//    Copyright (C) 2021 Wizardry and Steamworks - License: MIT          //
typedef struct {
	void *data;
	unsigned int size;
} stackElement;
	* The stack structure with top being the index of the next element
	* to be inserted in stack (the top-most element to be found at top - 1).
typedef struct {
	int size;
	stackElement **store;
	int top;
} stack;
// Zero or one arguments for stackCreate_Internal.
#define stackIsEmpty(s) (s->top == 0)
#define stackSize(s) s->size
#define stackCount(s) s->top
extern stack* stackCreate(unsigned int size);
extern stack* stackClear(stack *s);
extern void stackPush(stack *s, void *e, unsigned int size);
extern void *stackPop(stack *s);
extern void stackDestroy(stack *s);
extern void stackPrint(stack *s);

fuss/c/data_structures/stacks/generic/stack.h.txt ยท Last modified: 2022/04/19 08:28 by

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