of a request to get avatar or profile data.
Commandsgetprofiledata, getprofilesdata, getavatardata, getavatarsdata, batchgetprofiledata
Last ChangesC10 - added.
Data Description
type The type of the notification.
agent The agent UUID.
firstname The first name of the agent.
lastname The last name of the agent.
ID The UUID of the group.
texture The asset UUID of the group insignia.
name The name of the group.
powers A CSV list of group powers for the agent.
title The current group title of the group being sent that the agent holds.
visible Whether the group is visible in the agent's profile.