Table of Contents


This is a very simple take on the wanderer project that will spawn fish from inside a nest and make them randomly walk within a circular perimeter. The fish are rezzed temporary such that the land costs are reduced and various parameters may be configured via a configuration notecard. The same concept would apply for spawning any type of item and having it patrol around a perimiter.



The fish nest contains the nest script and a configuration notecard. In turn, each fish contains a wanderer script adapted to communicate with the nest via private channels.

Configuration Notecard

# This is the dampening time in seconds that the fishes will use to move to their next destination. 
# Intuitively the larger the number the slower the movement and the smaller the number the faster the 
# fishes will move. This setting must be an integer above 0.
dampening = "10"

# The maximum distance in meters from the fish spawner that the fishes will be rezzed and move in. 
# This does not mean that the fishes will not get close to the spawner, but rather represents the 
# maximum distance that the fishes will be allowed to stray away from its spawner.
radius = "10"

# Fishes will rez at "rate" fish / second. Increasing the rate will rez more fish and decreasing the rate will
# rez fewer fish in a 1 second time-frame.
rate = "1"

# "origin" is a positional vector within a simulator that the fishes will consider to be the point of origin 
# from where the "radius" is measured. This is an optional parameter, and if left out, the fishes will 
# assume that the origin is where they are rezzed. You only need this if you want the spawner to rez 
# fishes at a given destination and let them wander around that particular point.
# origin = <128, 128, 128>
