Generate SHA Password

This PHP function creates an uppercase SHA password, ready to be inserted into the realm database.

    function wow_sha_password($user,$pass){
        $user = strtoupper($user);
        $pass = strtoupper($pass);
        return strtoupper(SHA1($user.':'.$pass));

Game Master Commands

Command Syntax Description
.acct checks the account gm status
.commands shows all available commands for the player's user level
.dismount dismount from a mount (works only when mounted)
.gmlist shows online gms
.help .help [Command] shows help for a specified command
.save saves a character to the database (this is done automatically but issuing this command will save the character at the time it is issued)
.start teleports to hearthstone position
.announce.announce [message] broadcast a system message to all players
.gmoff turns gms status off, mobs will attack
.gmon turns gm status on and the player cannot be attacked
.goname .goname [Char Name] teleport to a player
.namego .namego [Char Name] teleport a player to the gm
.gps display the position for the selected character, creature or gm location - Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id
.learnsk.learnsk [Skill ID]learns a skill for the selected player
.lookuptele.lookuptele [Location]looks up the coordinates for the location selected
.modify.modify [Hp|Energy|Mana|Rage]modify the selected players Hp, Energy, Mana, Rage
.modify.modify [Speed|Swim|Scale]modify speed and swim rate from scale 0-10; modify scale (size) for selected player from scale 0.01-3 [# Amount]give money in copper to selected player
.recallteleport gm or selected player to the place where they have been before last use of a teleportation command; if no player name is given is selected, it will teleport the gm
.saveallsave all players in game
.visible.visible [0 or 1]output current visibility state or make GM visible(1) and invisible(0) for other players
.addmove.addmove [#creature_guid] {#waittime}add your current location as a waypoint for creature with guid #creature_guid and optionally add wait time
.addspw.addspw [Creature I.D]spawns a creature with the given id at the current location
.changelevel.changelevel [0-73]changes level of selected NPC
.deldelete selected creature from the world
.delobjectdelete gameobject with gameobject guid
.delticket.delticket [character name]|[all] delete tickets from server, [character name] to delete ticket of this character, [#num] to delete ticket [#num]
.demorphdemorph selected player
.displayidchange the model id of the selected creature to
.gocreatureteleport your character to creature with guid
.kick.kick [Char Name]kick a character from the server
.pinfo.pinfo [Char Name]get information about a character
.progteleports the gm to the programmer island
.spawndist.spawndist #distadjust spawn distance of selected creature to dist
.targetobjectlocate the nearest game object
.ticket.ticket [on|off][on] to show new GM tickets, [off] to hide new tickets
.addgo.addgo [Game Object #I.D]add a game object from game object templates to the world at the current location using the #I.D.
.additem.additem [Item #I.D] [#amount]add one or more items from the items template to the bag of the selected player
.additemset.additemset [#itemsetid]add items from itemset of id #itemsetid to your or selected character inventory.
.allowmoveenable or disable movement for each creature
.bankshow bank
.banaccount.banaccount [Account Name]ban account name (can be viewed by players by using the .pinfo command) and kick affected players currently logged in
.banip.banip [#ip]bans logging into the server from computers with the provided IP address, and kicks all affected players
.createguild.createguild [Guild Name] [Guild Leader Char Name]create a guild named Guild Name with the player Guild Leader Char Name as leader
.cshutdowncancels shutdown
.diekills a player or an NPC
.gameobject.gameobject [#I.D]add a game object from game object templates to the world at your current position using the [#I.D]
.go.go [#position_x #position_y #position_z #mapid]teleport to the given coordinates on the specified map.
.hovermake the gm hover
.idleshutdown.idleshutdown [#delay|cancel]shut the server down after #delay seconds if no active connections are present (no players) or cancel the shutdown if cancel value is used.
.learn.learn [all]|[all_myclass]|[all_lang]all learns all spells for gm's, all_myclass learns all spells for your class, all_lang learns all languages.
.levelup.levelup [1-69]level up character by number; to down level use negative numbers
.lookupcreature.lookupcreature [name of creature]looks up a creature by nameofcreature, and returns all matches with their creature ID's
.lookupitem.lookupitem [item name]looks up an item by Item name, and returns all matches with their Item ID's
.lookupobject.lookupobject [object name]looks up an gameobject by object name, and returns all matches with their Gameobject ID's
.lookupskill.lookupskill [name]looks up a skill by name, and returns all matches with their skill ID's
.lookupspell.lookupspell namelooks up a spell by name, and returns all matches with their spell ID's
.maxskilllevel up all skils
.morph.morph [#display I.D]change your current model id to #display I.D.
.respawnrespawns all dead NPCs
.reviverevives the selected player
.shutdown.shutdown #secondsshuts the server down [Player name] [#level]set the security level of player Player name to a level of #level; #level may range from 0 to 4.
.wchange.wchange [#weathertype] [#status]Syntax: Set current weather to #weathertype with an intensity of #status.; #weathertype can be 1 for rain, 2 for snow, and 3 for sand. #status can be 0 for disabled, and 1 for enabled.
.flymode.flymode [on|off]lets the character fly

Cheaper and Earlier Mounts

The queries will allow regular mounts at level 10 and epic mounts at level 40 for mangos-zero (1.12.1 pre-TBC). It will allow training regular mounts with a training cost of 1g and buying the regular mount at level 10 (without any faction reduction) with 4g. It will also make epic mounts available at level 40 with a training cost of 5g and a mount cost of 5g.

UPDATE npc_trainer SET spellcost=10000, reqlevel=10 WHERE spell=33389;
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Horn of the Timber Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Black Stallion Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Pinto Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Chestnut Mare Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Brown Horse Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Horn of the Dire Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Horn of the Brown Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Gray Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Brown Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='White Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Red Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Whistle of the Emerald Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Whistle of the Turquoise Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Whistle of the Violet Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Blue Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Striped Nightsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Striped Frostsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Spotted Frostsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Primal Leopard';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Tawny Sabercat';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Golden Sabercat';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Green Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Unpainted Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Red Skeletal Horse';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Blue Skeletal Horse';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Brown Skeletal Horse';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Gray Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Brown Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Black War Steed Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Reins of the Black War Tiger';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Black Battlestrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Black War Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Horn of the Black War Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Whistle of the Black War Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Black War Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=10, ItemLevel=10, BuyPrice=40000 WHERE name='Red Skeletal Warhorse';
UPDATE npc_trainer SET spellcost=50000, reqlevel=40 WHERE spell=33392;
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Frostsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Nightsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Horn of the Red Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Horn of the Arctic Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='White Stallion Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Palomino Bridle';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Winterspring Frostsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='White Mechanostrider Mod A';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Icy Blue Mechanostrider Mod A';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Black Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Frost Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Green Skeletal Warhorse';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Deathcharger\'s Reins';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Swift Frostsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Swift Mistsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Swift Dawnsaber';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Green Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift White Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Yellow Mechanostrider';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Palomino';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Brown Steed';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift White Steed';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift White Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Brown Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Gray Ram';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Blue Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Olive Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Swift Orange Raptor';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Purple Skeletal Warhorse';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Great White Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Great Brown Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Great Gray Kodo';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Horn of the Swift Brown Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Horn of the Swift Timber Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Horn of the Swift Gray Wolf';
UPDATE item_template SET RequiredLevel=40, ItemLevel=40, BuyPrice=50000 WHERE name='Reins of the Swift Stormsaber';

MySQL Tweaks

##  MaNGOS Optimizations by alexluana @                      ##
##  and Wizardry and Steamworks                                          ##
#################################### General
sort_buffer_size = 4M
join_buffer_size = 4M
################## Choose
#max_allowed_packet = 1M # Default
#max_allowed_packet = 32M # 256 MB RAM
max_allowed_packet = 64M # 1 GB RAM
#max_allowed_packet = 128M # 2.5+ GB RAM
table_cache = 4096
binlog_cache_size = 1M
max_heap_table_size = 64M
sort_buffer_size = 8M
join_buffer_size = 8M
thread_cache_size = 24
thread_concurrency = 16
query_cache_limit = 32M
query_cache_size = 128M
ft_min_word_len = 4
thread_stack = 32M
tmp_table_size = 128M
key_buffer_size = 128M
read_buffer_size = 2M
read_rnd_buffer_size = 16M
bulk_insert_buffer_size = 32M
myisam_sort_buffer_size = 64M
#################################### MyISAM
key_buffer_size = 64M
sort_buffer_size = 64M
read_buffer = 8M
write_buffer = 8M
#################################### InnoDB
# Values between 20M and 50M are enough for character tables and for every innodb database.
innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 32M 
# 1 To Processors of 1 or 2 cores. 
# 2 for Quad CoRe.
# 4 for i7 / Xeon and 8 for Bi-XEON (2 processors).
innodb_thread_concurrency = 1
# Depends on the hardware, can be O_DSYNC or O_DIRECT.
innodb_flush_method = O_DSYNC 
# 0 to reduce the I/O of HDD, but in case of a failure data from the last transaction may be lost.
# 1 is recommended for losing nothing. 
# (More I/O) 2 Mix between one and two.
innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1 
# The size of the table of characters plus a margin. 
innodb_buffer_pool_size = 256M
# Recommended for reduce log file access.
innodb_log_files_in_group = 2 
# Size of the log.    
# innodb_log_file_size x innodb_log_files_in_group.  
innodb_log_file_size = 16M 
# Buffer needed to process...  
# 1/4 del log_size total.
innodb_log_buffer_size = 8M 
# Recommended to reduce file access.
innodb_file_per_table = 1 
 # Disable table lock. We do not care that an application crash or MaNGOS crashes too!.
innodb_table_locks = 0

Log Rotate for Mangos Logs

Assuming that mangos logs to /srv/mangos/logs/*.log, the following file can be placed in /etc/logrotate.d in order to rotate the logs on a weekly basis.

/srv/mangos/logs/*.log {
	rotate 52
	create 640 mangos mangos

fuss/mangos.txt · Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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