Airing the Orchid 
Auditioning the Finger Puppets 
Beat the Beaver 
Beating Around the Bush 
Brushing The Beaver 
Buff the Weasle 
Carpet Bumping 
Cat Got Tongue 
Checking for Squirrels 
Clam Bake for One 
Cleaning your Fingers 
Coming Into Your Own 
Countering Cunts 
Cunt Cuddling 
Dialing the Rotary Phone
Digging a Trench 
Doing your Nails 
Dousing the Digits 
Drilling For Oil 
Engaging in Safe Sex 
Erasing the Problem 
Fanning the Fur 
Feeding the Bearded Clam 
Feeding your Slot 
Fiddling the Bean 
Finger Blasting 
Flickin' the Bean 
Flit your Clit 
Fucking Without Complications 
Gagging the Clam 
Gagging the Lips of Love 
Genital Stimulation via Phalangetic Motion 
Get To Know Yourself 
Get a Date with Slick Mittens 
Get a Lube Job 
Get a Stinky Pinky 
Going Mining 
Greasing your Hips 
Grissle Rub 
Groping the Grotto 
Gusset Typing 
Having Sex With Someone you Love 
Hee-Haw with wrinkled Mee-Maw 
Hitchhiking South 
Hitchhiking Under the Big Top 
Hitchhiking to Heaven 
Jillin' Off 
Jocelyn Eldering 
Let the Fingers do the Walkin' 
Levy Break Limbo 
Making Soup 
Manual Override 
Muffin Buffin' 
Night in With the Girls 
Nulling the Void 
Paddling the Pink Canoe 
Pampering the Pussy 
Parting the Red Sea 
Pearl Fishing 
Pet the Petunia 
Pet the Pussy Cat 
Play Couch Hockey for One 
Play Poker 
Play the Clitar 
Play the Silent Trumbone 
Playing With Her Pineapple 
Playing With the Man in the Boat 
Playing with Mrs. Palmer's Five Daughters 
Polishing the Nugget 
Polishing the Peanut 
Polishing the Pearl 
Pushing the Button 
Pussy Soccer 
Riding the Unicycle 
Rolling the Dough 
Rubbin' the Nubbin 
Rubbing the Donut 
Rubbing the Red Pussycat 
Scoring the Hoop 
Soaking the Whisker Biscuit 
Spearing the Bearded Clam 
Squeeze the Peach 
Strumming the Banjo 
Surfing the Channel 
Teasing the Kitty 
Teasing the Tuna Taco 
Testing the Plumbing 
The Virgin's Release 
Three Point Shot 
Tickling the Taco 
Tiptoe Through the TwoLips 
Toggling the Bit 
Tossing Pink Salad 
Trolling the Bermuda Triangle 
Two Finger Taco Tango 
Washing your Fingers 
a night in with the girls
auditioning the finger puppets
beating around the bush
brushing the beaver
carpet bumping
checking for squirrels
clam bake for one
coming into your own
dialing the rotary phone
dousing the digits
drilling for oil
engaging in safe sex
fanning the fur
feeding the bearded clam
flickin' the bean
flit your clit
gagging the clam
get a date with slick mittens
get to know yourself
going mining
greasing your hips
grissle rub
groping the grotto
gusset typing
hitchhiking south
jilling off
let the fingers do the walkin'
manual override
muffin buffin'
nulling the void
paddling the pink canoe
pampering the pussy
parting the red sea
pearl fishing
pet the pussy cat
play poker
playing with her pineapple
polishing the pearl
pussy soccer
riding the unicycle
rolling the dough
rubbin' the nubbin
soaking the whisker biscuit
spearing the bearded clam
squeeze the peach
strumming the banjo
surfing the channel
teasing the tuna taco
the virgin's release
tickling the taco
tiptoe through the twolips
toggling the bit
tossing pink salad
trolling the bermuda triangle
two finger taco tango
washing your fingers

linguistics/dictionaries/expressions/masturbate/female.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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