Bomb the Oval Office 
Build a dookie castle 
Bunghole train has left the station 
Burn a mule 
Choke off a darkie 
Clean the tuba 
Cook some fudge 
Cop a plop 
Dook it out 
Dropp a chocolate cobra 
Drop a deuce 
Drop a duke 
Drop anchor 
Drop heat 
Fire one off 
Fudge the porcelain 
Give birth to a politician 
Go for a longdrop 
I gotta back one out 
Launch a corn canoe 
Launch a scud 
Launch a steamer 
Pinch a loaf 
Roll a nut log 
Squeeze the cheese 
Take the browns to the superbowl 
Unleash a coiler 

linguistics/dictionaries/expressions/defecating.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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