Let's blow this popsicle stand (or taco stand or hotdog stand) 
Let's make like a baby and head out 
Let's make like a banana and split 
Let's make like a bee and buzz off 
Let's make like a camel and hump 
Let's make like a Catholic priest and pull out 
Let's make like a nose and run 
Let's make like a nut and bolt 
Let's make like a penis and head in 
Let's make like a rock and roll 
Let's make like a shepherd and get the flock otta here 
Let's make like a tampon and get outta this bloody hole 
Let's make like a terrorist and blow this place 
Let's make like a tree and leave 
Let's make like an abortion and head out early 
Let's make like an atom and split 
Let's make like an Enema and clear out 
Let's make like diarrhea and run 
Let's make like gum and stick around 
Let's make like hay and bail 
Let's make like horse shit and hit the trail 
Let's make like the wind and blow out of here 
Let's make like your mom's tits and bounce 

linguistics/dictionaries/expressions/leave.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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