
Perhaps a flip-side of the switch to systemd from systemv is the ability to create unit files which can facilitate running multiple instances of the same daemon in a distribution-compliant and maintainable way.

This short tutorial jots down some ideas about system initialisation scripts and hopefully provides some insight on the need to run multiple instances of the same type. As an example, the tutorial will run multiple instances of the polipo system daemon.


Systemd files containing the @ are special unit files that can be created in order to run a systemd script with some given context. For instance, suppose that the file /etc/systemd/system/polipo@.service is created, then by running:

systemctl enable polipo@something.service

will create an instance of the script that shall be ran by the system with the context something passed to the service file. Further instance can be create, for example:

systemctl enable polipo@tor.service
systemctl enable polipo@i2p.service

will create two further instances with the context being set to tor, respectively i2p.

SystemV did not provide a flexible way to create multiple instances of the same initialization script and it was left up to the user to create their own init scripts and place them in /etc/init.d.

The context, in these case something, tor, i2p can then be retrieved in the service file using the placeholder %i that will be expanded when the script is run to something, tor or i2p for each instance in part.

Running Multiple polipo Instances

In complex server setups, it is sometimes required to create multiple instances of the same daemon in order to listen to multiple addresses. polipo is a socks proxy that is frequently used in a proxy chain in order to translate HTTP queries from a downstream proxy such as squid to an upstream proxy such as the tor network. For this example, polipo can be used as a middle proxy to relay requests coming from squid, through polipo and then to - and here is the problem, both tor and i2p. However, polipo by itself cannot do split proxying depending on the TLD (unlike squid). As such, two separate instances of polipo must be ran, one of them relaying to tor and the other relaying to i2p.

The first step is to disable the distribution provided polipo service file, by issuing:

systemctl disable polipo

yet leaving the file untouched such that the distribution will not have trouble upgrading.

Next, as per the previous section, a file is created /etc/systemd/system/polipo@.service with the following contents:

Description = Polipo proxy server using configuration %i
After =

ExecStart = /usr/bin/polipo -c /etc/polipo/config-%i pidFile=/var/run/polipo/ logFile=/var/log/polipo/polipo-%i.log daemonise=true
ExecStartPre = -/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/polipo
ExecStartPre = -/bin/chmod privoxy:privoxy /var/run/polipo
ExecStartPre = -/bin/chmod 755 /var/run/polipo
PIDFile = /var/run/polipo/

WantedBy =

As mentioned, if the file is saved and the command:

systemctl enable polipo@tor

is issued, then an instance is created that will pass tor to the service file when it is read in by systemd. The placeholder %i will be expanded, such that for all file references in the previous service file, the %i placeholder will be substituted by tor.

In this case, polipo, just like any other system daemon must create and access files, such that running two instances of polipo would make the daemons overwrite each other leading to a certain amount of chaos. By using a unit file with multiple instances, the service polipo@tor will now create the PID file at /var/run/polipo/ whilst the polipo@i2p instance will create its PID file at /var/run/polipo/ - the same concept applies to all other created via systemctl.

Tips for Creating Multiple Service Files

Since standardization is lacking on Unix, various system daemons have different requirements that must be satisfied for a daemon to start. Not only is the program itself dependent on some invariant of the environment but the programs are also dependent on the Linux flavour and where the distribution places files.

A good rule is to check out how the original distribution-provided script runs the daemon. Following the example, and looking at /etc/init.d/polipo on a Debian distribution, the top of the script contains the following snippet:

# Make sure /var/run/polipo exists.
if [ ! -e /var/run/$NAME ] ; then
    mkdir -p /var/run/$NAME
    chown proxy:proxy /var/run/$NAME
    chmod 755 /var/run/$NAME

The snippet ensures that the directory /var/run/polipo exists, and if it does not, it creates the directory and sets appropriate permissions such that the polipo daemon can create a PID file in that directory. This dependency has nothing to do with polipo but rather with the way that Debian provides the software, ready to run and reliable enough to restart.

Without even doubting it, if the procedure to create the /var/run/polipo is not somehow wired-in to the polipo@.service file, then the daemons will all fail to start. In order to wire-in the creation of the /var/run/polipo the ExecStartPre directive is used in the polipo@.service file to maintain the same behaviour:

ExecStartPre = -/bin/mkdir -p /var/run/polipo
ExecStartPre = -/bin/chmod privoxy:privoxy /var/run/polipo
ExecStartPre = -/bin/chmod 755 /var/run/polipo

The - in front of the commands, ensure that the script will not fail in case the commands cannot be executed (ie, if the directory does not exist, for the mkdir command). All the ExecStartPre directives will be executed sequentially before the actual 'ExecStart directive is executed.

linux/running_multiple_instances_of_a_daemon.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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